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Auto Actions

58,523 bytes added, 16:41, 19 February 2024
== General Information and Setup ==An Auto Action is an action which can be programmed to run at a specific time relative to the time of the '''booking''', to the '''check-in''' date or to the '''check-out''' date.
An Auto Action is an action which actions have one or more trigger conditions and one or more actions. They can be programmed to run at triggered on a specific number of different conditions, like property, time relative or booking related conditions. Actions can be to the time of the send pre-drafted emails/messages or SMS, change booking, to the check in date or to the check out dateinvoice information or run webhooks.
Template variables provide great flexibility when creating/managing the Auto actions have Actions. Setup one or more Auto Action to trigger conditions and one or more actions. They can be triggered on a number of different conditions, like multiple/all properties/rooms with the propertyspecific details, time or booking related conditionsusing the [[Template Variables]]. Actions can be This removes the need to send pre-drafted emails or SMSduplicate your auto actions for each Property. Reducing the ongoing management, change booking or invoice information or run webhooksmultiple copies of the same auto action will require you to edit/modify each auto action rather than update one auto action.
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT -> AUTO ACTION and click on "Edit" Using 'Group Keywords' you can refine the triggers in the Auto Action to modify an existing auto include/exclude properties if the purpose/message in the Auto action or on "Create New Action" needs to set up a new auto actionbe different.
'''You can choose <span style="color:#019cde; font-size: 150%;“ >{{#fas:info-circle}} </span> Auto Actions are not designed as real-time actions. They are sent in batches at times so we recommend you set your triggers to send an auto action automatically or manually:'''allow for this.
'''Auto sending== Setup ==Go to {{#fas:''' cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT > AUTO ACTION
*Click 'Add New Action' button. You can choose whether you want to start with an empty Auto Action or whether you want to use a template that you can customise further.  *To MODIFY an Auto Action, scroll to the Auto Action and click on "Edit", make the changes and click SAVE. *To create a COPY of an Auto Action, click "Edit" on an existing auto action, scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Save as copy'.  *To DELETE an Auto Action, click "Edit" on an existing auto action, scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Delete'.  '''Trigger Action : '''  You can choose to trigger an auto action automatically or manually. *'''Manual:''' If set to manual actions can be triggered manually from the MAIL/ACTION tab of each booking.  *'''Auto:''' Auto action will automatically trigger on a booking based on the rules set in the Trigger tab. Check the details in the MAIL/ACTION tab of each booking. You will see if the auto action has triggered and when, if it has not triggered then you can check if it is due to trigger and when. ===Setup Outgoing Email Service - Required for sending Emails via Auto Actions===Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT -> OUTGOING EMAIL and follow the instructions to connect your email address/account to Beds24. '''Auto sending:''' The auto action batch process runs multiple times per hour. Auto Action Emails which are sent automatically by the system are sent from the EMail address of the account that created the Auto Action. This is the account set up in in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT-> OUTGOING EMAIL. Automatic actions will trigger every 15 minutes.
'''Manual sending:'''
When sending manually by clicking on the 'Send now' button you will need to make sure you are logged into the account which uses the Email address of the user you want to send fromare logged in as will be be used.
'''Before setting up an auto action please note<span style="color:'''#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span>To use this function you need to set the system to use your own Email address for outgoing emails under {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT -> OUTGOING EMAIL.
<span style="color:#fe746cf3e504;font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:exclamation-trianglelightbulb}} </span>To use this function you need Confirmation emails will send automatically to set the system to use your own Email address for outgoing emails under guest. You can customize them in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT GUEST MANAGEMENT -> OUTGOING EMAILCONFIRMATION MESSAGES.
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 200150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Confirmation The auto actions will appear on the 'Mail & Actions' tab of each booking where you manually trigger the email/messages will send automatically /changes to the guest. You can customize them in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT -> CONFIRMATION MESSAGESbooking.
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 200150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> The auto actions will appear on the 'Mail & Actions' tab of each booking where you manually can send the email trigger the changes to the booking. If you are using your own mail server for outgoing mail email/messages the Booking and Invoice actions will also be applied before sending the mail.
===Auto Actions and Subaccounts===
Auto Actions are account functions, i.e. they apply per account.
'''1. Account A ''' (master account or subaccount) in which the auto action was created.
Auto Actions are available according to the "Property" setting in the "Trigger" tab. I.e. either for
*all properties visible in the account (properties belonging to the account, properties available in the account).
'''2. Another account B ''' (master account or sub-account) in which the Auto Action has not been created.
Auto Actions are only available for properties that belong to Account A and have been made available in Account B.
Sets the criteria which have to be fulfilled to start the Auto Action.
"Booking Source" = "Direct" applies '''Property, Room, Unit''' You can refine the use of the Auto Actions only Action, by specifying if it should trigger on specific properties or all properties/rooms. You can select if it should trigger on All properties, All Owned by, All visible in account or a specific Property. If you select a specific Property then you can also select a specific Room id.  It is possible to bookings from your own web site'Exclude' specific Beds24 Room ids, manually added bookings and bookings imported though you can find the API (not Room id from the channel manager)Room Setup.  If required, you want to apply and Auto Action only to manually added bookings add your username can also specify specific Offers/Units in Room Types.  Send/Exclude Property Groups, this will use the "Referrer" fieldvalues you have entered in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING PAGE > MULTIPLE PROPERTIES > PROPERTY SETTINGS > GROUP KEYWORDS.  '''Time'''
"Trigger Time" defines when the action is allowed to start. Once it has started it is allowed to go for the "Time Window" period. When the "Time Window" period has elapsed the auto action stops.
Both "Trigger Time" and "Time Window" are relative to a "Trigger Event" i.e. check-in, check-out, time of booking.
== Actions =="Between Booking and Check in" can be used to include/exclude Same day/Near term bookings, set the number of days.
