Rooms are not available for booking

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Revision as of 18:18, 5 June 2018 by Annette (talk | contribs)
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Availability is calculated for each room based on bookings already in the system and rates that that have been set. If you have no prices for a certain date the system will show no availability on your booking page and not send availability to OTAs. For this reason it is important to keep the bookings and prices up-to-date.

If you have availability both last-minute and long-term you are more visible to potential guests and it is more likely you receive bookings.

Many travellers plan ahead. You are only visible for these bookers if you have availability up to 12 month or 16 month in advance.

Rates will only display for the "Max Days in Advance" they are set to in the “Summary” tab of the rate. 365 is the default which will show the rates for one year from today. You can adjust this value to your requirements.

Trouble Shooting

If the system shows no availability please check:
*Do you have valid prices?
*Check  "Max Days in Advance"  in the “Summary” tab of the rate. The rates will only display for the time period set. 365 is the default which will show the rates for one year from today. 
*Do you have inventory in the CALENDAR?
*Have you set blackouts in the CALENDAR or an "Exceptional Booking Period" (SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->BOOKING RULES)
*Does the room have dependencies on availability in other rooms (SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->ROOMS->SETUP)
*Is the correct offer activated in the "Rooms" tab of the rates (default is "Offer 1")
*If you have set overbooking protection per property (SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->ROOMS->SETUP) check the sum of bookings for the whole property
*The rates will only display for the "Max Days in Advance" they are set to in the “Summary” tab of the rate. 365 is the default which will show the rates for one year from today.
*If you are using daily prices check they are set to "Offer 1" (SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->ROOMS->SETUP)