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This page is about the integration with GuestTouch

To use this integration you need to have an account with GuestTouch.

1 General Information

GuestTouch’s holistic Guest Messaging Platform provides hoteliers with a unified guest messaging platform that allows the entire digital guest journey from property discovery, booking, pre-arrival, and check-in to post-stay!

GuestTouch’s Reputation Platform enables accommodation providers make reputation management a breeze. Ace online reputation, collect more reviews and direct feedback, track performance across the portfolio create custom groups and easily respond to reviews with guestAI™

2 Setup

Step 1: Generate Generate Invite Token

  1. Visit this Beds24 URL:
  2. Click on "Generate invite code" button
  3. Select all options under READ AND WRITE
  4. Click on Generate invite code button

Step 2: Set the Webhook URL

  2. Paste the GuestTouch Webhook URL provided inthe configuration email into the setting "Booking Webhook" URL
  3. Leave all other fields blank and click on the SAVE button.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for all other properties you want to connect

Step 4: Send pin code to your guests

  1. The [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:JERVIS_LOCK_PIN] template variable will add the pin code
  2. Create an Auto Action in (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT > AUTO ACTION with the [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:JERVIS_LOCK_PIN] template variable.

GuestTouch will import your bookings to initialize the setup and will receive any updates to any of the bookings in real-time from Beds24.

For further details please contact GuestTouch support.