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Template Variables

548 bytes added, 08:28, 8 September 2016
[INVOICETABLEVAT] - invoice table with vat information and vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVAT:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVATNOSUM] - invoice table with vat information without vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVATNOSUM:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information without vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEDATEVATNOSUM] - invoice table with vat information and date without vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVATINVOICETABLEDATEVATNOSUM:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and date without vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price. [INVOICETABLEVAT2] - invoice table with vat information and status field and vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVAT2:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and status field without and vat summaryand currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
[INVOICETABLEVAT2VATNOSUMINVOICETABLEVAT2NOSUM] - invoice table with vat information and status field and without vat summary
[INVOICETABLEVAT2INVOICETABLEVAT2NOSUM:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and status field without vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.
== Math Variables ==

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