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Template Variables

378 bytes added, 22:11, 5 February 2020
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[INVOICEUPSELLDESCRIPTION1] - description of upsell item 1 (number can be between 1 to 20)
[INVOICEEXTRAITEM1INVOICEEXTRAITEMDESC1] - value Name of extra invoice item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20)
[INVOICEEXTRAITEM1] - value of extra invoice item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20)Note: the order goes by the order in the dropdown list not by the order the items are entered.  [INVOICEEXTRAITEM1] - value of extra invoice item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20) Note: the order goes by the order in the dropdown list not by the order the items are entered.
[INVOICEEXTRAITEMNUM1] - as per [INVOICEEXTRAITEM1] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations).
[INVOICEEXTRAITEMQTY1] - quantity of extra invoice item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20) Note: the order goes by the order in the dropdown list not by the order the items are entered.  
[INVOICEGROSS:1] - gross amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate), value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)

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