
Jump to navigation Jump to search Synchronise bookings prices availability

494 bytes added, 08:59, 3 August 2023
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*Open the auto action and ensure you have text in the Subject, Plain Text Field and HTML Field.
2. Auto action should not send a message to the guest, go to the Messaging tab in the Auto action and set 'Sending Message' = NO (or Internal)
'''This account doesn't have access to this property.","code":"FORBIDDEN"'''
Log into and go to ACCOUNT > CONNECTIVITY PROVIDER. Disconnect from Beds24 and reconnect this time ticking all tick boxes as shown here:
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> If you use dependencies you can only assign the bookings into a room in the same property as the room which is mapped to
'''You cannot mark credit card as invalid since the property has not passed trust verification checks'''


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