[GUESTLANGUAGE] - guest language
[BOOKGROUPROOMLIST] - create a table of guest names including room type for a group booking
[BOOKGROUPROOMLISTTOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPROOMLISTCHARGETOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type and charge for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPNAMELISTCHARGETOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type unit and charge for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPUNITLISTCHARGETOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type unit anc charge for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPNAMELIST] - create a table of guest names including room type and unit for a group booking
[BOOKGROUPNAMELISTTOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type and unit for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPUNITLIST] - create a table of guest names including unit for a group booking
[BOOKGROUPNAMELISTTOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type and unit for a group booking with guest totals
[BOOKGROUPUNITLISTTOTAL] - create a table of guest names including unit for a group booking with guest totals