=== Messaging/Email ===Go to Email to create or modify a prepared Email template. Templates can contain [[Template Variables]] to include "Check In From" and "Check In To" use if you have specific information specific relating to the booking in the Emailbookings between these dates, special offers, for example the guests name or the arrival datemajor disruptions etc.
*To send Emails automatically you need to set up your outgoing Email address in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT -> OUTGOING EMAIL. '''Booking Source'''
*To send Emails "Booking Source" = "Direct" applies the Auto Actions only to bookings from your own web site, manually open a booking added bookings and go to bookings imported though the API (not the MAIL tabchannel manager). Manual Emails will open If you want to trigger only on manually added bookings add your username in a window, you may send it as is or edit it before sendingthe "Referrer" field.
Some systems have a limit of about 2000 characters for this form of email generation. If the email will not open try reducing the amount of text.'''Booking Conditions'''
If Auto Action Emails are send automatically they are send through your Email server"Group Booking Trigger" - use the (?) context help for the options. You should see "Invoice Balance" - use this on your server. Whether you see it in your Sent box or not depends on your Email programto for payments and reminders.
If Auto Action Emails are sent manually via a link in the "Email Templates" list in the booking Beds24 will first try to send through your Email server. You should see this on your server. Whether you see it in your Sent box or not depends on your Email program.'''Info Codes'''
If this does not work it will pop and send through your desktop. In this case you will see it use Booking Info Codes in your Sent boxbookings, you can enter values to include/exclude bookings.
==== Email Attachments ====You can choose to attach an invoice or a booking template as a PDF file to emails sent by Auto Actions. '''Booking Fields'''
If you send Emails with pdf attachment (invoice, booking template) to Alias-Email addresses created by channels Select the channel might block appropriate fields from the attachment so it is not delivered to the guestdrop down lists. Ask your channel about their policy regarding thisYou can also use an AND/OR option.
Other files "Template variables" can not be attached. We recommend you use a link to a file you upload used in the fields to your web sitegenerate dynamic values based on the booking.See the options in this section [[Template_Variables#Smart_Logic_Template_Variables|Smart Template Variables]]
==Actions = SMS = === Messaging/Email ===You Go to "Messaging" to create or modify a prepared Email/Message template. Templates can automatically contain [[Template Variables]] to include information specific to the booking in the Email/Message, for example the guests name or the arrival date. *To send SMS messages. Please note that a fee per SMS message applies if this function is activatedvia the Message API, then enter the text in the PLAIN text box, for emails, enter the text in the HTLM Box.
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >*To send Emails automatically you need to set up your outgoing Email address in {{#fas:exclamation-trianglecog}} </span(SETTINGS) ACCOUNT -> The SMS will send in the language of the account, not the language of the booking. Read Example 17 for a way to control the language of the SMSOUTGOING EMAIL.
=== Booking ===Go *To send Emails manually open a booking and go to the MAIL/Action tab 'Booking' to set up an auto action which modifies something . Manual Emails will open in the bookinga window, you may send it as is or edit it before sending.
=== Booking Info ===Set up auto actions which automatically add or remove info codesSome systems have a limit of about 2000 characters for this form of email generation. If the email will not open try reducing the amount of text.
=== Invoice ===Automatically add invoice items If Auto Action Emails are sent automatically they will send through your Email server. You should see this on your server. Whether you see it in your Sent box or pending paymentsnot depends on your Email program.
Invoice changes If Auto Action Emails are applied before sent manually via a link in the mail is sent"Email Templates" list in the booking Beds24 will first try to send through your Email server. You should see this on your server. Whether you see it in your Sent box or not depends on your Email program.
=== API ===Create auto actions which trigger HTTP POST notificationsIf this does not work it will pop and send through your desktop. In this case you will see it in your Sent box.
=== Webhook = Email Attachments ====Create auto actions which trigger You can choose to attach an invoice or a booking template as a web hook when the trigger conditions are metPDF file to emails sent by Auto Actions.
== Performance and Testing ==Auto actions will test up If you send Emails with pdf attachment (invoice, booking template) to 1000 bookings per cycle, if your trigger condition involves more than 1000 bookings, Alias-Email addresses created by channels the channel might block the next 1000 will be tested on attachment so it is not delivered to the next cycle etcguest.If you require the fastest speed make sure Ask your trigger is designed to test less than 1000 bookingschannel about their policy regarding this.
The easiest way to do this is usually by reducing the testing window to the smallest necessary and adjusting the trigger condition to the most suitableOther files can not be attached.For example We recommend you use a trigger that tests all bookings from booking time for 1 year will test many bookings while link to a trigger that tests only the 7 days before check-in will test less bookings and perform fasterfile you upload to your web site.
The test tab of the auto action has a button which ===HTML and Templates===If you use HTML you will show you how many need to make sure your code is correct and which bookings are being tested by the auto actionclean otherwise it might trigger our firewall.
It HTML messages created by third party services is also possible often convoluted and might contain critical content. Some tools like or that allow you to specify a booking number create your own templates and test if the auto action would trigger on that booking with some diagnostics information shown also provide many templates have tested to help trouble shootingwork well in Beds24.
== Troubleshooting = SMS === '''If Auto Actions do not You can automatically send:''' The list in the "Mail" tab of the booking will tell you whySMS messages. Common causes are: *Is your outgoing Email address working? Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT->OUTGOING EMAIL and click on "Send Test Email"Please note that a fee per SMS message applies if this function is activated. *Is your Auto Action set to send automatically? *Is the guests Email address valid ("Mails" tab of the booking)? *Is the booking set to allow Allow Auto Actions ("Mails" tab of the booking)? *Do all trigger events apply to the booking?
'''Delayed trigger of Auto Action<span style="color:#019cde; font-size: 150%;“ >{{#fas:'''info-circle}} See section Performance and testing above</span> SMS can only be used to communicate Information about a current booking. For legal reasons you can not use SMS for marketing purposes including discounts or vouchers.
