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Multilingual Booking Page

1,403 bytes added, 12:42, 9 September 2020
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[[Category:How to]]
<div class="heading">Booking Page for different languages</div>
This page explains how to create multi language booking page
You can activate __TOC__=Activate Languages=Go to in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > INTERNATIONALISATION*Activate the languages you want to use in SETTINGSon your booking page*Set the default language for your booking page is After you have done this you will see a tab for each activated language wherever you can enter your own descriptions. <span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >ACCOUNT-{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span>LANGUAGES. Make sure you enter descriptive texts for all languages you want to use. The default language for  =Use Different Languages on your booking page is the one set in SETTINGS->ACCOUNT->LANGUAGES. Website===Booking Page==If you are using an embedded booking page on a multilingual web site you can embed you your booking page with a different default language for each language version adding a language parameter:
*Code for default language booking page:
<nowiki><iframe src =";numdisplayed=5&amp;numnight=1&amp;numadult=2-1&amp;referer=iframe/" width="800" height="2000" style="max-width:100%;border:none;overflow:auto;"><p><a href=";referer=iframe/" title="Book Now">Book Now</a></p></iframe></nowiki> *For a French booking page you add the language parameter <nowiki>&lang=fr</nowiki> to the URL. Code for a French booking page:
*Code for <nowiki><iframe src =";numdisplayed=5&amp;numnight=1&amp;numadult=2-1&amp;referer=iframe&amp;lang=fr/" width="800" height="2000" style="max-width:100%;border:none;overflow:auto;"><p><a French booking pagehref=";referer=iframe/" title="Book Now">Book Now</a></p></iframe></nowiki>
<nowiki><iframe src =";numdisplayed=5&amp;numnight=1&amp;numadult=2-1&amp</nowiki>'''&lang=fr'''<nowiki>&referer=iframe/" width="800" height="2000" style="max-width:100%;border:none;overflow:auto;"><p><a href=";referer=iframe/" title="Book Now">Book Now</a></p></iframe>
See [[Developers| list of all language parameters]]
In {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > BOOKING WIDGETS you can create widgets in multiple languages.
The widget designer allows you to choose a language.
If you are using Wordpress you can do this in the shortcode. For detailed information please log into Wordpress and go to SETTINGS-> BEDS24 ONLINE BOOKINGS
==Wordpress==If you are using '''Wordpress ''' you can add the language parameter to the shortcode.
For detailed information please log into Wordpress and go to SETTINGS-> Beds24 Online Bookings
==Availability Calendar==
The translation options for the availability calendar widget are limited. To translate "Click your arrival date" add the following script to the source code of the page which displays the widget:
$( document ).ready(function() {
$('.b24calendarclickinstruction').html("the new text");
For WordPress use this:
jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
jQuery('.b24calendarclickinstruction').html("the new text");

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