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Setting/custom booking

2,020 bytes added, 14:07, 10 July 2020
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Custom values can be defined to specify specific values for this channel only. This will override the values you have set generally. Add the parameters one per line.  At the moment only supports custom values for the property. Custom values can be defined to specify specific values for this channel only. This will override the values you have set generally. Add the parameters one per line. Available parameters are: '''1. Permit''' PERMIT Example: PERMIT AB01244 This will send AB01244 as permit ID for this room to this channel instead of the one defined per property.  '''2. Starrating'''
'''2. Meals'''
If you offer meals you can set these in SETTINGS-CHANNEL MANAGER-BOOKING.COM-SPECIFIC PROPERTY CONTENT in "Custom"'''3. Meals'''
 '''23.1 Types of breakfast available'''
'''23.2. Meal prices'''
In this example guests will be able to book breaffast breakfast for the price of 10 at
'''34. Taxes and fees'''
Taxes and fees can apply per stay, per day, per person and night or as a percentage.
CITIYTAX CITYTAX - citytax applies per stay
CITYTAXDAILY - citytax applies per day
CITYTAXPERSONNIGHT - citytax applies per person and night.
CITYTAXPERCENT - a percentage is added for citytax.
In this example a fee of 10 per stay will apply for pets.
In this example the fee for parking is 5 per hour.
In this example we will send that a fee applies for pets. will not display the amount though.
'''5. Legal'''
LEGALHASVAT 1 (France only, you are registered/not registered for VAT for this activity 0 = No, 1 = Yes)
LEGALREGISTERED 1 (France only registered/not registered in the Trade and Companies Register as a professional 0 = No, 1 = Yes)
LEGALDECLARESREVENUE 1 (France only you declare/not declaree professional income for direct tax purposes (see Article 155 IV of the CGI) 0 = No, 1 = Yes)
LEGALTAXCATEGORY 11 (France only city tax category. If your answer to any of the above is (yes) you do NOT need this - 11=Palaces, 12=Hôtels de tourisme 5 étoiles, résidences de tourisme 5 étoiles, meublés de tourisme 5 étoiles, 13=Hôtels de tourisme 4 étoiles, résidences de tourisme 4 étoiles, meublés de tourisme 4 étoiles, 14=Hôtels de tourisme 3 étoiles, résidences de tourisme 3 étoiles, meublés de tourisme 3 étoiles, 15=Hôtels de tourisme 2 étoiles, résidences de tourisme 2 étoiles, meublés de tourisme 2 étoiles, villages de vacances 4 et 5 étoiles, 16=Hôtels de tourisme 1 étoile, résidences de tourisme 1 étoile, meublés de tourisme 1 étoile, villages de vacances 1,2 et 3 étoiles, chambres d'hôtes, emplacements dans des aires de camping-cars et des parcs de stationnement touristiques par tranche de 24 heures, 17=Terrains de camping et terrains de caravanage classés en 3,4 et 5 étoiles, 18=Terrains de camping et terrains de caravanage classés en 1 et 2 étoiles, ports de plaisance, 19=Hébergements en attente de classement ou sans classement)
'''46. Cancellation Policies'''
Each cancellation policy supports has a number. You can sent one or more cancellation policies and define specific policies for each offer in Beds24.

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