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} '''Auto Action is </span> The SMS will send in the language of the account, not editable''' To have write access the language of the booking. Read Example "Send an Email in the guests language to an auto action an account needs to have write access internal Email address" for a way to all properties to which the auto action applies. This might not be control the case if you use sub accounts and language of the Auto Action is set to trigger for "All Properties"SMS.
'''You don't have permission === Booking ===Go to access control2.php on this serverthe tab 'Booking'' error message, when the save button is clicked It is most likely something in your content triggering the firewall. Try adding the content bit by bit until you find the item causing the problem. Often it is a script or HTML item that appears to the firewall as a possible hacking attack. It can also be set up an auto action which modifies something that looks innocent like a combination of numbers and words like "and" or "or" that hackers often use in sql injection attacks. Once you find the item causing the problem, try rewording itbooking.
== Examples =="Execution" - default is 'One time only' or 'Allow Repeats' This action can run one time only or repeat within the trigger time period.
<span style=== Send "color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> Emails/Message/SMS to guests ===are always triggered once only regardless of this setting.
Message API messages will be shown in the message tab of the booking and in the Channel Message centre=== Booking Info ===Set up auto actions which automatically add or remove info codes. Currently this This is only available good practice for reporting and Airbnbalso to trigger/exclude bookings from other auto actions.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > =Invoice ===Send an Email to the guest when the status of a booking changes to "Cancelled"====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Trigger tab:Automatically Assign Invoice Number. *Trigger Event = Check-in *Trigger Time = -365*Trigger Window = 365*Booking Source = All (for example)*Booking Status = CancelledAutomatically add/update invoice items or pending payments.
Message tabPending payments can use Payment Rules defined in {{#fas: For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML boxcog}} (SETTINGS)->PAYMENTS->PAYMENT RULES.
*'''Send Message''' = Booking API/Smart EmailInvoice changes are applied before the mail is sent.
If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels === API messaging systems if possible===Create auto actions which trigger HTTP POST notifications.
If no connection to === Webhook ===Create auto actions which trigger a messaging system is available web hook when the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Emailtrigger conditions are met.
*'''Email Subject''' - enter the subject for your Guests== Multiple Properties ==
*'''Plain Text Box''' - will send With Multiple Properties, the requirement to channels have Property specific information in the Messages/emails sent to the guest/housekeeping/owner can be achieved using Message APITemplate Variables.
Message Text When you create a Property/Room in Beds24, the setup of the Property/Room is held in the database and can be accessed via Template Variables. For example in {{#fas:- enter cog}} (SETTINGS) >PROPERTIES >DESCRIPTION, you setup the text you wish to send to your guests include URLproperty specific details. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
*'''HTML box''' Property name - Email will can be sentaccessed in template variable [PROPERTYNAME] *Property Address - can be accessed in template variable [PROPERTYADDRESS]
Email Text :- It is possible to use You will find the same details (URL) as in the Plain Text box above. full list of Property Template variables can be used Variables when you go to [[Template_Variables#Property_Variables| see hereProperty Variables]]
There are additional Property Templates that can be used in Messages/Emails/SMS to the guest that can be customised for each Property. Each Property Template can hold customised text that can be used in Auto Actions, Booking Templates, Invoices and Reports.
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >Go to {{#fas:exclamation-trianglecog}} </span(SETTINGS) >PROPERTIES >DESCRIPTION > If PROPERTY TEMPLATES you will see the list that are using deposit collection make sure you set SETTINGS->PAYMENTS->PAYMENT COLLECTION "Non Payment Booking Status" = Requestavailable.
<When you create each Room/div><Unit the information is held in Room/div>Unit specific template variables.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" >You will find the full list of Room/Unit Template Variables when you go to [[Template_Variables#Room_Variables|Room Variables]]
====Change See the status full list of all upcoming direct bookings to "Cancelled" and send an Email to the guest ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = Check-in*Trigger Time = -14 (for example to cancel the bookings for the next two weeks)*Trigger Window = 14*Booking Source = Direct *Booking Status = All Not Cancelled[[Template Variables]].
Booking tab: *Booking Status = CancelledYou can send a message/email to your guests, confirming their booking date, property details and property contact details. Use the property, room and booking templates to build the message/email in one Auto Action, rather than one auto action per property.
Message tab: For channels using This approach will reduce the Message APIongoing management, then enter update one Auto Action and it will apply to all/selected properties rather than having to edit multiple auto actions with the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML boxsame overall message.
*'''Send Message''' = Booking API/Smart Email==Example 1 - Each property has a different access code for the main building door ===
If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains Your properties have security doors with keycodes, each property has a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possibledifferent code.
If no connection Go to a messaging system is available {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) >PROPERTIES >DESCRIPTION >PROPERTY TEMPLATES > Property Template 1 enter the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of Building Access Code, use this same field in each property and set the Emailappropriate code.
*'''Email Subject''' - enter Then in the subject for your GuestsAuto Action use [PROPERTYTEMPLATE1] in the text rather than the actual value.
*'''Plain Text Box''' Please use this code to Access the Main building Door:- will send to channels using Message API[PROPERTYTEMPLATE1]
Message Text :- enter There is no need for a separate auto action due to the text you wish to send to your guests include URLfront door keycode being different. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
*'''HTML box''' ===Example 2 - Email will be sentHousekeeping/Cleaning Team is different for each Property. ===
Email Text :- It is possible Each of your properties has a different housekeeping/cleaning team and you need to use send them an email with the same booking details (URL) as in the Plain Text box abovefor each booking. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
</divGo to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) >PROPERTIES >DESCRIPTION >PROPERTY TEMPLATES ><Property Template 5 enter the email address for Housekeeping/div>Cleaning team.
<div class=In the Auto action, *"mw-collapsible mw-collapsedSend Message">= Internal Only.<div class=*"headline-collapseInternal Email Address" >= [PROPERTYTEMPLATE5]
====Send an There is no need for a separate auto action as the message or SMS will be sent to Guest when booking made more than 10 days in advance====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = Check-in*Trigger Time = -365 days*Trigger Window = 355 days*Booking Status = All not cancelledthe appropriate email from property template 5.
