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56 bytes added, 16:34, 19 November 2021
*If you use rates 1 person, 2 person and room price will send. Room price will send for specified occupancy. Multiple rates with different occupancies can send on same rate plan. Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" and discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of the rate can not be sent.
2. '''Per Day Pricing (Standard)''' - If your " Rate Type" is Per Day Pricing you will need a price for the maximum room occupancy. Set the " Rate Type" to '''Per Day Pricing'''
*If maximum number of guests is 4 you need a ROOM price for four guests. Prices for 1, 2 or 3 guests are not sent.
*If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices your daily price needs to be set for the max occupancy and the "Extra Person" price needs to be added with a negative value so the price for the full occupancy can send. The price for the extra person will not send.


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