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Template Variables

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[[Category:Booking Page]]
Below is <div class="heading">Template variables</div> On this page you find a List list of '''''Template Variables'''''template variables and information on how they are used.
These variables (short codes) will be replaced by the relevant information from each booking. They can be used in every text settings that allows their use . Copy them exactly as shown, including the square brackets and upper case.
[PROPERTYNAME] - property name
[PROPERTYADDRESS] - property full address
[PROPERTYCITY] - property city
[PROPERTYLOCATIONDESCRIPTIONBR] - property location description with line break
[PROPERTYDIRECTIONS] - property directions from (Settings > Channel Manager {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANNAGER > Property ContentPROPERTY CONTENT)
[PROPERTYHEADLINE] - property headline
[PROPERTYCANCELPOLICYBR] - property cancellation policy with line breaks
[PROPERTYHOUSERULES] - property house rules (Settings {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > Channel Manager > Property ContentPROPERTY CONTENT)
[PROPERTYTEMPLATE1] - Property Template 1
[PERMITID] - the permit ID
[CHECKINSTART] - check-in start time in 24hr format (From Settings > Channel Manager > Property Content {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-in start')
[CHECKINEND] - check-in end time in 24hr format (From Settings > Channel Manager > Property Content {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-in end')
[CHECKOUTEND] - check-out end time in 24hr format (From Settings > Channel Manager > Property Content {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-out end')
[CHECKINSTART12] - check-in start time in am/pm format (From Settings > Channel Manager > Property Content {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-in start')
[CHECKINEND12] - check-in end time in am/pm format (From Settings > Channel Manager > Property Content {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-in end')
[CHECKOUTEND12] - check-out end time in am/pm format (From Settings > Channel Manager > Property Content {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-out end')
[PROPERTYDESCRIPTION1] - Property Description 1 from Settings {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > Booking Page PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > Page Design > Content CONTENT
[PROPERTYDESCRIPTION2] - Property Description 2 from Settings {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > Booking Page PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > Page Design > Content CONTENT
[PROPERTYDESCBOOKPAGE1] - Property Description Booking Page 1 from Settings {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > Booking Page PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > Page Design > Content CONTENT
[PROPERTYDESCBOOKPAGE2] - Property Description Booking Page 1 from Settings {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > Booking Page PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > Page Design > Content CONTENT
[PROPERTYGUESTDETAILSHEADER] - Guest Details Header from Settings {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > Booking Page PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > Page Design > Content CONTENT
[PROPERTYGUESTENQUIRYHEADER] - Guest Enquiry Header from Settings {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > Booking Page PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > Page Design > Content CONTENT
[PROPERTYCONFIRMBOOKBUTTON] - Confirm Booking Button Message from from Settings {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > Booking Page PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > Page Design > Content CONTENT
[PROPERTYROOMNOTAVAIL] - Room Not Available Message from from Settings {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > Booking Page PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > Page Design > Content CONTENT
[PROPERTYROOMNOPRICE] - Room No Price Message from from Settings {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > Booking Page PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > Page Design > Content CONTENT
[PROPERTYNOROOMSAVAIL] - No Rooms Available Message from from Settings {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > Booking Page PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > Page Design > ContentCONTENT
== Room Variables ==
[ROOMID] - room id number
[ROOMNAME] - room names of all booked rooms(not for cancelled bookings use ROOMNAMEINC if used for cacelled bookings)
[ROOMNAMEBR] - room name names with line break [ROOMNAMEINC] room names of all booked rooms including for cancelled bookings  [ROOMNAMEINCBR] room names with line break
[ROOMNAME1] - room name of first booked room
[ROOMNAMEOFFERBR] - room names of all booked rooms with offer name with line break
