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Template Variables

321 bytes added, 16:22, 25 August 2020
Template variables can be used inside this template variable as per the examples <span style="color: #fe746c019cde">comparison in redblue</span> , <span style="color: #75d5ad">positive result in green</span>, <span style="color: #fe746c">negative result in red</span>:
1. [<span style="color: #fe746c019cde">[IF=:[GUESTNAME]</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:Miller</span><span style="color: #75d5ad"><span style="color: #75d5ad">:yes</span><span style="color: #fe746c">|no]</span>]
If the guestname is Miller the text "yes" will display. If the guest name is not Miller the text "no" will display
2.[<span style="color: #fe746c019cde"> [IF>:[NUMADULT]:2</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:please contact us about you bedding requirements|]</span>]
If the number of adults is higher than 2 the text"please contact us about you bedding requirements" will display. If the number of adults is lower than or equal 2 nothing will display.
3. [<span style="color: #fe746c019cde">[IF<:[NUMADULT]:3</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:|linen for two adults is included free of charge]</span>]
If the number of adults is lower than 3 nothing will display. If the number of adults is not lower than 3 the text "linen for two adults is included free of charge" will display.
4. [<span style="color: #fe746c019cde">IF<=:[NUMADULT]:2</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:yes</span><span style="color: #fe746c">|no]</span>]
5. [<span style="color: #fe746c019cde">[IF>=:[NUMADULT]:2</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:yes</span><span style="color: #fe746c">|no]</span>]
6. [<span style="color: #fe746c019cde">[IFBETWEEN:[NUMADULT]:1:3</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:yes</span><span style="color: #fe746c">|too low|too high]</span>]
7. [<span style="color: #fe746c019cde">[IFLIKE:[GUESTTITLE]</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:Mr:Dear|Hi]</span>]
IFLIKE works like IF= except it is case insensitive and removes any spaces from the start and end of the words
8. [<span style="color: #fe746c019cde">[IFIN:John:[GUESTFIRSTNAME]</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:Hi John</span><span style="color: #fe746c">|Your name does not contain John?]</span>]
If the first word is contained in the second word the first option is displayed, otherwise the second option is displayed
9. [<span style="color: #fe746c019cde">[IFIN:CHECKIN:[BOOKINGINFOITEMS]</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:[BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:CHECKIN]</span><span style="color: #fe746c">|]</span>]
If the Booking Info Code CHECKIN has been added to the booking then you will see the value in the text (date/time) otherwise blank.
[INWORDS] - writes out a number in words. This works in English only.
Example: You want to display a special message to Australians if the booking has a DEPOSIT info item code, if a deposit is required from a non Australia they get "A deposit is required" and if no deposit is required they see "No deposit is required"
[<span style="color: #fe746c019cde">[IFIN:DEPOSIT:[BOOKINGINFOCODES]:I[IF=:[GUESTCOUNTRY2]:AU</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">:Credit card details are required </span><span style="color: #fe746c">|A deposit is required]|No deposit is required]</span>]
== Encoding Template Variables ==

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