Booking Page/Google Analytics

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This page explains how to install Google Analytics on your Booking Page to track bookings

To install go to SETTINGS -> BOOKING PAGE -> DEVELOPERS "Advanced HTML Settings" and enter your Google Analytics Tracking Script in the field "Insert In HTML HEAD". This will be installed in the head section of the booking page.

Your booking page will now appear in your Google Analytics Report.

Page Tracking

The URL of each stage of the booking process contains a parameter page= which contains a code to identify which stage the booking page is at.

Conversion Tracking

It is possible to set a Booking Return URL to your own site. Guests will be sent to this page after booking allowing you to create a custom landing page.

Information about the booking will be added to the URL for your extraction and use.

This setting can be found at SETTINGS -> BOOKING PAGE-> Page Design-> BEHAVIOUR.

It is also possible to include scripts directly in the screen confirmation messages at SETTINGS -> BOOKING PAGE -> PAGE DESIGN -> DEVELOPERS "Advanced HTML Settings" -> "Confirmation Page Insert in HTML HEAD". This will be installed in the head section of the booking confirmation page. Template variables can be included in this script to include information about the booking which has just been made.

The booking page is on the domain so you may need to enable multiple domain settings in analytics.