Proposal or quote

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Proposal or Quote
This page explains how to create a proposal or quote for a guest.

Step 1: Create an Auto Action to send the proposal

Go to (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT Y AUTO ACTIONS and create a manual Auto Action with the booking details which will be used to ask the guest to confirm the booking and if required to make a payment. For further instructions on how to create auto actions please use the context help (? icons) and click on HELP (top right) of this page.

Step 2: Create a "Request" booking

Click on "Add booking" and create a new booking with the status "Request".

Step 3: Send proposal

Go to the "Mail" tab of the booking and send off the Auto Action E-mail to the guest.

Step 4: Confirm or cancel the booking

When the guest confirms the booking change the status to "Confirmed". If not set the status to "Cancelled".