[ROOMNAMEOFFERINC] room names of all booked rooms with offer name inkl. cancelled bookings
[ROOMNAMEOFFERINCBR] - room names of all booked rooms with offer name with line break
[ROOMTYPEDESC] - room accommodation type first booked room
[ROOMTYPEDESCS] - room accommodation type all booked rooms
[ROOMTYPEDESCSINC] - room accommodation type all booked rooms including cancelled bookings
[ROOMSIZE] - size of the room
[ROOMMETAAUXTEXT] - room meta text setting for first booked room
[ROOMMETAAUXTEXTS] - room meta text setting for all booked rooms [ROOMMETAAUXTEXTSINC] - room meta auxiliary text setting for all booked rooms
[INTERNALROOMNAME] - internal room name as used in the control panel, this is not the translated room name shown on the booking page
[OFFERNAME1] - offer name for this booked room only
[OFFERNAMEINC] - offer name for this booked room only inluding cancelled bookings
[OFFERDESCRIPTION1] - offer description 1 for all booked rooms
[OFFERDESCRIPTION1INC] - offer description 1 for all booked rooms inkl. cancelled
[OFFERDESCRIPTION2] - offer description 2 for all booked rooms
[OFFERDESCRIPTION2INC] - offer description 2 for all booked rooms inkl. cancelled
[OFFERDESCRIPTION1-1] - offer description 1 for this booked room
[OFFERDESCRIPTION2-1] - offer description 2 for this booked room
[OFFERSUMMARY] - summary offers [OFFERSUMMARYINC] - summary offers including cancelled bookings [UNITNAME] - unit names of all the assigned room typesin the booking group (cancelled bookings are not shown) [UNITNAMEINC] - unit names of all the assigned room types in the booking group including cancelled bookings
[UNITNAME:1] - additional information about the unit for all the assigned room typesin the booking group (cancelled bookings are not shown)
[UNITNAME1] - unit name of the first assigned roomfor this booking number
[UNITNAME1:1] - additional information about the first assigned room for this booking number / add the additional information on each line after a | symbol where you set the unit names
[ROOMDESCRIPTION] - Room description from {#fas:cog}} (Settings SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > Channel Manager PROPERTY CONTENT > Property Content > Room Content)ROOM CONTENT
== Booking Variables ==
[BOOKID] - booking reference
[BOOKIDS] - booking reference of all bookings in a group
[BOOKIDSINC] - booking reference of all bookings in a group including cancelled bookings
[GROUPID] - booking reference of the master booking
[LEAVINGDAYYYYY-MM-DD] - check-out day in YYYY-MM-DD format
[DAYSTOCHECKIN] - number of days until Checkcheck-in [INADVANCE] - number of days between booking and check-in.
[NUMROOM] - the quantity of rooms booked (first room type only)
[NUMROOMS] - the quantity of rooms booked (sum of all rooms and room types)
[NUMROOMSINC] - the quantity of rooms booked (sum of all rooms and room types) inc. cancelled
[NUMNIGHT] - number of nights
[NUMNIGHTS] - number of nights sum across group booking
[NUMNIGHTSINC] - number of nights sum across group booking incl. cancelled [NUMADULT] - number of adults in this room or in group if master booking(not for cancelled bookings use NUMADULTINC if used for cacelled bookings) [NUMADULTINC] - number of adults in this room or in group if master booking incl. cancelled bookings
[NUMADULT1] - number of adults in this room
[NUMCHILD] - number of children in this room or in group if master booking (not for cancelled bookings use NUMCHILDINC if used for cacelled bookings) [NUMCHILDINC] number of children in this room or in group if master booking including cancelled bookings
[NUMCHILD1] - number of children in this room
[NUMPEOPLE] - number of guests in this room or in group if master booking
[NUMPEOPLEINC] - number of guests in this room or in group if master booking incl. cancelled bookings
[NUMPEOPLE1] - number of people in this room
[AVPRICE:15] - Average Nightly Price with offset amount
[BASEPRICE] - Lodging Price
[BASEPRICENUM] - same as [BASEPRICE] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)
[BASEGROUPPRICE] - Lodging Price for Group
[BASEGROUPPRICENUM] - same as BASEGROUPPRICE] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)
[BASEVAT] - Lodging Price vat amount
[BASEVATNUM] - same as [BASEVAT] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)
[BASEGROUPVAT] - Lodging Price vat amount for Group
[BASEGROUPVATNUM] - same as BASEGROUPVAT] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)
[AVBASEPRICE] - Average Nightly Lodging Price
[AVBASEPRICENUM] - same as [AVBASEPRICE] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)
[AVBASEGROUPPRICE] Average Nightly Lodging Price for Group
[AVBASEGROUPPRICENUM] - same as [AVBASEGROUPPRICE] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)
[DEPOSIT] - Value in deposit field with currency symbol
[COMMISSIONNUM] - As per [COMMISSION] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).