Booking tab:*Execution = One time only*Booking Status = No ChangeIf you have different teams per room, then use a Room template rather than the Property Template.
Message tab: For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box. ===Example 3 - Send email to a Group of Properties (not all) ===
*'''Send Message''' = Booking APIYou can setup a "Group" for your Properties, this has a number of benefits, including sending/Smart Emailexcluding messages/emails to a Group of Properties, view a "Group" of properties in your Calendar and in Reports.
If To assign the "Mail & ActionsGroup" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possibleyour Properties, go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > BOOKING ENGINE > MULTI BOOKING PAGE > PROPERTY SETTINGS > GROUP KEYWORDS.
If no connection Enter a Group name, it needs to be a messaging system is available the message will send single word - for example you want to identify all 4 bedroom properties, then you can add 4BEDS and add this to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Emailall 4 Bedroom properties you have.
*'''Email Subject''' - Each property can be in multiple groups, enter the subject multiple keywords separated by a comma, for your Guestsexample :- 4BEDS, OceanView, Dublin.
In the Trigger tab of the Auto Action, enter the Group keyword in *'''Plain Text Box''' - will send "Send Only To Property Groups" OR "Exclude Property Groups" you want to channels using Message APIinclude/exclude from the Auto Action.
Message Text <span style="color:#f3e504; font- enter the text size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> This filter will not apply if you wish to send to your guests include URLare triggering on a single property. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
*'''HTML box''' - Email will be sent== Using Smart Logic Template Variables ==You can use smart logic template variables to trigger auto actions for specific conditions.
Email Text If you want to send a message on a specific day of the week :- It is possible to use the same details (URL) as in the Plain Text box above. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
1) You need to send a message to remind the guests to put the rubbish bin out for collection on a Wednesday night.
* [IF=:[CURRENTDATE:{%u}]:3:yes|no] will test if the current date is a Wednesday
SMS tab :2) Remind the guest that the cleaning lady will be at the apartment on Friday morning.
Please note * [IF=:[CURRENTDATE:{%u}]:4:yes|no] will test if the current date is a charge applies per SMS message. Thursday
*Send SMS Message : Enable*Phone Number : This is %u ISO-8601 numeric representation of the phone number that will receive day of the SMS notification.week 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
This is a global service == Performance and Testing ==Auto actions will test up to 1000 bookings per cycle, if your trigger condition involves more than 1000 bookings, the notifications can next 1000 will be sent tested on the next cycle etc.If you require the fastest speed, ensure your trigger is designed to almost phone in any countrytest less than 1000 bookings.
The phone number must contain easiest way to do this is usually by reducing the international country code testing window to the smallest necessary and adjusting the trigger condition to the most suitable.For example a trigger that tests all bookings from booking time for 1 year will test many bookings while a trigger that tests only the 7 days before check-in will test less bookings and phone number as it would be dialed internationallyperform faster.
Do not include any leading zeros or other characters The test tab of the auto action has a button that will show you how many and use no spaceswhich bookings are being tested by the auto action.
The It is also possible to specify a booking number must start and test if the auto action would trigger on that booking with the country codesome diagnostics information shown to help trouble shooting.
EXAMPLE'''Optimising your auto actions''' You can trigger multiple actions in one auto action, *send an email/api message to the guest, *send an SMS, update booking settings, *add/delete a booking info code, *trigger a webook, *add a pending payment, *update/add/delete a Charge/Payment item,*assign an invoice number.
There is no requirement to send to phone number 015625346 in the UK (Country code 44) enter set an individual auto action for each item if they can all apply at the following numbersame time.
4415625346<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> '''It is not possible to specify a specific time for the auto action to trigger.''' The use of the Trigger time 'Immediate' + 14 hrs (for example) will not trigger the auto action at 2pm local time, this will be the first time the booking could be checked to see if all other conditions are met, and added to the batch for processing.
You can use == Troubleshooting == '''If Auto Actions do not send:''' The list in the template variables [GUESTPHONE] or [GUESTMOBILE] but this "Mail" tab of the booking will only work if tell you why. Common causes are: *Is your outgoing Email address working? Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT->OUTGOING EMAIL and click on "Send Test Email". *Is your Auto Action set to send automatically? *Is the phone number has exactly guests Email address valid ("Mails" tab of the booking)? *Is the Plain Text box populated with the text you want to send (required format.when Message API is being used? *Is the booking set to allow Allow Auto Actions ("Mails" tab of the booking)? *Do all trigger events apply to the booking?
*SMS Message '''Delayed trigger of Auto Action:''' See section Performance and testing above.
Enter '''Auto Action is not editable''' To have write access to an auto action an account needs to have write access to all properties to which the message to send, messages will be truncated at 160 charactersauto action applies. Template variables can This might not be usedthe case if you use sub accounts and the Auto Action is set to trigger for "All Properties".
'''You don't have permission to access control2.php on this server''' error message, when the save button is clicked It is most likely something in your content triggering the firewall. Try adding the content bit by bit until you find the item causing the problem. Often it is a script or HTML item that appears to the firewall as a possible hacking attack. It can also be something that looks innocent like a combination of numbers and words like "and" or "or" that hackers often use in sql injection attacks. Once you find the item causing the problem, try rewording it.  '''Auto Action is not visible in a sub account''' If you have sub accounts and need an auto action to be used across multiple accounts/properties, then create the auto action at the Master Account Level and set Property = 'All visible in account' and ensure the Master account has access to the properties. == Examples == === Send Emails/Message/SMS to guests === </divspan style="color:#019cde; font-size: 150%;“ >{{#fas:info-circle}} </divspan> Message API messages will be shown in the message tab of the booking and in the Channel Message centre. Currently this is only available for and Airbnb.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" > ====Send an message or SMS Email to Guest the guest when the status of a booking made more than 7 days in advancechanges to "Cancelled"====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Alternatively you an use Between Booking and Check in
'''Trigger tab:''' Time:*Trigger Event = Booking (but not after checkCheck-in)*Trigger Time = Immediate-365*Trigger Window = 1 day365 Between Booking and Check in = 7 to 999Source*Booking Status Source = All not cancelled(for example)
Booking tab:*Execution = One time onlyConditions*Booking Status = No ChangeCancelled
'''Message tab''': For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box.
