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353 bytes removed, 14:26, 2 January 2019
The Min days until check-in setting can be used to create special early bird prices that are only available shortly before the booked night. It defines how many days in advance a rate bookable beginning in advance. For example a setting of 365 will allow this rate to be booked up to a year in advance. A setting of 7 means this rate is only available one week before the first night of the booking.
=== Referer Referrer Discount ===
These discounts apply to bookings originating from a certain source e.g. website or link. To give discounts for bookings from Facebook enter the referrer code facebook.
1. Create a referrer discount in the "Discounts" tab of the rate and enter the name e.g. NameOfReferrer
2. Rates set for the &referrerreferer=NameOfReferrer parameter in the URL
Note if you use the channel manger: These discounts are not sent to the channels.
== Agent Prices ==
You have the option to create special prices for agents.  1. Create an agent. The value of agent code (e.g. The value of AGENT_CODE) can be set uniquely for each property in the SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->BOOKING RULES settings.  2. Create a rate with a the special agent price with only "Beds24 [[:category:Agents" ticked in the "Channels" tab of the rate. To prevent this rate from being overridden by other rates make sure "Beds24 agents" is unticked in all other rates.  3. Rates set for the agent channel will be shown only if the booking |This help page is opened with explains how to use the &agent=AGENT_CODE parameter in the URL functions]].
==Voucher Codes==
<embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo>
The responsive booking page will show the marketing column only on the "price table" and "price calendar".

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