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Template Variables

601 bytes added, 14:10, 8 September 2020
== Booking Variables ==
[BOOKIDVIEWBOOKING] - create a URL to log into the control panel and view this booking reference (for hosts, not intended to be sent to guests)
[BOOKID] - booking reference number [BOOKIDS] - booking reference numbers of all bookings in a group
[BOOKIDSINC] - booking reference of all bookings in a group including cancelled bookings
[GROUPID] - booking reference of the master booking
[REFERENCENUMBER] - booking reference (same as [BOOKID])
[FIRSTNIGHTBOOKIDLAST1] - first night bookedLast 1 digit of booking number
[FIRSTNIGHTSHORTBOOKIDLAST2] - first night booked in 1 Apr 2016 format Last 2 digits of booking number
[FIRSTNIGHTYYYY-MM-DDBOOKIDLAST3] - first night booked in YYYY-MM-DD formatLast 3 digits of booking number
[LASTNIGHTBOOKIDLAST4] - last night booked Last 4 digits of booking number
[LASTNIGHTSHORTBOOKIDLAST5] - last night booked in 1 Apr 2016 format Last 5 digits of booking number
[LASTNIGHTYYYY-MM-DDBOOKIDLAST6] - last night booked in YYYY-MM-DD formatLast 6 digits of booking number
[LEAVINGDAYBOOKIDLAST7] - check-out dayLast 7 digits of booking number
[LEAVINGDAYSHORTBOOKIDLAST8] - check-out day in 1 Apr 2016 formatLast 8 digits of booking number
[LEAVINGDAYYYYY-MM-DDRANDOM1] - check-out day in YYYY-MM-DD formata 1 digit random number seeded from the booking number
[DAYSTOCHECKINRANDOM2] - a 2 digit random number seeded from the booking number of days until check-in
[INADVANCERANDOM3] - a 3 digit random number of days between seeded from the booking and check-in.number
[NUMROOMRANDOM4] - a 4 digit random number seeded from the quantity of rooms booked (first room type only) booking number
[NUMROOMSRANDOM5] - a 5 digit random number seeded from the quantity of rooms booked (sum of all rooms and room types) booking number
[NUMROOMSINCRANDOM6] - a 6 digit random number seeded from the quantity of rooms booked (sum of all rooms and room types) inc. cancelledbooking number
[NUMNIGHTRANDOM7] - a 7 digit random number seeded from the booking number of nights
[RANDOM8] - a 8 digit random number seeded from the booking number
=== Content from "Info" tab ===[NUMNIGHTSBOOKINGINFOITEMS] - number of nights sum across group bookingBooking Info Codes - Codes and text
[NUMNIGHTSINCBOOKINGINFOITEMSBR] - number of nights sum across group booking incl. cancelledBooking Info Codes - Codes and text with line break
[NUMADULTBOOKINGINFOTEXTS] - number of adults in this room or in group if master booking (not for cancelled bookings use NUMADULTINC if used for cacelled bookings)Booking Info Codes - Text only
[NUMADULTINCBOOKINGINFOTEXTSBR] Booking Info Codes - number of adults in this room or in group if master booking incl. cancelled bookingsText only with line break
[NUMADULT1BOOKINGINFOCODES] - number of adults in this roomBooking Info Codes - Codes only
[NUMCHILDBOOKINGINFOCODESBR] - number of children in this room or in group if master booking (not for cancelled bookings use NUMCHILDINC if used for cacelled bookings)Booking Info Codes - Codes and text with line break
[NUMCHILDINCBOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:infoCode] number - the most recent Text value of children the specified Booking Info Code, "infoCode" in this room or in group if master booking including cancelled bookingsexample
[NUMCHILD1BOOKINGINFOCODEDATE:infoCode] - number the most recent date value of children the specified Booking Info Code, "infoCode" in this roomexample
[NUMPEOPLEINTERNALNOTES] - number of guests in this room or in group if master bookingcontent from "Internal Notes" on the Info Tab
[NUMPEOPLEINCINTERNALNOTESBR] - number of guests in this room or in group if master booking incl. cancelled bookingscontent from "Internal Notes" on the Info Tab with line break
=== Content from "Summary" tab see also under "Room" and "Property" ===[NUMPEOPLE1STATUS] - number status of people in this roombooking
