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Property Access

4 bytes added, 17:49, 22 November 2023
[[Category:Channel_Manager_and_APIProperties]] [[Category:Webhooks]] <div class="heading">Property Access</div>  ''This page is about the menu {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS->) PROPERTIES->ACCESS''
== Api Access ==These settings will The propKey can be used shared with external systems if you want to allow external systems them to access your propertyvia API.  = Booking Webhook = A notification can be sent to the specified URL when a booking is created or modified. For more information use  If required, custom headers can be specified and optional data can be included in the context help (? icons)bodyThe webhook is sent as a POST method if it contains body data, otherwise it uses the GET method = Make property available in another account = '''In the other account'''
== Linked Property ==Properties can be made available to external accounts which are not sub accounts*Get the "Association Code" from SETTINGS->ACCOUNT.
=== Set up ==='''In the association this account''' *Get your "Your Association Code" from SETTINGS->ACCOUNT.*Give your association code and your username to the owner of the property which you want to add to the association account.
'''In the account which owns the property''' *Go to SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->ACCESS**Enter the username of the other account in which you want to make the property availabel available and their "Association Code" in the "Make property available in another account" section.


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