[CURRENTDATEYYYY-MM-DD] - current date in YYYY-MM-DD format
[CURRENTTIMECURRENTDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - current timedate [CURRENTDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.
[CURRENTTIME:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - current date time and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.
[CURRENTTIME:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.
[LEAVINGDAY:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.
[CURRENTDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - current date
[CURRENTDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.
[BOOKINGDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - booking date