[RATEDESCSUBSTATUS] - rate description (in sub status of the booking popup under the tab 'Charges & Payments')
[RATEDESCBRFIRSTNIGHT] - name of the rate with HTML <BR> to force new linesfirst night booked
[PRICEFIRSTNIGHTSHORT] - Value first night booked in price field (number entered in the price field of the booking) with currency symbol1 Apr 2016 format
[PRICENCFIRSTNIGHTYYYY-MM-DD] - Value first night booked in price field (number entered in the price field of the booking) without currency symbol (do not use in calculations, use PRICENUM)YYYY-MM-DD format
[PRICE:10%LASTNIGHT] - Percentage value of Price last night booked
[PRICE:-10LASTNIGHTSHORT] - Price with offset amountlast night booked in 1 Apr 2016 format
[PRICENUMLASTNIGHTYYYY-MM-DD] - As per [PRICE] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation). last night booked in YYYY-MM-DD format
[PRICENUM:LEAVINGDAY] - As per [PRICE:] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation). check-out day
[PRICELESSCOMMISSIONLEAVINGDAYSHORT] - Value in price field less value check-out day in commission field with currency symbol1 Apr 2016 format
[PRICELESSCOMMISSIONNUMLEAVINGDAYYYYY-MM-DD] - As per [PRICELESSCOMMISSION] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).check-out day in YYYY-MM-DD format
[PRICELESSTAXNUMNIGHT] - Value in price field less value in tax field with currency symbolnumber of nights
[PRICELESSTAXNUMNUMNIGHTS] - As per [PRICELESSTAX] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).number of nights sum across group booking
[AVPRICENUMNIGHTSINC] - Average Nightly Price with currency symbolnumber of nights sum across group booking incl. cancelled
[AVPRICENUMGUESTTITLE] - Average Nightly Price with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation). guest title on the "summary" tab of the booking
[AVPRICE:20%GUESTFIRSTNAME] - Percentage value first name on the "summary" tab of Average Nightly Price the booking
[AVPRICE:15GUESTNAME] - Average Nightly Price with offset amountlast name on the "summary" tab of the booking
[BASEPRICEGUESTNAMES] - Lodging Price name of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking
[BASEPRICENUMGUESTNAMESINC] - same as [BASEPRICE] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation) name of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled bookings
[BASEGROUPPRICEGUESTNAMESINCBR] - name of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled bookings Lodging Price for Groupwith line break on the "summary" tab of the booking
[BASEGROUPPRICENUMGUESTFULLNAME] - same as BASEGROUPPRICE] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation) title, first name, last name on the "summary" tab of the booking
[BASEVATGUESTFULLNAMES] - Lodging Price vat amount titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking
[BASEVATNUMGUESTFULLNAMESBR] - same as [BASEVAT] titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation) line break on the "summary" tab of the booking
[BASEGROUPVATGUESTFULLNAMESINC] - Lodging Price vat amount for Grouptitles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled
[BASEGROUPVATNUMGUESTFULLNAMESINCBR] - same as BASEGROUPVAT] titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation) line break on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled
[AVBASEPRICEGUESTCOMMENTS] - Average Nightly Lodging Price comments in the booking
[AVBASEPRICENUMGUESTCOMMENTSBR] - same as [AVBASEPRICE] comments in the booking with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation) line breaks <BR>
[AVBASEGROUPPRICENOTES] Average Nightly Lodging Price for Group- notes
[AVBASEGROUPPRICENUMNOTESBR] - same as [AVBASEGROUPPRICE] notes with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation) line breaks <BR>
[DEPOSITGUESTARRIVALTIME] - Value in deposit field with currency symbolarrival time
[DEPOSITNUMNUMADULT] - As per [DEPOSIT] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols number of adults in this room or in group if master booking (not for cancelled bookings use NUMADULTINC if used for calculationcacelled bookings).
