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Template Variables

3,326 bytes added, 18:21, 26 October 2020
[PROPERTYGROUP] - shows the group keywords
== Room Variables ==
[UNITNAME1:1] - additional information about the assigned room for this booking number / add the additional information on each line after a | symbol where you set the unit names
[UNITSTATUS1] - the status if the unit
[BOOKIDLAST8] - Last 8 digits of booking number
[BEDDING] - displays bedding info codes
[RANDOM1] - a 1 digit random number seeded from the booking number
[INTERNALNOTESBR] - content from "Internal Notes" on the Info Tab with line break
[INTERNALNOTESHR] - content from "Internal Notes" on the Info Tab with separating line
=== Content from "Summary" tab see also under "Room" and "Property" ===
[GUESTSNAMES] - name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of the booking of the group booking
[GUESTSNAMESINC] - name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of the booking of the group booking incl. cancelled
[GUESTSFIRSTNAMES] - first name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking last separated by an &
[GUESTSLASTNAMESINC] - last name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking incl. cancelled
[BOOKNAMELISTGUESTSADDRESSSBR1] - create a table with address of the first guest names and info for a on the "guests" tab of this booking / Tabelle mit Gastname und Informationen für diese Gruppenbuchunggroup [GUESTSADDRESSSBR1INC] - address of the first guest on the "guests" tab of this booking group incl. cancelled
===Cancellation and Guest Login===
[CANCELDATEYYYY-MM-DD] - date until when the booking is cancellable displaying a date. If the date is in the past 00-00-0000 will be shown
[DAYSTOCANCEL] - number of days until booking can be cancelled / Anzahl der Tage bis zu denen stroniert werden kann
[GUESTLOGIN] - URL to view bookings
[CURRENTDATEYYYY-MM-DD] - current date in YYYY-MM-DD format
[CURRENTDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - current date [CURRENTDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string. [CURRENTTIME] - current timeand the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string. [CURRENTTIME:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.
[DAYSTOCHECKIN] - number of days until check-in
[LEAVINGDAY:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.
[CURRENTDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - current date
[CURRENTDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.
[BOOKINGDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - booking date
== Invoice Variables ==
[INVOICENUMBER] - invoice number
[INVOICEDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.
=== Invoice Values ===
These template variables will display a value form the invoice.
==== Custom Invoice Values====
You have the option to create a custom invoice variable to display a value from an invoice. Available content variables are:
CHA - charges
CON - currency conversion. Example: CONEURUSD will convert the first currency (Euros) to the second currency (USD). CON1.234 would multiply the prices by 1.234
DEC - Decimal points. Example: DEC, will show a comma as decimal point. If nothing is set the system will use the default for the language
DP0 - no decimal places
DP1 - 1 decimal place
DP2 - 2 decimal places
DP3 - 3 decimal places
DP4 - 4 decimal places
DESsome description - sum of values with "some description"
INV - invoicee, add the invoicee number at the end. Example: INV20 to show invoicee number 20, INV0 will show items not assigned to an invoicee, INV-1 will show all items from the booking regardless of invoicee. You can combine INV[BOOKINGINVOICEEID]] to add the invoicee from the booking
IT1 - item 1 in the invoice
IT2 - item 2 in the invoice
IT3 - item 3 in the invoice
IT4 - item 4 in the invoice
IT5 - item 5 in the invoice
MUL - multiplier. Example: MUL1.2 will multiply all prices by 1.2
NUM - show with decimal place (for scripts)
THO - thousands separator. THO. will show a dot as thousand separator. If nothing is set the system will use the default for the language
UPS1 - upsell 1
UPS2 - upsell 2
UPS3 - upsell 3
UPS4 - upsell 4
UPS5 - upsell 5
ONE - shows only items from the specified booking (not the booking group)
PAY - shows payments
QTY - shows quantity
SEX - status excluded. Calculate the balance of all invoice items except for the ones with these status, the status items can be a comma separated list. Example: SEX status1,status2,status4 will not show items with this status.
SIN - status included. Calculate the balance of all invoice items with matching status, the status items can be a comma separated list. Example: SIN status1,status2,status4 will only show items with this status.
VAT - VAT summary
Connect the variables with an underscore.
[INVOICEVAL:PAY_THO] will show payments with a thousands separator
[INVOICEVAL:UPS1_UPS1] will show the sum of upsell 1 and upsell 2
==== Standard Invoice Values====
[INVOICEBALANCE] - invoice balance
[INVOICEPENDPAYFAILNUM234] - failed pending payments (all also past) for the specified invoicee but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)
[INVOICEPENDPAYRULE1] - shows all pending payment for this rule (exchange 1 for the rule number)
[INVOICEPENDPAYRULENUM1] - shows all pending payment for this rule (exchange 1 for the rule number) displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)
[INVOICECREDITS] - invoice sum of all credit items (negative items)
[INVOICEPAYMENTBYDESCNUM:Searchterm] - searches the payments for items with this search term and adds them up, value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
=== Invoice Table ===
These template varibles will display an invoice table.