[GUESTSNAME] - name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking [GUESTSNAMES] - name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of the booking of the group booking  [GUESTSFIRSTNAMES] - first name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking [GUESTSFIRSTNAMESINC] - first name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking incl. cancelled [GUESTSLASTNAMES] - last name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking [GUESTSLASTNAMESINC] - last name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking incl. cancelled [GUESTTITLE] - guest titleon the "summary" tab of the booking [GUESTFIRSTNAME] - first name on the "summary" tab of the booking [GUESTNAME] - last name on the "summary" tab of the booking
[GUESTFIRSTNAMEGUESTNAMES] - first name of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking
[GUESTNAMEGUESTNAMESINC] - last nameof all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled bookings
[GUESTSNAMEGUESTNAMESINCBR] - name of all guests listed in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled bookings with line break on the "guestssummary" tab of this the booking
[GUESTNAMESGUESTFULLNAME] - title, first name , last name on the "summary" tab of all guests in the booking
[GUESTSNAMESGUESTFULLNAMES] - name titles, first names, last names of all guests listed in the booking on the "guestssummary" tab of the booking of the group booking
[GUESTFULLNAMEGUESTFULLNAMESBR] - titletitles, first namenames, last namenames of all guests in the booking with line break on the "summary" tab of the booking
[GUESTFULLNAMESGUESTFULLNAMESINC] - titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled
[GUESTFULLNAMESBRGUESTFULLNAMESINCBR] - titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking with line breakon the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled
[GUESTEMAIL] - guest's Email addresson the "summary" tab of the booking
[GUESTPHONE] - guests phone number
[GUESTFAXNUM] - guests fax number with all non-numeric characters removed
[GUESTVOUCHER] - voucher code used with booking
[GUESTCOMPANY] - company name
[GUESTCOMPANYBR] - company name with line breaks
[GUESTADDRESS] - guests address
[GUESTADDRESSBR] - guests address with line breaks
[GUESTSADDRESSSBR1INC] - guests address with line breaks incl. cancelled bookings
[GUESTPOSTCODE] - guests postcode
[GUESTCOUNTRY] - guests country from free text field is not empty, otherwise from selector list
[GUESTCOUNTRYHL] - guests country from free text field is not empty, otherwise from selector list in hosts languabelanguage
[GUESTCOUNTRYGL] - guests country from free text field is not empty, otherwise from selector list in guests language
[GUESTCOUNTRYTEXT] - guests country from free text field
[GUESTCOUNTRY2] - guests country from selector list as two letter code
[GUESTARRIVALTIME] - arrival time
[APISOURCE] - Beds24 channel number
[APISOURCETEXT] - human readable name of the channel
[NOTES] - notes
[REFERENCE] - content of the booking reference field
[STATUS] - status of booking (Values: 0=Cancelled, 1=Confirmed, 2=New, 3=Request, 4=Black) [SUBSTATUS] - sub status of the booking
[FLAG] - Flag
[BOOKINGINFOCODESBR] - Booking Info Codes - Codes and text with line break
[BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:infoCode] - the most recent Text value of the specified Booking Info Code , "infoCode" in this example [BOOKINGINFOCODEDATE:infoCode]- the most recent date value of the specified Booking Info Code, "infoCode" in this example  [BOOKINGINVOICEEID] - invoicee id assigned to this booking, this comes from the booking invoicee setting, not from the bookings invoice items
[BOOKINGINFOCODEDATE:BOOKINGINVOICEENAME]- invoicee name assigned to this booking, this comes from the most recent date value of booking invoicee setting, not from the specified Booking Info Code bookings invoice items
[CARDLASTFOUR] - last 4 digits of card
[CARDFIRSTSIX] - first 6 digits of card
[INTERNALNOTES] - content from "Internal Notes" on the Info Tab
[INTERNALNOTESBR] - content from "Internal Notes" on the Info Tab with line break
== Booking Group variables ==
=== Custom Booking Group Table ===
create your own booking group list by specifying the columns in the order you want them to appear.
column parameters
ADDR = Booking address
ADUL= the number of adults
BREF = Booking number
CITY = Booking city
CHAR = Charges
CHIL = the number of children
COUN = Booking country
DEPT = Departure date
EMAI = Booking Email
FLAG = Booking flag text
FNAM = Booking first name
GADD = Guest address
GCIT = Guest city
GCOM = Guest company
GCOU = Guest country
GFLA = Guest flag text
GFNA = Guest first name
GLNA = Guest last name
GMOB = Guest mobile
GNAM = Guest full name
GEMA = Guest Email
GNOT = Guest note
GPOS = Guest postcode
GREF = Guest Id
GSTA = Guest state
GTEL = Guest phone
ICAN = Include cancelled bookings
LNAM = Booking last name MOBI = Booking mobile NAME = Guest Booking full name NOTE = Booking note
ONAM = Offer Name
PEOP = the number of guests
PHON = Booking phone
POST = Booking postcode
PROP = Property name
RDE1 = Room description 1 from {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES> ROOMS > SETUP
RNAM = Room Display Name
ROOM = Room name
STAT = Booking state
TOTA = Total price
Connect the variables parameters with an underscore.