[TAXNUMADULTINC] - Value number of adults in tax field with currency symbolthis room or in group if master booking incl. cancelled bookings
[TAXNUMNUMADULT1] - As per [TAX] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).number of adults in this room
[COMMISSIONNUMCHILD] - Value number of children in commission field with currency symbolthis room or in group if master booking (not for cancelled bookings use NUMCHILDINC if used for cacelled bookings)
[COMMISSIONGROUPNUMCHILDINC] - Value number of the commission of the complete children in this room or in group if master bookingincluding cancelled bookings
[COMMISSIONNUMNUMCHILD1] - As per [COMMISSION] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).number of children in this room
[GUESTSNAMENUMPEOPLE] - name number of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of in this room or in group if master booking
[GUESTSNAMESNUMPEOPLEINC] - name number of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of the booking of the in this room or in group if master booking incl. cancelled bookings
[GUESTSFIRSTNAMESNUMPEOPLE1] - first name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking last separated by an & [GUESTSFIRSTNAMESINC] - first name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking incl. cancelled [GUESTSLASTNAMES] - last name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking [GUESTSLASTNAMESINC] - last name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab number of people in this booking incl. cancelled [GUESTTITLE] - guest title on the "summary" tab of the booking [GUESTFIRSTNAME] - first name on the "summary" tab of the booking [GUESTNAME] - last name on the "summary" tab of the booking [GUESTNAMES] - name of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking [GUESTNAMESINC] - name of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled bookings [GUESTNAMESINCBR] - name of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled bookings with line break on the "summary" tab of the booking [GUESTFULLNAME] - title, first name, last name on the "summary" tab of the booking [GUESTFULLNAMES] - titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking [GUESTFULLNAMESBR] - titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking with line break on the "summary" tab of the booking [GUESTFULLNAMESINC] - titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled [GUESTFULLNAMESINCBR] - titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking with line break on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled [GUESTEMAIL] - guest's Email address on the "summary" tab of the bookingroom
[GUESTPHONE] - guests phone number
[PHONELAST6] - last 6 digits of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number
[GUESTCOMPANY] - company name
[GUESTCOMPANYBR] - company name with line breaks
[GUESTFAX] - guests fax number
[GUESTFAXNUM] - guests fax number with all non-numeric characters removed
[GUESTVOUCHER] - voucher code used with booking
[GUESTCOMPANY] - company name
[GUESTCOMPANYBR] - company name with line breaks
[GUESTADDRESS] - guests address
[GUESTCOUNTRY2] - guests country from selector list as two letter code
=== Content from "Details" tab ===[GUESTARRIVALTIMEMESSAGE] - arrival time the content of the booking message field
[GUESTCOMMENTSMESSAGEBR] - comments in the booking  [GUESTCOMMENTSBR] - comments in content of the booking message field with line breaks <BR>
[GUESTCUSTOMQ1] - answer to custom question 1
[GUESTCUSTOMQ10] - answer to custom question 10
[GUESTLANGUAGEREFERENCE] - guest languagecontent of the booking reference field [NUMROOM] - the quantity of rooms booked (first room type only)  [NUMROOMS] - the quantity of rooms booked (sum of all rooms and room types)  [NUMROOMSINC] - the quantity of rooms booked (sum of all rooms and room types) inc. cancelled   [FLAG] - Flag [STATUSCODE] - 'Status Code' (Under tab 'Detail'. Can be a value between 0-100.)
