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1 Currency Converter

You can set the system to use one master currency in SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->DESCRIPTION. If you have multiple properties you can set a different currency for each.

You have the option to display a currency converter on your booking page. It converts your prices according to the current exchange rate provided by the European Central Bank. The basis for the conversion is the currency you have set in SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->DESCRIPTION "Currency Code"

The currency converter only works on your booking page. If you are using booking channels which require a different than your standard currency you can ass a multiplier to prices to convert to a different currency. For more information see the channel manager help pages.

Individual currencies can be hidden by adding custom CSS in SETTINGS->BOOKING PAGE->DEVELOPERS "Custom CSS"

.cur-AUD, .cur-CAD, .cur-EUR, .cur-GBP, .cur-NZD,.cur-USD, .cur-BGN, .cur-BRL, .cur-CHF, .cur-CNY,.cur-CZK, .cur-DKK,.cur-HKD, .cur-HRK, .cur-HUF,.cur=HUF, .cur-IDR,.cur-INR, .cur-JPY, .cur-KRW, .cur-MXN, .cur-MYR, .cur-NOK, .cur-PHP, .cur-PLN, .cur-RON, .cur-RUB, .cur-SEK, .cur-SGD, .cur-THB, .cur-TRY, .cur-ZAR{
display: none;

will remove all currencies. Remove the currencies you want to show from the code.

Note: This feature is only available for the responsive version of the booking page. To change versions go to SETTINGS->BOOKING PAGE.

2 Languages

You can use a multilingual booking page. To give your guests the option to book in their own language tick the languages you want to use.

Your descriptions, information on your booking page, notifications and if used also upsell items must be entered separately for each enabled language.

This help page explains how to create a multi lingual booking page