*'''Send Message''' = Booking API/Smart Email
If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible.
If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email.
*'''Email Subject''' - enter the subject for your Guests
*'''Plain Text Box''' text box - will send to channels using Message API
Message Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guests include URL. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
*'''HTML box''' - Email will be sent
Email Text :- It is possible to use the same details (URL) as in the Plain Text box above. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
SMS tab <span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> If you are using deposit collection make sure you set {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PAYMENTS->PAYMENT COLLECTION "Non Payment Booking Status" = Request.
</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div Please note a charge applies per SMS message. class="headline-collapse" >
*Send SMS Message : Enable====Change the status of all upcoming direct bookings to "Cancelled" and send an Email to the guest ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">*Phone Number '''Trigger tab: This is the phone number that will receive the SMS notification.'''
This is a global service and Time: *Trigger Event = Check-in*Trigger Time = -14 (for example to cancel the notifications can be sent to almost phone in any country.bookings for the next two weeks)*Trigger Window = 14
The phone number must contain the international country code and phone number as it would be dialed internationally.Booking Source:*Booking Source = Direct
Do not include any leading zeros or other characters and use no spaces.Booking Conditions:*Booking Status = All Not Cancelled
The number must start with the country code.Booking tab: *Booking Status = Cancelled
EXAMPLE'''Message tab:''' For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box.
to send to phone number 015625346 in the UK (Country code 44) enter the following number*Send Message = Booking API/Smart Email
4415625346If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible.
You can use If no connection to a messaging system is available the template variables [GUESTPHONE] or [GUESTMOBILE] but this message will only work if send to the phone number has exactly Email address from the required format"Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. *Email Subject - enter the subject for your Guests
*SMS Plain Text Box - will send to channels using MessageAPI Message Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guests include URL. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] *HTML box - Email will be sent Email Text :- It is possible to use the same details (URL) as in the Plain Text box above. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
Enter the message to send, messages will be truncated at 160 characters. Template variables can be used.
<div class="headline-collapse" >
====Send an message or SMS to Guest when booking made more last minute booking - 6 than 10 days or lessin advance====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Trigger tab:'''
Trigger tabTime:*Trigger Event = Booking (but not after checkCheck-in)*Trigger Time = Immediate-365 days*Trigger Window = 1 day355 days Between Booking and Check in = 0 to 6Conditions:
*Booking Status = All not cancelled
*Booking Status = No Change
'''Message tab''': For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box.
*'''Send Message''' = Booking API/Smart Email
If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible.
If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email.
*'''Email Subject''' - enter the subject for your Guests
*'''Plain Text Box''' - will send to channels using Message API
Message Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guests include URL. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
*'''HTML box''' - Email will be sent
Email Text :- It is possible to use the same details (URL) as in the Plain Text box above. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
'''SMS tab :'''
Please note a charge applies per SMS message.
<div class="headline-collapse" >
====Send an Email with a key code for a specific unit one day before check-message or SMS to Guest when booking made more than 7 days inadvance====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = Alternatively you an use Between Booking and Check-in*Trigger Time = -1 day*Trigger Window = 1 day *Booking Status = All not cancelled*Unit = Select the number of the unit you want to send this message to. Note that the number represents the index of the unit not its name.
Booking '''Trigger tab:*Execution = One time only*Booking Status = No Change'''
Message tabTime: For channels using the Message API, then enter the text *Trigger Event = Booking (but not after check-in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text )*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 1 day*Between Booking and Check in the HTML box. = 7 to 999
Booking Conditions:*Booking Status = All not cancelled  '''Send Messagetab:''' For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box. *Send Message = Booking API/Smart Email
If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible.
If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email.
*'''Email Subject''' - enter the subject for your Guests
*'''Plain Text Box''' text box - will send to channels using Message API
Message Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guestsinclude URL. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
If you are using the "Additional Information" function SETTINGS*HTML box ->PROPERTIES->ROOMS->SET UP "Unit Names" you can use template variables Email will be sent
ExampleEmail Text : Your room - It is possible to use the same details (URL) as in the Plain Text box above. Template variables can be used [UNITNAME]. Check-in from: [UNITNAME:1Template_Variables| see here] . The key code is: [UNITNAME:2]
The template variables will only work if you have entered text in SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->ROOMS->SET UP "Unit Names". The context help for this setting will explain how to do this.
'''SMS tab :'''
*'''HTML box''' - Email will be sent Please note a charge applies per SMS message.
If you are using *Send SMS Message : Enable*Phone Number : This is the "Additional Information" function SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->ROOMS->SET UP "Unit Names" you can use template variables [[Template_Variables| see here]]phone number that will receive the SMS notification.
Example: Your room This is [UNITNAME]. Check-a global service and the notifications can be sent to almost phone in from: [UNITNAME:1] any country. The key code is: [UNITNAME:2]
The template variables will only work if you have entered text in SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->ROOMS->SET UP "Unit Names". The context help for this setting will explain how to do thisphone number must contain the international country code and phone number as it would be dialed internationally.
</div></div>Do not include any leading zeros or other characters and use no spaces.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" >The number must start with the country code.
====Send an Email to the guest when a payment is made====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 365 day *Booking Status = All not cancelled*Invoice Balance = Any Payment made OR Invoice Balance = Zero (payment in full)EXAMPLE
Message tab: For channels using the Message API, then enter the text to send to phone number 015625346 in the Plain text box, for emails UK (Country code 44) enter the text in the HTML box. following number
*'''Send Message''' = Booking API/Smart Email4415625346
If You can use the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If template variables [GUESTPHONE] or [GUESTMOBILE] but this will only a masked Email address is available work if the message sends via phone number has exactly the channels API messaging systems if possiblerequired format.
