Close rooms or rates at a channel

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Closing rooms or rates at a channel
This page explains how to close rooms or rates at a channel.

1 Channels which receive prices from Beds24

You can temporarily close rooms if you do not send prices for the periods you want to close.

If there are already prices in the the channels system you need to remove them.

1.1 Temporarily disconnect/close dates at a channel

You can set the number of accepted bookings in (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER->CHANNEL INVENTORY to zero for the period you want to close.

1.2 Temporarily close a rate

1. Open the prices for all periods you want to close at the channel and untick the channel the press SAVE.

2. Go to channel manger page for example (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER->BOOKING.COM/EXPEDIA/AGODA (for example) and click "Update" to push the change through.

3. Check in your channels extranet that the rate is closed.

4. Go go your prices again tick the prices and also untick the channel you want to close and SAVE the change. (This will reactivate the price for your booking page).

2 Channels which do not receive prices from Beds24 (iCal based connections)

You will need to close the rooms directly in the channels extranet.