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Opening a rate or creating a new rate in RATES opens a popup where you can:

  • Set Long Stay Discounts
  • Create a last-minute-rate using Max Days in Advance
  • Set "Referer Discounts" for bookings originating from a certain source e.g. website or link. Links or booking widgets with referers can be created under SETTINGS -> BOOKING WIDGETS
  • Another way do set discounts it to sell a room at different price e.g. lower not cancellable rate or package prices. Create a rate and assign the Price Number to an exra price which you set and enabled in SETTINGS -> BOOKING PAGE -> ROOMS -> EXTRA PRICES.

Show Discounts

You have the option to add an extra column to your booking page. To activate the colum go to SETTINGS -> BOOKING PAGE -> ADVANCED and set Show Extra Maketing Colum to Yes.

When you go to SETTINGS -> BOOKING PAGE -> ROOMS you will see a new setting MARKETING COLUMN. Her you can set the headline for your column and the content for the price row. If you are using extra prices go to EXTRA PRICES to add the values for each extra price.