Category:JSON API Methods

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1 Authenticating

The JSON methods need to supply the account API key (apiKey) set at the menu "Settings > Account"

Operations involving a specific property need to supply the property key (propKey) set at the menu "Settings > Properties > Link"

Operations involving a specific room will need to specify the roomId number.

2 Function

The data to be sent should be in JSON format, it should be POST'ed to the end point URL. The returned data will also be in JSON format.

3 Sample data

Sample json data is available at the endpoint for each method when you open it in a browser.

To make testing easy you can paste your JSON data into the textarea at each end point URL and click submit.

Keywords: API JSON

Pages in category "JSON API Methods"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total. download this selection of articles as a PDF book