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This page is about the integration with Yacan

To use this integration you need to have an account with Yacan.

1 General Information

Yacan is a system that reads the booking and send data to our locks, so the clients can manage their bookings from Beds24 and booking's codes from Yacan system.

2 Setup

Step 1. Allow API access

  2. Enter a 16 character API key into the API Key field. (You choose the APIKey. Create a random code, any combination of letters/numbers)
  3. Set 'API Key Access' = 'allow any IP'.
  4. Set 'Allow Writes' = YES
  5. Set Property Access = 'Owned by this account only'
  6. SAVE

Step 2. Set your property keys

  2. Add a 'propKey' your propKey should be at least 16 characters or longer and unique (you can not use the same key more than once.
  3. SAVE
  4. Repeat for each property you want to connect

3 How it works

Yacan will import your bookings every 30 minutes. Once they have imported into their system, they will be updated in Beds24, establishing the SmartLock code and the link to open it as Info Code. You can use an Auto Action to send the code to the guest.

A Booking Info Code LOCKROOM will be added to the booking.

You can use [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:LOCKROOM] in the Auto Action to send the details to the guest.

For further details please contact Yacan support.