If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email.*SMS Message
*'''Email Subject''' - enter Enter the subject for your Guestsmessage to send, messages will be truncated at 160 characters. Template variables can be used.
*'''Plain Text BoxBooking tab:''' - will send to channels using Message API*Execution = One time only*Booking Status = No Change
Message Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guests. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]</div></div>
You should consider adding the invoice table to the email so the guest can see the booking details including Charges & Payments. <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" >
[INVOICETABLE] ====Send an message or SMS to Guest for last minute booking - invoice table6 days or less====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
It is also possible to include a customised invoice table using this template variable '''Trigger tab:- [INVOICE:PRI_QTY_CUA€] will create an invoice table with price and quantity in Euros.'''
Time:*'''HTML box''' Trigger Event = Booking (but not after check- Email will be sentin)*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 1 day*Between Booking and Check in = 0 to 6
Email Text Booking Conditions:- It is possible to use the same details as in the Plain Text box above. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]*Booking Status = All not cancelled
You should consider adding the invoice table to the email so the guest can see the booking details including Charges & Payments.
[INVOICETABLE] - invoice table'''Message tab:''' For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box.
It is also possible to include a customised invoice table using this template variable :- [INVOICE:PRI_QTY_CUA€] will create an invoice table with price and quantity in Euros.*Send Message = Booking API/Smart Email
</div></div>If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible.
<div class=If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "mw-collapsible mw-collapsedMail & Actions"><div class="headline-collapse" >tab of the Email.
====Send an *Email to guests from Channels====</div><div class="mwSubject -collapsible-content">Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 1 day*Booking Source = Channel Managerenter the subject for your Guests
Booking tab:*Execution = One time only*Booking Status = No Change Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API
Message tabText : For channels using the Message API, then - enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML boxyou wish to send to your guests include URL. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
*'''Send Message''' = Booking API/Smart HTML box - Emailwill be sent
If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message Text :- It is sent possible to use the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via same details (URL) as in the channels API messaging systems if possiblePlain text box above.Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email.
*'''Email SubjectSMS tab :''' - enter the subject for your Guests
*'''Plain Text Box''' - will send to channels using Message API Please note a charge applies per SMS message.
*Send SMS Message Text :- enter Enable*Phone Number : This is the phone number that will receive the text you wish to send to your guestsSMS notification. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
This is a global service and the notifications can be sent to almost phone in any country.
*'''HTML box''' - Email will The phone number must contain the international country code and phone number as it would be sentdialed internationally.
Email Text :- It is possible to Do not include any leading zeros or other characters and use the same details as in the Plain Text box aboveno spaces. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
</div></div>The number must start with the country code.
to send to phone number 015625346 in the UK (Country code 44) enter the following number
You can use the template variables [GUESTPHONE] or [GUESTMOBILE] but this will only work if the phone number has exactly the required format.
*SMS Message
Enter the message to send, messages will be truncated at 160 characters. Template variables can be used.
'''Booking tab:'''
*Execution = One time only
*Booking Status = No Change
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >
====Send an Email with a message key code for a specific unit one day before check-in (Email or smsSelf Checkin) to guests that have Checked-out 30 days or more====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Trigger tab:''' Property, Room, Unit:*Unit = Select the number of the unit you want to send this message to. Note that the number represents the index of the unit not its name.  Time:*Trigger Event = After Check-outin*Trigger Time = 30 days -1 day*Trigger Window = 365 days 1 day  Booking Conditions *Booking Status = All not cancelled
'''Message tab: ''' For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box.
*'''Send Message''' = Booking API/Smart Email
If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible.
If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email.
*'''Email Subject''' - enter the subject for your Guests
*'''Plain Text Box''' text box - will send to channels using Message API
Message Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guests. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
If you are using the "Additional Information" function {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES->ROOMS->SET UP "Unit Names" you can use template variables
*'''HTML box''' Example: Your room is [UNITNAME]. Check- Email will be sentin from: [UNITNAME:1] . The key code is: [UNITNAME:2]
Email Text The template variables will only work if you have entered text in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES->ROOMS- It is possible >SET UP "Unit Names". The context help for this setting will explain how to use the same details as in the Plain Text box abovedo this. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
SMS tab :
Please note a charge applies per SMS message. *HTML box - Email will be sent
*Send SMS Message : Enable*Phone Number If you are using the "Additional Information" function SETTINGS-{{#fas: This is the phone number that will receive the SMS notification.cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES->ROOMS->SET UP "Unit Names" you can use template variables [[Template_Variables| see here]]
This Example: Your room is a global service and the notifications can be sent to almost phone [UNITNAME]. Check-in any countryfrom: [UNITNAME:1] . The phone number must contain the international country key code and phone number as it would be dialed internationally. Do not include any leading zeros or other characters and use no spaces. The number must start with the country code. EXAMPLE to send to phone number 015625346 in the UK (Country code 44) enter the following number 4415625346 You can use the template variables [GUESTPHONE] or is: [GUESTMOBILEUNITNAME:2] but this will only work if the phone number has exactly the required format. *SMS Message
Enter the message to send, messages The template variables will be truncated at 160 charactersonly work if you have entered text in S{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES->ROOMS->SET UP "Unit Names". Template variables can be usedThe context help for this setting will explain how to do this.
'''Booking tab: (optional)'''
*Execution = One time only
*Flag Text Booking Status = The text you want to display*Flag Colour - choose the flag colourNo Change
<div class="headline-collapse" >
====Send an Email to the guest when a Request for payment to your guests for all bookingsis made====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Trigger tab:'''
Time:*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 1 365 day  Booking Conditions: *Booking Source Status = All not cancelled*Invoice Balance = Any Payment made OR Invoice Balance = ALL Zero (or select the booking source/Channelpayment in full)
'''Message tab: Update details as appropriate*Send ''' For channels using the Message = Booking API and Email Smart: If , then enter the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of text in the Email. Messages to Plain text box, for emails enter the Email address entered text in the field "Internal" are sent via EmailHTML box.