==== Standard Invoice Tables ====
[INVOICETABLE] - invoice table
[INVOICETABLEVAT] - invoice table with vat information and vat summary
[INVOICETABLE:$1.1$] - invoice table and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEPART:status1,status2,!status4] - Invoice table showing only items with matching status. The status items can be a comma separated list. To exclude status items prefix them with an exclamation mark, for example !status1.
[INVOICETABLE2] - invoice table with status field
[INVOICETABLE2:$1.1$] - invoice table with status field and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLECHARGES] - invoice table showing charges only
[INVOICETABLECHARGESINVOICEE1234] - invoice table showing charges only assigned to the specified invoicee, specify the invoicee Id number.
[INVOICETABLENOTOT] - invoice table without grand total
[INVOICETABLENOTOT:$1.1$] - invoice table without grand total and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLENOTOT2] - invoice table with status field without grand total
[INVOICETABLENOTOT2:$1.1$] - invoice table with status field without grand total and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVAT:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVATCOMPACT] - compact version of invoice table with vat information and vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVATCOMPACT:$1.1$] - compact version of invoice table with vat information and vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVATCOMPACTNOSUM] - compact version of invoice table with vat information without vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVATCOMPACTNOSUM:$1.1$] - compact version of invoice table with vat information without vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVATNOSUM] - invoice table with vat information without vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVATNOSUM:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information without vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEDATEVATNOSUM] - invoice table with vat information and date without vat summary
[INVOICETABLEDATEVATNOSUM:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and date without vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVAT2] - invoice table with vat information and status field and vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVAT2:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and status field and vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVAT2NOSUM] - invoice table with vat information and status field without vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVAT2NOSUM:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and status field without vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVATCHARGES] - invoice table showing charges only with vat information and vat summary
[INVOICETABLENOPRICE] - invoice table with no price information
[INVOICETABLEINVOICEE] - invoice table excluding items assigned to an invoicee.
[INVOICETABLEINVOICEE1234] - invoice table for a specific invoicee, specify the invoicee Id number.
[UPSELLTABLE] - table with all upsell items
[UPSELLTABLENOREFUND] - table with all upsell items except refundable items
== Invoice Table ===== Invoice Tables with predefined content ===[INVOICETABLE] - invoice table [INVOICETABLEVAT] - invoice table with vat information and vat summary === Custom Invoice Table ====
You have the option to create a custom invoice table. Available content variables are:
Note: Always use the template variables ending with NUM if numbers are involved. The math functions will only work with numbers with a decimal point (not a decimal comma) and no thousands separator and no currency symbol.
=== Invoice Tables with predefined content - create a custom invoice table===
[INVOICETABLE:$1.1$] - invoice table and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEPART:status1,status2,!status4] - Invoice table showing only items with matching status. The status items can be a comma separated list. To exclude status items prefix them with an exclamation mark, for example !status1.
[INVOICETABLE2] - invoice table with status field
[INVOICETABLE2:$1.1$] - invoice table with status field and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLECHARGES] - invoice table showing charges only
[INVOICETABLECHARGESINVOICEE1234] - invoice table showing charges only assigned to the specified invoicee, specify the invoicee Id number.
[INVOICETABLENOTOT] - invoice table without grand total
[INVOICETABLENOTOT:$1.1$] - invoice table without grand total and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLENOTOT2] - invoice table with status field without grand total
[INVOICETABLENOTOT2:$1.1$] - invoice table with status field without grand total and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVAT:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVATCOMPACT] - compact version of invoice table with vat information and vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVATCOMPACT:$1.1$] - compact version of invoice table with vat information and vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVATCOMPACTNOSUM] - compact version of invoice table with vat information without vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVATCOMPACTNOSUM:$1.1$] - compact version of invoice table with vat information without vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVATNOSUM] - invoice table with vat information without vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVATNOSUM:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information without vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEDATEVATNOSUM] - invoice table with vat information and date without vat summary
[INVOICETABLEDATEVATNOSUM:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and date without vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVAT2] - invoice table with vat information and status field and vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVAT2:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and status field and vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVAT2NOSUM] - invoice table with vat information and status field without vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVAT2NOSUM:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and status field without vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVATCHARGES] - invoice table showing charges only with vat information and vat summary
[INVOICETABLENOPRICE] - invoice table with no price information
[INVOICETABLEINVOICEE] - invoice table excluding items assigned to an invoicee.
[INVOICETABLEINVOICEE1234] - invoice table for a specific invoicee, specify the invoicee Id number.

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