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Template Variables

6,871 bytes added, 10:55, 14 October 2019
no edit summary
[PROPERTYFAX] - property fax
[PROPERTYCONTACTLASTNAME] - property contact last name
[PROPERTYCONTACTFIRSTNAME] - property contact first name
[PROPERTYID] - property id number
[PROPERTYLOCATIONDESCRIPTION] - property location description
[PROPERTYLOCATIONDESCRIPTIONBR] - property location description with line break
[PROPERTYDIRECTIONS] - property directions (Settings > Channel Manager > Property Content)
[PROPERTYGENERALPOLICY] - property rental policy
[PROPERTYGENERALPOLICYBR] - property rental policy with line break
[PROPERTYLEGALPOLICY] - property rental policy / obsolete
[PROPERTYCANCELPOLICY] - property cancellation policy
[PROPERTYCANCELPOLICYBR] - property cancellation policy with line breaks
[PROPERTYHOUSERULES] - property house rules (Settings > Channel Manager > Property Content)
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE4] - Property Template 4
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE5] - Property Template 5
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE5] - Property Template 6
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE7] - Property Template 7
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE8] - Property Template 8
[PERMITID] - the permit ID
[CHECKINSTART] - check-in start time in 24hr format
[CHECKINEND] - check-in end time in 24hr format
[CHECKOUTEND] - check-out end time in 24hr format
[CHECKINSTART12] - check-in start time in am/pm format
[CHECKINEND12] - check-in end time in am/pm format
[CHECKOUTEND12] - check-out end time in am/pm format
== Room Variables ==
[COMMISSION] - Value in commission field with currency symbol
[COMMISSIONGROUP] - Value of the commission of the complete group booking
[COMMISSIONNUM] - As per [COMMISSION] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).
[GUESTNAME] - last name
[GUESTSNAME] - name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking
[GUESTNAMES] - name of all guests in the booking
[GUESTSNAMES] - name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of the booking of the group booking
[GUESTFULLNAME] - title, first name, last name
[GUESTFULLNAMES] - titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking
[GUESTFULLNAMESBR] - titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking with line break
[GUESTEMAIL] - guest's Email address
[GUESTMOBILENUM] - guests mobile number with all non-numeric characters removed
[PHONELAST1] - last digit of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number
[PHONELAST2] - last 2 digits of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number
[PHONELAST3] - last 3 digits of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number
[PHONELAST4] - last 4 digits of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number
[PHONELAST5] - last 5 digits of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number
[PHONELAST6] - last 6 digits of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number
[GUESTFAX] - guests fax number
[GUESTADDRESS] - guests address
[GUESTADDRESSBR] - guests address with line breaks
[GUESTPOSTCODE] - guests postcode
[GUESTCITY] - guests city
{[GUESTSTATE] - guests state
[GUESTCOUNTRY] - guests country from free text field is not empty, otherwise from selector list
[GUESTLANGUAGE] - guest language
[BOOKGROUPROOMLIST] - create a table of guest names including room type for a group booking
[BOOKGROUPROOMLISTTOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPROOMLISTCHARGETOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type and charge for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPNAMELIST] - create a table of guest names including room type and unit for a group booking
[BOOKGROUPNAMELISTTOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type and unit for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPNAMELISTCHARGETOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type and unit and charge for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPUNITLIST] - create a table of guest names including unit for a group booking
[BOOKGROUPUNITLISTTOTAL] - create a table of guest names including unit for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPUNITLISTCHARGETOTAL] - create a table of guest names including unit and charge for a group booking with guest totals
[REFERRER] - Referrer
[CANCELURL] - URL to view and cancel bookings
[CANCELDATE] - date until when the booking is cancelabledisplaying a phrase [CANCELDATEYYYY-MM-DD] - date until when the booking is cancelable displaying a date. If the date is in the past 00-00-0000 will be shown
[GUESTLOGIN] - URL to view bookings
[BOOKINGINFOITEMS] - Booking Info Codes - Codes and text
[BOOKINGINFOITEMSBR] - Booking Info Codes - Codes and text with line break
[BOOKINGINFOTEXTS] - Booking Info Codes - Text only
[BOOKINGINFOTEXTSBR] Booking Info Codes - Text only with line break
[BOOKINGINFOCODES] - Booking Info Codes - Codes only
[BOOKINGINFOCODESBR] - Booking Info Codes - Codes and text with line break
[BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:] - the most recent Text value of the specified Booking Info Code
[CARDLASTFOUR] - last 4 digits of card
[CARDFIRSTSIX] - first 6 digits of card
== Booking Group variables ==
=== Custom Booking Group Table ===
ADUL= the number of adults
ARIV = Arrival date
BREF = Boking number
CHAR = Charges
CHIL = the number of childeren
DEPT = Departure date
ICAN = Include cancelled bookings
NAME = Guest name
ONLY = Just show the one booking
PAID = Paid amount
PEOP = the number of guests
PROP = Property name
ROOM = Room name
TOTA = Total price
UNI2 = Unit first additional information
UNI3 = Unit second additional information
UNIT = Unit name
Connect the variables with an underscore.
[BOOKGROUP:PROP_ROOM_BREF_NAME] will display the property name, room name, booking number and guest name in this order.
[BOOKGROUP:BREF_NAME_PROP_ROOM] will display the booking number, guest name property name and room name in this order.
