*Beds24 can send a single (1 person), double (2 guests) and a room price which will be applied for the maximum occupancy. You have the option to set a price for an "Extra Bed" if this option is activated in Agoda.
*Agoda can support more than one price per room for example to send prices for different minimum stays, meal options or refundable and non-refundable prices and can auto calculate child rates. See chapter "Multiple Rates" below.
*Agoda supports two pricing models:
**If your pricing model is '''Per Day Pricing'''
*** Rooms with a maximum of 2 guests: single price and double price. NO room price.
***Rooms for 3 or more guests: a room price for the maximum capacity of the room optionally a single and a double price. If no single or double price a set the rooms price will also be applied to one or two guests.
***If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices your daily price needs to be set for the max occupancy and the "Extra Person" price needs to be added with a negative value to the price for the full occupancy can send.
**If your pricing model is '''Per Occupancy Pricing'''
***A price for each occupancy defined in Beds24 can be sent. If you use rates for one rate a price for Single (1 guest), Double (2 guests) and a room price (for the number of guests you have defined in the rate ) can be sent. If you have more than 3 occupancy levels you can set up additional rates for each occupancy level and map them in them in the "Channels" tab of the rate.
***If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices the prices for the different occupancies will be automatically calculated.
*Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" and discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of the rates can not be sent.
*If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices your daily price needs to be set for the max occupancy and the "Extra Person" price needs to be added with a negative value.
Map Rooms:
*Select if your price model is "Per Day Pricing" or "Per Occupancy Pricing".
*Click on the "Get Code" link next to the room type id setting.
*Choose the Agoda room id you want to map to each Beds24 room and click on it.
Map Rates:
Agoda accepts following prices:
1. Rooms with a maximum of 2 guests: single price and double price. NO room price.
2. Rooms for 3 or more guests: a room price for the maximum capacity of the room optionally a single and a double price. If no single or double price a set the rooms price will also be applied to one or two guests.
*Click on the "Get Code" link next to the rate plan id setting.
[[Media:agoda_standard_rate_mapping.png|view large]]
*If applicable Choose if you pricing model is "per day" or "per occupancy" (see notes about "Prices" above").*You have the option to set a price for an "Extra Beds priceBed" if this option is activated in Agoda.
[[Media:agoda_extrabed.png|view large]]
Note: Agoda do not allow single unit Agoda Homes to have extra bed. If you use Agoda Homes you need to set Extra bed price = 0.
Beds24 can send a single (1 person), double (2 guests) and room price which is will apply for the maximum occupancy. You have the option to set a price for an "Extra Bed" if this option is activated in Agoda.
<span class="circle" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} Tip</span> ''Click on the "View Actual Data" Button to check which prices and availability will send.''
If you need prices for more occupancies talk to Agoda and ask them if the can set up additional rate Ids for you.
==Multiple Rates at Agoda==