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Expedia Rooms and Rate Plans

2,855 bytes added, 11:13, 25 March 2021
'''Unable to create rate plan, contract not available'''
'''Occupants for base rate can only be set for PerDayPricing rate plans, and its value should be greater than 0 and less than the room's maximum occupants'''
'''Error 2424 (Invalid value [] for the element 'perStayFee')''' Check the PerStayFee for the Cancellation Policy  '''Error 3067 (Deadline must be a number between 0 and 32767)''' Check the cancellation policy is correct for this rate plan  '''Error 3071 (Missing mandatory element: name) should be returned to partner and is stored correctly in Partner System''' Ensure you enter a Rate Plan Name  '''Error 3071 (Missing mandatory element: Type) should be returned to partner and is stored correctly in Partner System''' Ensure you enter a Rate Plan Type  '''Error 3071 (Missing mandatory element: cancelPolicy) should be returned to partner and is stored correctly in Partner System''' Ensure you enter a Rate Plan Canellation Policy.  '''Error 3071 (Missing mandatory element: minLOSDefault/Missing mandatory element: maxLOSDefault) should be returned to partner and is stored correctly in Partner System''' Minimum/Maximum LOS must be specified  '''Error 3082 (Duplicate Distribution Model not accepted)''' A Rate plan already exists with Partner code Hotel Collect / Expedia Collect  '''Error 3086 (Occupants for base rate can only be set for PerDayPricing rate plans, and its value should be greater than 0 and less than the room's maximum occupants)''' Remove the occupancy details for your OBP rate plan, or change your Rate plan to per day pricing. '''Error 3093 (Compensation provided in request does not correspond to your property contract)''' Ensure that you use a %age that matches your contract or contact Expedia to change your contract. '''Error 3106 (Element minLOSDefault has to be a number between 1 and 28) / Error 3107 (Element maxLOSDefault has to be a number between 1 and 28)''' Minimum/Maximum LOS must be between 1 and 28 days. '''Error 3108 (minLOSDefault cannot be greater than maxLOSDefault)''' Maximum LOS needs to be greater than the Minimum LOS for this rate plan.  '''Error 3237 (bookDateStart/bookDateEnd must be between 1900-01-01 and 2079-06-06)''' Check the Start date and End date are between 1900-01-01 and 2079-06-06  '''Error 3239 (travelDateStart/travelDateEnd must be between 1900-01-01 and 2079-06-06)''' Check the Travel start date and Travel end date are between 1900-01-01 and 2079-06-06  '''Error Code 3730 (Hotel Collect partner code is already used under this room type by rate plan ID: XXX)''' A rate plan already exists with the Hotel Collect Partner code. It is not possible to create multiple rate plans with the same Hotel Collect partner code for the same room type.   '''Error Code 3729 (Expedia Collect partner code is already used under this room type by rate plan ID: YYY)''' A rate plan already exists with the Expedia Collect Partner code. It is not possible to create multiple rate plans with the same Expedia Collect partner code for the same room type.


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