== '''Step 8''' - Check and Customise your Booking Page==
You have the option to fully customise the look and the content of your booking page. For an overview of your options please go to [[Customise Booking Page]].
== '''Step 9''' - Install your Booking Button, Box, Strip, Calendar or one of our other Booking Widgets ==
Booking widgets connect your website to your booking page. There is a choice including booking buttons, booking boxes, booking strips, calendars. Go to SETTINGS->BOOKING PAGEENGINE->BOOKING WIDGETS. Choose the widget you want to use. If required you can customise the appearance. If you need help please click on the HELP button on the top rights of the widgets page.
Copy your widget to your website. To install the booking widgets on your web site you will need the ability to edit the HTML of your page. This may involve knowing the passwords for your web server and the ability to transfer your files. Your web hosting service should be able to provide information and assist you with this.
1. Your own web site
Click on the screen icon in the top right menu of the control panel or go to SETTINGS->BOOKING PAGE ENGINE to view your booking page and make a couple of test bookings.
The 'Price Check' tool shows you which prices and rules apply for specific dates//selections and why a certain price or rule was applied or not applied. Just enter your booking condition then click on 'Calculate'. You can find links to the 'Price Check' tool on the RATES, CALENDAR and SUPPORT pages.
== More customisation options==
*customise the [[Responsive_Booking_Page|look of your booking page to suit your web site]] in SETTINGS->BOOKING PAGEENGINE.
*customise the [[:category:Confirmation_Messages|booking confirmations to guests]] in SETTINGS->GUEST MANAGEMENT->CONFIRMATION MESSAGES.
*customise the display of the [[:category:Calendar| control panel CALENDAR]] page in SETTINGS->ACCOUNT->PREFERENCES.