[INVOICEPAYMENTBYDESCNUM:Searchterm] - searches the payments for items with this search term and adds them up, value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)
[UPSELLTABLE] - table with all upsell items
[UPSELLTABLEVAT] - table with all upsell items with vat information and vat summary
[UPSELLTABLENOREFUND] - table with all upsell items except refundable items
=== Invoice Table ===
[INVOICETABLEINVOICEE1234] - invoice table for a specific invoicee, specify the invoicee Id number.
[UPSELLTABLE] - table with all upsell items
[UPSELLTABLEVAT] - table with all upsell items with vat information and vat summary
[UPSELLTABLENOREFUND] - table with all upsell items except refundable items
==== Custom Invoice Table ====