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Airbnb Mapping

72 bytes added, 10:22, 5 May 2023
Check if your settings for "Latitude" and "Longitude" are correct and do match the address you have given. Airbnb uses Google maps to validate addresses. You can check with address and latitude/longitude is in Airbnbs system when you click on "View all listings" and then on "content in Airbnb". If required, correct your data and then click "Update Airbnb". Check your Google map entry and if it is incorrect request Google maps to correct your location. If the error message persists go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > SPECIFIC CONTENT and set "Update Address" = No or contact Airbnb support. Give them the error message, your coordinates and your address and ask them to forward your request to someone in their team who is authorized to fix the problem at their end.
'''ServiceInvalidRequestException: You can't change your listing's address once you've started receiving reservation requests. If you need to make an update, please contact support.'''
Please check your address details in Beds24 match the details at Airbnb, if you need to change them, please contact Airbnb support and ask them to assist.
If you do not need to change your address details then go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > SPECIFIC CONTENT and set "Update Address" = No.
'''Listings of different pricing_availability_model_type can not use this endpoint.'''
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > MAPPING and click 'UPDATE' for each room/listing.
Airbnb suspended the account. Please contact Airbnb support about this.


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