[REFERRER] - Referrer
[ORIGINALREFERRER] - Original referrer
[REFERRER] - Referrer
[APIREF] - the booking number at the originating channel
[APISOURCE] - Beds24 channel number
[APISOURCETEXT] - human readable name of the channel
[BOOKINGDATE] - booking date
[BOOKINGTIMEDATE] - booking date and time
[BOOKINGDATEYYYY-MM-DD] - booking date in YYYY-MM-DD format
[BOOKINGIP] - ip address of booker's computer
[APIMESSAGE] - api message sent by originating channel
=== Content from "Charges and Payments" tab (also see "Invoice/Invoicee/Room") ===[APISOURCEBOOKINGINVOICEEID] - Beds24 channel invoicee id assigned to this booking, this comes from the booking invoicee setting, not from the bookings invoice items  [RATEDESC] - rate description (in the booking popup under the tab 'Charges & Payments') [RATEDESCBR] - name of the rate with HTML &lt;BR&gt; to force new lines [PRICE] - Value in price field (number entered in the price field of the booking) with currency symbol [PRICENC] - Value in price field (numberentered in the price field of the booking) without currency symbol (do not use in calculations, use PRICENUM)
[APISOURCETEXTPRICE:10%] - human readable name Percentage value of the channelPrice
[NOTESPRICE:-10] - notes Price with offset amount
[NOTESBRPRICENUM] - notes As per [PRICE] but the value is displayed with line breaks <BR>a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).
[GROUPNOTEPRICENUM:] - group noteAs per [PRICE:] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).
[MESSAGEPRICELESSCOMMISSION] - the content of the booking message Value in price fieldless value in commission field with currency symbol
[MESSAGEBRPRICELESSCOMMISSIONNUM] - As per [PRICELESSCOMMISSION] but the content of the booking message field value is displayed with line breaks <BR>a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).
[REFERENCEPRICELESSTAX] - content of the booking reference Value in price fieldless value in tax field with currency symbol
[STATUSPRICELESSTAXNUM] - status of bookingAs per [PRICELESSTAX] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).
[SUBSTATUSAVPRICE] - sub status of the bookingAverage Nightly Price with currency symbol
[FLAGAVPRICENUM] - FlagAverage Nightly Price with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).
[STATUSCODEAVPRICE:20%] - 'Status Code' (Under tab 'Detail'. Can be a Percentage value between 0-100.)of Average Nightly Price
[CANCELURLAVPRICE:15] - URL to view and cancel bookings Average Nightly Price with offset amount
[CANCELDATEBASEPRICE] - date until when the booking is cancelable displaying a phraseLodging Price
[CANCELDATEYYYYBASEPRICENUM] -MM-DD same as [BASEPRICE] - date until when the booking is cancelable displaying with a date. If the date is in the past 00-00-0000 will be showndecimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)
[GUESTLOGINBASEGROUPPRICE] - URL to view bookings Lodging Price for Group [BASEGROUPPRICENUM] - same as BASEGROUPPRICE] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)
[CURRENTDATEBASEVAT] - current dateLodging Price vat amount
[CURRENTDATEYYYY-MM-DDBASEVATNUM] - current date in YYYY-MM-DD formatsame as [BASEVAT] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)
[CURRENTTIMEBASEGROUPVAT] - current time Lodging Price vat amount for Group
[BOOKINGDATEBASEGROUPVATNUM] - booking date same as BASEGROUPVAT] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)
[BOOKINGTIMEDATEAVBASEPRICE] - booking date and timeAverage Nightly Lodging Price
[BOOKINGDATEYYYYAVBASEPRICENUM] -MM-DD same as [AVBASEPRICE] - booking date in YYYY-MM-DD formatwith a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)
[BOOKINGIPAVBASEGROUPPRICE] - ip address of booker's computerAverage Nightly Lodging Price for Group
[VIEWBOOKINGAVBASEGROUPPRICENUM] - create same as [AVBASEGROUPPRICE] with a URL to log into the control panel decimal point and no thousands separator and view this booking no currency symbols (for hosts, not intended to be sent to guestscalculation)
[EMAIL:00DEPOSIT] - Status of an Auto Action email. Replace 00 Value in deposit field with the number of the Auto Action. This shows if the email has been sent and if so, the time it was sent.currency symbol
[BOOKIDLAST1DEPOSITNUM] - Last 1 digit of booking numberAs per [DEPOSIT] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).
[BOOKIDLAST2TAX] - Last 2 digits of booking numberValue in tax field with currency symbol
[BOOKIDLAST3TAXNUM] - Last 3 digits of booking numberAs per [TAX] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).
