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Dorms on Airbnb

27 bytes removed, 9 January
[[Category:Channel Manager]]
[[Category:Room Linking and Dependencies]]
<div class="heading">Sell dorms on Airbnb</div>
This page explains how setup your property in Beds24 to create a virtual room with one bed to map to a DORM for sell DORMS in
Airbnb does not support supports dorms. We can not send inventory/how many beds are available. If one bed is available Airbnb will allow a booking for all beds in the dorm which will cause overbookings.
'''Example''': ==Setup == You have a room type (dorm) with multiple individual beds (Unit Allocation = one per guest) connected to room types at a channel or your own web site. You also want to sell them on or other channel that requires a bed/unit.
It is assumed you already have setup the room type with the number of beds, if not, create this first. [[Hostel_and_Retreat_Setup|See the details of how to setup dorms]].
'''Pricing for Shared room'''
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> If you use Pricing Model = Per Occupancy Pricing, then Airbnb '''1. Create individual bedsdoes not''' Go to SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->ROOMS->SETUP and create a new room for each bed you want to sell limit the number of guests based on Airbnb with following settings:*Quantity =1*Unit Allocation = one per booking*Maximum guests = 1*Sell Priority = Hide (to not show the bed on your own booking page)*Overbooking Protection =Propertyinventory sent from Beds24.
Set up one You need to set your Daily Price with 'Price for each bed you want to sell on Airbnb'= Upto 1 person and NO Extra Person Price.
Go to PRICES > DAILY PRICE RULES > edit your DAILY PRICE and set 'Prices For' = Upto 1 person.
'''2. Set dependencies'''
Go '''Setup your Property to SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->ROOMS->DEPENDENCIES and use the following settings meet Airbnb DORM setup'''
For the rooms created for the individual beds:*Requires Availability in = Dorm. *Combination Logic = 1 unit must be available *Dependency Level = Ignore Sub Dependencies*Assign Bookings Go to = Dorm*Use Prices from = The individual bed/unit can have their own rates and prices or you can set them up to use the prices from the dorms.{{#fas:cog}}(SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > DESCRIPTION >
For the dorm:*Do not set any "Availability Dependency". Leave "Assign Bookings" set to "This Room" (the default).Property Type = Hostel
*Property Type Group = boutique_hotels_and_more
*Listing Type = Shared room
*Bathroom Shared = Choose one of the options with shared bathroom (CAN NOT BE PRIVATE)
'''Bookings'''Go to {{#fas:cog}}(SETTINGS) > CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB> MAPPING > Sync Type = EVERYTHING
If you manually add a booking you need to do this in the "DORM" room not in the individual room/bed.==Common Errors==
It is possible that a booking for a bed could be made where there is always an individual bed available but '''This listing's property type does not support multiple inventories.''' OR '''room_type_invetory_not_supported''' Check {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > DESCRIPTION > 'Property Type" and the same one on each night. In this case 'Listing Type' match with the booking will remain 'Property Type Group' you have selected in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > SPECIFIC CONTENT. Check the room you created (?) for Property Type Group for the bedcorrect Listing Type for each group. It is normally possible *If {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > MAPPING > Sync Type = Prices & Availability, then you need to reassign ensure the setup in Airbnb meets the individual room bookings and then manually assign Listing Type/Property Type Group. *Otherwise change the booking booking Sync type = Everything to the resulting free space. If you cannot tolerate this situation, you should not be using this methodupdate from Beds24.
*Please also note that Airbnb has regional restrictions for some property types. Use the context help <div classspan style="warning"color:#007bff;“ >{{#fasfar:exclamationquestion-trianglecircle}} Test dependencies carefully. If you </span> for information on which combinations are using dependencies please test thoroughly to make sure your set up reflects your rulesallowed. If Check with Airbnb support if you are connecting one physical room more than once to have a booking channel you are risking overbookingsproblem with your property type.</div>


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