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363 bytes added, 04:55, 3 November 2023
If the account provided is not the top administrator account, then you will not be able to access the lock, even if you can access it in the TTLock app with that account.
== Errors ==
'''Error: "You are using a low version APP. Please update it to the latest version and re-add the lock"'''
This error usually means the bluetooth connection between the lock and the gateway is too weak.
'''Error: "The gateway is busy. Please try again later. - 网关正忙,请稍后再试。"
This error means their is a problem with the gateway's connection to the internet.
'''Error: "The Lock is not connected to any Gateway. - 锁附近没有可用的网关。"
This error means there is a problem with a lock's connection to the gateway.
= Disconnect=
Delete your username and password and set Synchronize to "disabled" to disconnect.

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