
From Beds24 Wiki
Revision as of 11:11, 24 December 2018 by Lesley (talk | contribs) (→‎How it works)
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+++++This function is in beta testing++++

To use this service you will need an account with Integromat.

For Beds24 the normal channel manger fees apply.

1 Capabilities

Within Integromat you can connect Beds24 to third party Apps and services. Beds24 will then send booking data to Integromat which will be passed on to the services you connected to

2 Limitations

3 Set Up

3.1 Beds24

  • Set up an Auto Action (SETTINGS-GUEST MANAGEMENT-AUTO ACTIONS) which selects the bookings which will be sent to Integromat. Set "Trigger Action" = automatic.
  • Select the Auto Action which you want to use for Integromat.
  • Tick the rooms for which you want to send bookings. Only bookings from rooms enabled for Integromat and which meet the trigger conditions in the Auto Action will be sent.
  • Create an apiKey of 16 or more characters and save it.

3.2 Integromat

4 How it works

In Integromat you create a scenario which automates tasks for you. A scenario is comprised of a series of modules that indicate how data should be transferred and transformed between Beds24 and other apps/services.

Bookings are sent from Beds24 to Integromat when the room is enabled and the booking meets the trigger condition in the selected auto action. Bookings which were sent will appear in Integromat via the "watch bookings" trigger.

These bookings will then be automatically transferred from Integromat to the apps/services in your Integromat scenarios.

5 Common Problems

6 Disconnect

Untick "Bookings" to stop sending bookings.