Mobile App Android and IOS

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Mobile app for Android and IOS
This page is about the Beds24 mobile app for Android and IOS


1 Functionality

The app is designed to help you with daily tasks which might need to be done while away from the desk:

  • Manage bookings
  • Manage arrivals and departures
  • Use API messaging with Airbnb and
  • View availability
  • Manually add bookings

Data like for bookings and inventory will get updated when you login/navigate around. To force the app to load the latest data manually click on "More" in the bottom navigation and then on "Refresh"

For other tasks than the above you can log into your Beds24 account from any mobile device using a browser.

2 Installation for IOS

  1. Install the app from the app store. Search for Beds24 or use this link:
  2. Log into your Beds24 account and then go to (SETTINGS) APPS & INTEGRATIONS > MOBILE APP
  3. Click on "Generate QR Code" This function is only available in the new control panel. If you are still using the old control panel go to (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT > PREFERENCES and set "Control Panel" = New Control panel.
  4. Take a picture of the QR Code
  5. Set a PIN. You will need this PIN every time you want to use the app
  • To change the language click on "More" in the bottom navigation and then on "Settings"

3 Installation for Android

  1. Install the app from the Play Store. Search for Beds24 or use this link:
  2. Log into your Beds24 account and then go to (SETTINGS) APPS & INTEGRATIONS > MOBILE APP
  3. Click on "Generate QR Code" This function is only available in the new control panel. If you are still using the old control panel go to (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT > PREFERENCES and set "Control Panel" = New Control panel.
  4. Open the link we sent you on your Android device
  5. Take a picture of the QR Code
  6. Set a PIN. You will need this PIN every time you want to use the app
  • To change the language click on "More" in the bottom navigation and then on "Settings"

3.1 Bookings

The bottom navigation contains key metrics on bookings.

  • Click on a booking to view details.
  • To edit a booking click on the "Edit" icon at the top.

3.1.1 New Bookings

New bookings are indicated in the bottom navigation and the left menu which opens when you click on "More"

3.1.2 Arrivals

Arrivals are indicated in the bottom navigation and the left menu which opens when you click on "More".

To view arrivals for a certain property click on the property and then scroll down.

If you want to mark a guest as checked-in click on the booking and then on the "Check-in" icon. This will add the info code "CHECKIN" to the booking.

3.1.3 Departures

Departures are indicated in the bottom navigation and the left menu which opens when you click on "More".

If you want to mark a guest as checked-out click on the booking and then on the "Check-out" icon. This will add the info code "CHECKOUT to the booking.

3.1.4 Current guests

All booking which do not have the status cancelled are counted as current guests. They are indicated in the bottom navigation and the left menu which opens when you click on "More".

3.1.5 Search booking

Use the "Search" icon at the top to search for a booking.

3.1.6 Add booking manually

A click on the + icon at the top will open the price checker through which you can add a booking.

Bookings can also be added directly from the property calendar and from the room calendar. Click on the property then scroll down and click on "Add booking"

3.2 Calendars

3.2.1 Property calendar

Bookings are indicated with a dot. Click on the date to view bookings. If the date is red it is not available for booking.

3.2.2 Room calendar

Properties with multiple room types have a calendar for each room. A click on the room calendar will open a detailed display for the selected room.

Bookings are indicated with a dot. Click on the date to view bookings. If the date is red it is not available for booking.

3.3 Messages

Messaging threads for Airbnb and are available in the booking. When you the click on "More" in the bottom navigation and then on "Messages" a list with messages from the last 30 days will show.

4 Add the QR code to the Beds24 Control Panel

You can incorporate a link into the Control Panel Header, allowing easy access from your account.

Click on the 'User' icon on the top right and then on 'Account Management (in the old control panel SUB ACCOUNT in the top right) > Manage Account for the sub account, then scroll down to Custom Control Panel Menu. Click 'Edit', then 'Source', and paste the following details:

<a href="">Mobile App</a>

The link will show in the top left of the user Control panel.

5 Common issues

5.1 I have not used the app in a while and now cannot use the app

For security purposes, you will need to go through the setup process again if you do not use the app for 30 days.

5.2 After logging out I need to scan the QR code again

Logging out of the app completely disconnects it, you will need to go through the setup process again if you log out. If you close the app without logging out then you can log back in using your PIN or biometrics.

5.3 Some of my bookings do not display the property or room name

If you have more than 100 properties you may need to navigate to the home button on the app and scroll to the bottom of the list of properties to ensure all property data is loaded.

5.4 I cannot send messages to Expedia bookings

Currently the app can only read messages from Expedia, it does not support sending them