Plain Text (Using *Send Message = Booking API)*Subject - enter the subject for your Guests*Plain Text Message :- enter the Message text you wish to send to your guests include the payment link /Smart Email
https://beds24If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible.php?bookid=[BOOKID]
You can find extra options If no connection to add a messaging system is available the message will send to the payment link if you want to refine Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the details
HTML Message (Send Email)
*Email Subject - enter the subject for your Guests
*Email Text :- enter the Email text you wish to send to your guests include template variable
[PAYLINK] this creates a payment link (HTML A tag) for the payment request for the amount in the booking deposit field if non zero, otherwise the outstanding balance. Check the template variables for other options.
Booking tab:*Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API
*Execution = One time only*Flag Message Text = The :- enter the text you want wish to display*Flag Colour - choose the flag colourBooking changes are applied before the mail is sent so that the flag template variable send to your guests. Template variables can be reflected in the Email.</div></div>used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" >You should consider adding the invoice table to the email so the guest can see the booking details including Charges & Payments.
====Send a Request for payment to your guests XX days before arrival====</div><div class="mw[INVOICETABLE] -collapsible-content">Trigger tab:invoice table
*Trigger Event = CheckIt is also possible to include a customised invoice table using this template variable :-[INVOICE:PRI_QTY_CUA€] will create an invoice table with price and quantity in *Trigger Time = -42*Trigger Window = 1 day Booking Source = ALL (or select the booking source/Channel)Euros
Message tab: *HTML box - Email will be sent
*Send Email Text : **Booking API and Email Smart: If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address - It is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. Messages to use the Email address entered same details as in the field "Internal" are sent via Email.**Booking API and Email: Messages are sent via channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. Messages to the Email address entered in the field "Internal" are sent via EmailPlain text box above.Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
Plain Text (Using Message API)*Subject - enter You should consider adding the subject for your Guests*Plain Text Message :- enter invoice table to the email so the Message text you wish to send to your guests include guest can see the payment link booking details including Charges & Payments.[BOOKIDINVOICETABLE]- invoice table
You can find extra options It is also possible to add to the payment link if you want to refine the details HTML Message (Send Email) *Edit Email Subject - enter the subject for your Guests*Edit Email Text :- enter the Email text you wish to send to your guests include a customised invoice table using this template variable :- [PAYLINKINVOICE:PRI_QTY_CUA€] this creates a payment link (HTML A tag) for the payment request for the amount will create an invoice table with price and quantity in the booking deposit field if non zero, otherwise the outstanding balanceEuros. Check the template variables for other options.   Booking tab:
*Execution = One time only
*Flag Text = The text you want to display
*Flag Colour - choose the flag colour
Booking changes are applied before the mail is sent so that the flag template variable can be reflected in the Email.
<div class="headline-collapse" >
====Send Apply a Request for payment flag/colour to your guests XX days after a bookingwhen a payment is made - ''Select from the predefined template ''====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Trigger tab:'''
You allow your guests to make X number of payments for their booking. Time:*Trigger Event = Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 999 day
You can Booking Conditions: *Booking Status = All not trigger the auto action multiple times, unless you manage this manually, therefore you need to create multiple auto actions, so if you allow 3 payments for their booking, then you will need 3 auto actions. cancelled*Invoice Balance = Any Payment made
You will need to manually add a '''Booking Info Code to each booking that you have agreed to allow X payments. tab:'''
'''Create Auto Action one'''*Flag Text = Paid *Flag Colour = d4e4b0
Trigger tab:</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" >
*Trigger Event = Booking (but not after check===Email confirmation for channel bookings -in)''Select from the predefined template''====*Trigger Time </div><div class= +7 days"mw-collapsible-content">*'''Trigger Window = 1 day tab:'''
Time*Trigger Event = Booking Source = ALL (or select the booking source/Channel)*Invoice Balance Trigger Time = Not ZeroImmediate*Any Booking Info Code Trigger Window = MULTIPLE (for example) this can be used if you only allow some guests to make multiple payments. 1 day
Message tab: Booking Source*Booking Source = Channel Manager
*'''Send Messagetab:''' = Booking API/Smart Email**Booking API and Email Smart: If For channels using the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels Message API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available , then enter the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. Messages to the Email address entered text in the field "Internal" are sent via Email.**Booking API and Email: Messages are sent via channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. Messages to Plain text box, for emails enter the Email address entered text in the field "Internal" are sent via EmailHTML box.
Plain Text (Using *Send Message = Booking API)*Subject - enter the subject for your Guests*Plain Text Message :- enter the Message text you wish to send to your guests include the payment link /Smart Email
https://beds24If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible.php?bookid=[BOOKID]
You can find extra options If no connection to add a messaging system is available the message will send to the payment link if you want to refine Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the details
HTML Message (Send Email) *Edit Email Subject - enter the subject for your Guests*Edit Email Text :- enter the Email text you wish to send to your guests include template variable [PAYLINK] this creates a payment link (HTML A tag) for the payment request for the amount in the booking deposit field if non zero, otherwise the outstanding balance. Check the template variables for other options.
*Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API
Booking tabMessage Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guests. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
*Execution = One time only*Flag Text = The text you want to display*Flag Colour HTML box - choose the flag colourBooking changes are applied before the mail is Email will be sent so that the flag template variable can be reflected in the Email.
