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Setting Prices for Booking Channels

93 bytes added, 14:24, 15 July 2017
If a channel rate code is entered directly in a Daily Price or a Rate, it will be used with that price.
If the rate code field is left empty in the Daily Price or Rate, the rate code entered in the Channel Manager settings for the channel will be used, in this case the offer number of the Daily Price or Rate determines which rate code will be used.
The rate code field in the Channel Manager settings can take up to 4 rate codes, each separated by a colon (:). The first code is used for offer 1, the second for offer 2 etc.
To map the rates the connection to the channel needs to be established. The set up instructions for each channel explain the procedure. When the connection is established you will be able to access your codes.
<embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo>
If you have additional offers activated you need to consider this in the mapping. The rate code field in the Channel Manager settings can take up to 4 rate codes, each separated by a colon (:). The first code is used for offer 1, the second for offer 2 etc.
Please also see the help the channel help page for specific information for the channel you are setting up.
The capabilities depend on the channel and are explained on the help page for each channel.
==== Multiple rate codes using Daily Drices ====
If the Beds24 rate should be mapped to an alternative channel rate code, enter this rate code here.
<embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo>
If you have linked a rate to be used for other offers or rooms use the selector to choose the room you want to map.

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