=== Booking Group Table with fixed content===
[BOOKGROUPROOMLIST] - create a table of guest names including room type for a group booking
[BOOKGROUPROOMLISTTOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPROOMLISTCHARGETOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type and charge for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPNAMELIST] - create a table of guest names including room type and unit for a group booking
[BOOKGROUPNAMELISTTOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type and unit for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPNAMELISTCHARGETOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type and unit and charge for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPUNITLIST] - create a table of guest names including unit for a group booking
[BOOKGROUPUNITLISTTOTAL] - create a table of guest names including unit for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPUNITLISTCHARGETOTAL] - create a table of guest names including unit and charge for a group booking with guest totals
== Invoice Variables ==
[INVOICENUMBER] - invoice number
[INVOICENUMBERS] - invoice number if invoicees are involved
[INVOICEDATE] - invoice date
[INVOICEEXTRAITEMQTY1] - quantity of extra invoice item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20)
[INVOICEGROSS:1] - gross amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate), value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
INVOICEGROSSNUM:1] gross amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate)
[INVOICENET:1] - net amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate)
[INVOICENETNUM:1] - net amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate), value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
[INVOICEVAT:1] - VAT amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate)
[INVOICEVATNUM:1] VAT amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate), value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
[UPSELLTABLE] - table with all upsell items
AMO - shows the net value (price x quantity)
CEX - charges excluded (charges will not be shown) CON - currency conversion. Example: CONEURUSD will convert the first currency (Euros) to the second currency (USD). CON1.234 would multiply the prices by 1.234
CUA - currency symbol showing after the numbers. Example: CUA€ will show € after the figures
CUB - currency symbol showing before the numbers. Example: CUB€ will show € before the figures
DAT - adds a date column
DEC - Decimal points. Example: DEC, will show a comma as decimal point. If nothing is set the system will use the default for the language
DP0 - no decimal places
DP1 - 1 decimal place
DP2 - 2 decimal places
DP3 - 3 decimal places
DP4 - 4 decimal places
GRP - Group Totals. Displays the same items as a total
GRT - Grand Total
MUL - multiplier. Example: MUL1.2 will multiply all prices by 1.2
DAT NOC - adds a date columncharges will not be displayed but their vat values are still calculated for the vat summary (VAT)
PAY - shows payments
QTY - shows quantity
SEX - status excluded. Calculate the balance of all invoice items except for the ones with these status, the status items can be a comma separated list. Example: SEX status1,status2,status4 will not show items with this status.
SIN - status included. Calculate the balance of all invoice items with matching status, the status items can be a comma separated list. Example: SIN status1,status2,status4 will only show items with this status.
STA- shows staus
VAT - VAT summary
Connect the variables with an underscore.
[INVOICE:PRI_QTY_CUA€] will create an invoice table with price and quantity in Euros.
[INVOICE:PAY_TOT_CEX] will create an invoice table which will only show payments.
=== Invoice Tables with predefined content ===
[INVOICEEPAYMENTSNUM1234] - invoice payments for invoice items assigned to invoicee 1234 (change 1234 to the required Invoicee Id number)
[INVOICEACCOUNTNAMEINVOICEENAME] - name of the invoice invoicee account the invoice is assigned to or blank
[INVOICEACCOUNTCODEINVOICEECODE] - code of the invoice invoicee account the invoice is assigned to or blank
[INVOICEETEMPLATE1] - template value 1 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank
[INVOICEETEMPLATE8] - template value 8 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank
== Guest Variables ==
[GUESTIDS] - comma separated list of guest Id's connected to the booking
[GUESTFLAGTEXTS] - comma separated list of flag text values for each guest (when not empty) connected to the booking
== Payment Request Variables ==
[PAYPALBUTTON:200] - Creates a Paypal payment button for a fixed amount. A zero amount will cause paypal to provide a field to enter an amount. Not recommended for emails.
== Mathematical Operators ==
<b>This works on all operators including [MIN] and [MAX]</b>
Note: Always use the template variables ending with NUM. The math functions will only work with numbers with a decimal point (not a decimal comma) and no thousands separator and no currency symbol.
== Currency Conversion ==
123456*[CONVERT:USD-EUR][/]0.85 will convert to Euros and divides the price by 0.85 which raises it by circa 15%
== Custom Date Format Variables ==
[BOOKINGDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.
[PAYMENTDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - most recent payment date
[PAYMENTDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}:1:1000] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string. The second parameter specifies the payment to show, 0 or missing means the most recent payment. The third parameter specifies the invoicee.
==Account Variables (account of the booking) ==
[MASTERLOGGEDINACCOUNTTEMPLATE4] - Account Template 4 from master account
== Smart Template Variables ==
2. [IF>:[NUMADULT]:2:please contact us about you bedding requirements|]
If the number of adults is higher than 2 the text"please contact us about you bedding requirements" will display. If the number of adults is lower than or equal 2 nothing will display.
3. [IF<:[NUMADULT]:3:|linen for two adults is included free of charge]
If the number of adults is lower than 3 nothing will display. If the number of adults is not lower than 3 the text "linen for two adults is included free of charge" will display. If the number of adults is lower than 3 nothing will display.
4. [IF<=:[NUMADULT]:2:yes|no]
6. [IFBETWEEN:[NUMADULT]:1:3:yes|too low|too high]
IFLIKE works like IF= except it is case insensitive and removes any spaces from the start and end of the words
8. [IFIN:John:[GUESTFIRSTNAME]:Hi John|Your name does not contain John?]
If the first word is contained in the second word the first option is displayed, otherwise the second option is displayed
[INWORDS] - writes out a number in words. This works in English only.
[INWORDS] 10 will write out then
[INWORDS] [INVOICEPAYMENTSNUM] will write out the invoice sum of all payments
[INWORDS] [INVOICEPAYMENTSNUM] [+] 10 will write out the invoice sum of all payments plus 10
== Encoding Template Variables ==
[ENCODEURL:value] encode value for URL data format
[ENCODEJSON:value] encode value for JSON data format
Note: Always use the template variables ending with NUM if numbers are involved. The math functions will only work with numbers with a decimal point (not a decimal comma) and no thousands separator and no currency symbol.

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