[INVOICEPARTPAYMENTSNUM:status1,status2,status4:10%] - As per INVOICEPARTCHARGES but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).
[INVOICEPENDPAY] - all (auto and manual) pending payments including failed
[INVOICEPENDPAYNUM] - all (auto and manual) pending payments including failed but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).
[INVOICEPENDPAY1234] - all (auto and manual) pending payments including failed for the specified invoicee
[INVOICEPENDPAYNUM1234] - all (auto and manual) pending payments including failed for the specified invoicee but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).
[INVOICEPENDPAYAUTO] - auto pending payments before due date
[INVOICEPENDPAYAUTONUM] - auto pending payments before due date but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).
[INVOICEPENDPAYAUTO1234] auto pending payments before due date for the specified invoicee but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)
[INVOICEPENDPAYAUTONUM1234] auto pending payments before due date for the specified invoicee but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)
[INVOICEPENDPAYFAIL] - failed pending payments (all also past)
[INVOICEPENDPAYFAILNUM] - failed pending payments (all also past) but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)
[INVOICEPENDPAYFAIL234] - failed pending payments (all also past) for the specified invoicee
[INVOICEPENDPAYFAILNUM234] - failed pending payments (all also past) for the specified invoicee but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)
[INVOICECREDITS] - invoice sum of all credit items (negative items)
[INVOICEFIRSTITEMNUM] - price of the item listed first in the invoice but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
[INVOICESECONDITEM] - price of the item listed second in the invoice
[INVOICESECONDITEMNUM] - price of the item listed second in the invoice but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
[INVOICETHIRDITEM] - price of the item listed third in the invoice
[INVOICETHIRDITEMNUM] - price of the item listed third in the invoice but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
[INVOICEUPSELL0] - base price without upsell items or other charges added later
[INVOICEEXTRAITEMQTY1] - quantity of extra invoice item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20) Note: the order goes by the order in the dropdown list not by the order the items are entered.
[INVOICEGROSS:1] - gross amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate), value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
[INVOICEVATNUM:1] VAT amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate), value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
[INVOICEITEMBYDESC:Searchterm] - searches the invoice for items with this search term and adds them up
[INVOICEITEMBYDESCNUM:Searchterm] - searches the invoice for items with this search term and adds them up, value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
[INVOICEPAYMENTBYDESC:Searchterm] - searches the payments for items with this search term and adds them up
[INVOICEPAYMENTBYDESCNUM:Searchterm] - searches the payments for items with this search term and adds them up, value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
[UPSELLTABLE] - table with all upsell items
== Invoice Table ==
=== Custom Invoice Table ===
You have the option to create a custom invoice table. Available content variables are:
GRT - Grand Total
INV - invoicee, add the invoicee number at the end. Example: INV20 to show invoicee number 20, INV0 will show items not assigned to an invoicee, INV-1 will show all items from the booking regardless of invoicee. You can combine INV[BOOKINGINVOICEEID]] to add the invoicee from the booking
LAN - language. Example LANDE will force the language to German
NOC - charges will not be displayed but their vat values are still calculated for the vat summary (VAT)
NOP - payments will not be displayed
ONE - shows only items from the specified booking (not the booking group)
ORB PAA - shows the items orderd by bookinga column with payment amounts PAY - shows payments  PEN - shows pending payments description
PAY PPA - shows pending paymentsamount
PRI - shows prices in a column
QTY - shows quantity
[BOOKINGDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.
[MODIFYDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - last booking modification date/time, the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.
[PAYMENTDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - most recent payment date
[ACCOUNTTEMPLATE4] - Account Template 4
[COMMISSIONLIMIT] - shows the available commission amount for the owner account of the booking
[MASTERACCOUNTTEMPLATE1] - Account Template 1 from master account
[INWORDS] [INVOICEPAYMENTSNUM] [+] 10 will write out the invoice sum of all payments plus 10
These template variables are processed in the following order from left to right through the text.
i.e. all the [IF=: will be processed first, then all the [IFIN: etc.
You can use the processing order to construct logic where certain items should be processed before other items.
== Encoding Template Variables ==

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