[BOOKIDLAST4COMMISSION] - Last 4 digits of booking numberValue in commission field with currency symbol
[BOOKIDLAST5COMMISSIONGROUP] - Last 5 digits Value of the commission of the complete group booking number
[BOOKIDLAST6COMMISSIONNUM] - Last 6 digits of booking numberAs per [COMMISSION] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).
[BOOKIDLAST7GUESTVOUCHER] - Last 7 digits of voucher code used with booking number
[BOOKIDLAST8CARDLASTFOUR] - Last 8 last 4 digits of booking numbercard
[RANDOM1CARDFIRSTSIX] - a 1 digit random number seeded from the booking numberfirst 6 digits of card
===Content from Invoice" tab===[RANDOM2BOOKINGINVOICEEID] - a 2 digit random number seeded invoicee id assigned to this booking, this comes from the booking numberinvoicee setting, not from the bookings invoice items
[RANDOM3BOOKINGINVOICEENAME] - a 3 digit random number seeded invoicee name assigned to this booking, this comes from the booking numberinvoicee setting, not from the bookings invoice items
===Content from "Group Invoice" tab===[RANDOM4GROUPNOTE] - a 4 digit random number seeded from the booking numbergroup note
=== Content from "Mail & Actions" tab ===[RANDOM5GUESTEMAIL] - a 5 digit random number seeded from guest's Email address on the "summary" tab of the booking number
[RANDOM6GUESTLANGUAGE] - a 6 digit random number seeded from the booking numberguest language
[RANDOM7EMAIL:00] - a 7 digit random Status of an Auto Action email. Replace 00 with the number seeded from of the Auto Action. This shows if the email has been sent and if so, the booking numbertime it was sent.
=== Content from "Guests" tab ===[RANDOM8GUESTSNAME] - a 8 digit random number seeded from name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking number
[BOOKINGINFOITEMSGUESTSNAMES] - Booking Info Codes - Codes and textname of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of the booking of the group booking
[BOOKINGINFOITEMSBRGUESTSFIRSTNAMES] - Booking Info Codes - Codes and text with line breakfirst name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking last separated by an &
[BOOKINGINFOTEXTSGUESTSFIRSTNAMESINC] - Booking Info Codes - Text onlyfirst name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking incl. cancelled
[BOOKINGINFOTEXTSBRGUESTSLASTNAMES] Booking Info Codes - Text only with line break last name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking
[BOOKINGINFOCODESGUESTSLASTNAMESINC] - Booking Info Codes - Codes only last name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking incl. cancelled
===Cancellation and Guest Login===[BOOKINGINFOCODESBRCANCELURL] - Booking Info Codes - Codes URL to view and text with line break cancel bookings
[BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:infoCodeCANCELDATE] - date until when the most recent Text value of the specified Booking Info Code, "infoCode" in this examplebooking is cancellable displaying a phrase
[BOOKINGINFOCODEDATE:infoCodeCANCELDATEYYYY-MM-DD]- date until when the most recent booking is cancellable displaying a date value of . If the specified Booking Info Code, "infoCode" date is in this example the past 00-00-0000 will be shown
[BOOKINGINVOICEEIDGUESTLOGIN] - invoicee id assigned URL to this booking, this comes from the booking invoicee setting, not from the view bookings invoice items
==Date and Time==[BOOKINGINVOICEENAMECURRENTDATE] - invoicee name assigned to this booking, this comes from the booking invoicee setting, not from the bookings invoice itemscurrent date
[CARDLASTFOURCURRENTDATEYYYY-MM-DD] - last 4 digits of cardcurrent date in YYYY-MM-DD format
[CARDFIRSTSIXCURRENTTIME] - first 6 digits of cardcurrent time
[INTERNALNOTESDAYSTOCHECKIN] - number of days until check- content from "Internal Notes" on the Info Tabin
[INTERNALNOTESBRINADVANCE] - content from "Internal Notes" on the Info Tab with line breaknumber of days between booking and check-in.
== Booking Group variables ==

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