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Template Variables

3,082 bytes added, 9 February
[ROOMTEMPLATE8BR] - ROOM Template 8 with linkbreak
[ROOMMETAAUXTEXT] - room meta auxiliary text setting for first booked room{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP > DISPLAY
[ROOMMETAAUXTEXTS] - room meta auxiliary text setting for all booked rooms
[ROOMMETAAUXTEXTSINC] - room auxiliary text setting for all booked rooms, incl. cancelled bookings
[INTERNALROOMNAME] - internal room name as used in the control panel, this is not the translated room name shown on the booking page
[OFFERID] - ID of the boked booked offer
[OFFERNAME] - booked offer name for all booked rooms
[OFFERSUMMARYINC] - summary offers including cancelled bookings
[UNITIDUNITID1] - ID of the unit (number) for this booking number (coming soon)
[UNITNAME] - unit names of all the assigned room types in the booking group (cancelled bookings are not shown)
[LEAVINGDAYAVAIL] - returns yes or no, can be used to trigger an Auto Action
[NUMROOMSAVAIL] - returns the number of available rooms (-1 if overbooked), can be used to trigger an Auto Action
[RANDOM8] - a 8 digit random number seeded from the booking number
[VOUCHERPHRASE1] - Voucher Phrase - change the nubmer number to the voucher you want to print out.
[VOUCHERAMOUNT1] - Voucher Amount - change the nubmer number to the voucher you want to print out.
=== Content from "Info" tab ===
[GUESTMOBILENUM] - guests mobile number with all non-numeric characters removed
[MOBILELAST1] last digit of the guests mobile number, if mobile is empty the guests phone number will be used.
[MOBILELAST2] last 2 digits of the guests mobile number, if mobile is empty the guests phone number will be used.
[MOBILELAST3] last 3 digits of the guests mobile number, if mobile is empty the guests phone number will be used.
[MOBILELAST4] last 4 digits of the guests mobile number, if mobile is empty the guests phone number will be used.
[MOBILELAST5] last 5 digits of the guests mobile number, if mobile is empty the guests phone number will be used.
[MOBILELAST6] last 6 digits of the guests mobile number, if mobile is empty the guests phone number will be used.
[PHONELAST1] - last digit of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number
[COMMISSIONNUM] - As per [COMMISSION] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)
[COMMISSIONGROUP] - Value of the commission of the complete group bookingwith currency symbol [COMMISSIONGROUPNUM] - As per [COMMISSIONGROUP] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)
[GUESTVOUCHER] - voucher code used with booking
[CANCELLEDTIME] - date when the booking was cancelled
[CANCELLEDTIME:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - date when the booking was cancelled display can be any valid PHP strftime format string
[CANCELURL] - URL to view and cancel bookings
[GUESTLOGIN] - URL to view bookings
[TURNOVERDAYS] - days until next arrival into the same unitnot considering black bookings
[TURNOVERDAYSB] - days until next arrival into the same unit considering black bookings  [VACANTDAYS] days from previous checkout to check in of current bookingnot considering black bookings [VACANTDAYSB] days from previous checkout to check in of current booking considering black bookings
==Date and Time==
BREF = Booking number
BRL1 = Last digit of booking number
BRL2 = Last 2 digits of booking number
BRL3 = Last 3 digits of booking number
BRL4 = Last 4 digits of booking number
BRL5 = Last 5 digits of booking number
BRL6 = Last 6 digits of booking number
CITY = Booking city
NOTE = Booking note
NUMN = Number of nights booked
ONAM = Offer Name
PAIC = Payment amount with currency symbol
PADD = Property Address
PAID = Paid amount
PCIT = Property City
PEOP = Number of guests
STUS = Status
TEXT = Prints a plain text table instead of HTML
TOTA = Total price
==== Custom Invoice Values====
You have the option to create a custom invoice variable to display a value from an invoice. Available content [INVOICEVAL with a selection of the following variables arespecifies the calculation:
CHA - charges
DP4 - 4 decimal places
DES - used as "DESsome description " - gives the sum of values with containing the description "some description"
INV - invoicee, add the invoicee number at the end. Example: INV20 to show invoicee number 20, INV0 will show items not assigned to an invoicee, INV-1 will show all items from the booking regardless of invoicee. You can combine INV[BOOKINGINVOICEEID]] to add the invoicee from the booking
[INVOICE:PRI_QTY_CUA_TOT_VAT_QTY_PAY_GRT_AMO_VAA] will create an invoice table with more information.
[INVOICE:SIN TRANSPORT] will create an invoice table with the Invoice item description for any items with the Status = Transport.
== Invoicee Variables ==
[INVOICEECURRENCY] - currency of the invoicee account the invoice is assigned to if it is not the property default or blank
[INVOICEENOTES] - value of the "Notes" field for the invoicee
[INVOICEETEMPLATE1] - template value 1 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank
[REPLACE|searchForThisText|replaceWithThisText|textToSearch] - replace "searchForThisText" with "replaceWithThisText" within the text "textToSearch"
[SUBSTR|startCharacterNumber|numberOfCharacters|textToGetSubstringFrom] - get a sub string from "textToGetSubstringFrom" starting at character "startCharacterNumber" (integer, 0 is the first char) with a length of "numberOfCharacters" (integer)
This will test for the first 4 characters of the Guest phone number.
[TRIM| string to trim ] - remove whitespace from the start and end of " string to trim "
You can use IF variables inside other IF variables to create complex logic but the internal IF: must be processed before the external IF
There are special versions of each IF constructed with ^ and ~ separators like [IF=^this^this^same~different]
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span>Only one IF of each type can be used to create complex logic.
The special versions are processed first so should be used as the internal IF so it's result can be processed by the outer if.
The special versions can also be used if you expect : or | characters within your data.
IF's are processed in the following order.
You want to test if the leaving date is a Sunday and it there is a gap for 1 or more days between the current booking and the next booking.
16. [<span style="color: #019cde">[IF=:[LEAVINGDAY:{%u}]:1:yes|[IF=^[LEAVINGDAY:{%u}]^3</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">^yes</span><span style="color: #fe746c">]</span>]
You want to test if the leaving date is a Monday or a Wednesday to send a specific message to the guest, for example a reminder that it is bin collection day.
17. [<span style="color: #019cde">[IF=:[LEAVINGDAY:{%u}]:1:yes|[IF=^[LEAVINGDAY:{%u}]^3^yes][IF=^[LEAVINGDAY:{%u}]^6</span><span style="color: #75d5ad">^yes</span><span style="color: #fe746c">]</span>]
You have different cleaning teams for different days of the week, and you want to send a message to the appropriate team if leaving date is a Monday, Wednesday or Saturday.
== Write out the number in Words. ==
[INWORDS] 10 will write out then"ten"
[INWORDS] [INVOICEPAYMENTSNUM] will write out the invoice sum of all payments
Note<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Always use the template variables ending with NUM if numbers are involved. The math functions will only work with numbers with a decimal point (not a decimal comma) and no thousands separator and no currency symbol.


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