'''Create additional Auto Actions for each period you want Email Text :- It is possible to trigger'''use the same details as in the Plain Text box above. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
'''Create Auto Action 2 (and 3, 4, 5 - how many you need) Booking tab:'''*Trigger Time Execution = +14 days (days you want to collect the payments)One time only*Trigger Window Booking Status = 1 day  The use the settings in the previous auto action to trigger the next auto action for your booking. No Change
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >
====Send a Request message (Email or sms) to 'Capture' a Security deposit from your guests XX that have Checked-out 30 days before check-in - with Stripeor more====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Trigger tab:'''
You want to capture a Security Deposit for bookings on the day before checkTime*Trigger Event = Check-in from your guest.out*Trigger Time = 30 days*Trigger Window = 365 days
Capture of '''Message tab:''' For channels using the payment is only held by Stripe Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for 7 days, if emails enter the guest is staying longer you will need to send text in the request againHTML box.
You will need to create multiple emails to capture the payment multiple times for the same booking.*Send Message = Booking API/Smart Email
If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible.
'''Create Auto Action one'''Trigger If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab:of the Email.
*Trigger Event = CheckEmail Subject -in*Trigger Time = -1 days*Trigger Window = 1 day *Booking Source = ALL (or select enter the booking source/Channel)*Status = All not cancelledsubject for your Guests
*Plain text box - will send to channels using Message tabAPI Message Text : - enter the text you wish to send to your guests. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
Send *HTML box - Email : select the appropriate optionwill be sent
*Email Subject Text :- enter It is possible to use the subject for your Guestssame details as in the Plain text box above. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
'''SMS tab :'''
Message tab: For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box Please note a charge applies per SMS message.
*'''Send SMS Message''' = Booking API/Smart Email: Enable*Phone Number : This is the phone number that will receive the SMS notification.
If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains This is a "real" Email address global service and the message is notifications can be sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possiblealmost phone in any country.
If no connection to a messaging system is available The phone number must contain the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Emailinternational country code and phone number as it would be dialed internationally.
*'''Email Subject''' - enter the subject for your GuestsDo not include any leading zeros or other characters and use no spaces.
*'''Plain Text Box''' - will send to channels using Message APIThe number must start with the country code.
Message Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guests include URL. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]], change the pay=100 to the value you require.[BOOKID]&g=st&capture=0&pay=100. EXAMPLE
*'''HTML box''' - Email will be sentto send to phone number 015625346 in the UK (Country code 44) enter the following number
Email Text :- It is possible to use the same details (URL) as in the Plain Text box above. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]4415625346
Booking info tab: (Optional)You can use the template variables [GUESTPHONE] or [GUESTMOBILE] but this will only work if the phone number has exactly the required format.
*Booking Info Code = SECDEPOSIT (for example)*Booking Info Text = Security deposit request sent.SMS Message
Enter the message to send, messages will be truncated at 160 characters. Template variables can be used.
'''Booking tab:''' (optional)
*Execution = One time only
*Flag Text = The text you want to display
*Flag Colour - choose the flag colour
<div class="headline-collapse" >
====Send an Email in the a Request for payment to your guests language to an internal Email address for all bookings====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
This uses a smart template variable. In this example we check whether the guest booked in French. If yes, then we send a French text. If no, we send an English text.'''Trigger tab:'''
Time*Trigger Event = Booking*Trigger tab:Time = Immediate*Booking Field Contains - select "Language" in the next field enter: the short code for the language this Auto Action is for.Trigger Window = 1 day
Email tabBooking Source:*Enter Booking Source = ALL (or select the message in the appropriate language under your default source/Channel)
'''Message tab: For ''' Update details as appropriate*Send Message = Booking API and Email Smart: If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address.If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels using API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Message API, then enter Email address from the text in "Mail & Actions" tab of the Plain text box, for emails enter Email. Messages to the text Email address entered in the HTML boxfield "Internal" are sent via Email.
*'''Send Plain text box (Using Message''' = Internal OnlyAPI)
*'''Internal Email Address''' = Subject - enter the email address this message should be sent subject for your GuestsPlain Text Message :- enter the Message text you wish to send to.your guests include the payment link
*'''Email Subject''' - enter the subject for your Guests[BOOKID]
*'''HTML box''' - Email will be sentYou can find extra options to add to the payment link if you want to refine the details *'''Email Text''' https:- Template variables can be used in the message// [[Template_Variables| See here]]php/Category:Payments#Payment_Request
*HTML Message (Send Email)
Email Subject - enter the subject for your Guests
Email Text :- enter the Email text you wish to send to your guests include template variable
[PAYLINK] this creates a payment link (HTML A tag) for the payment request for the amount in the booking deposit field if non zero, otherwise the outstanding balance. Check the template variables for other options.
'''Booking tab:'''
*Execution = One time only
*Flag Text = The text you want to display
*Flag Colour - choose the flag colour
Booking changes are applied before the mail is sent so that the flag template variable can be reflected in the Email.
<div class="headline-collapse" >
====Send SMS in a certain language (if Request to update the guest's credit card as it is the language of the booking) or a default languagewill expire before checkin====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
This uses a smart template variable. In this example we '''Trigger tab:''' Time:*Trigger Event = Booking (not after check whether -in) *Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 1 day  Booking Souce: *Booking Source = ALL (or select the guest booked in French. If yes, then we send a French text. If no, we send an English source/Channel) '''Message tab:'''
Trigger *Send Email = Booking API and Email Smart: If the "Mail & Actions" tab: Whatever you wantcontains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. Messages to the Email address entered in the field "Internal" are sent via Email.
Booking tab*Plain text box (Using Message API)Subject - enter the subject for your GuestsPlain Text Message : Whatever - enter the Message text you wantwish to send to your guests including the payment link
SMS tabhttps:*Phone Number // [GUESTMOBILEBOOKID]*SMS Message &g= [IF=:[GUESTLANGUAGE]:fr:French_text|English_text]</div></div>cc
<div class="mwYou can find extra options to add to the payment link if you want to refine the details *HTML Message (Send Email) Edit Email Subject -collapsible mwenter the subject for your GuestsEdit Email Text :-collapsed">enter the Email text you wish to send to your guests including the payment link <div class="headline-collapse" > ====Send Remotelock, Nuki PIN or Chekin Link ==bookpay.php?bookid=[BOOKID]&g=cc this creates a link (HTML A tag) so the guest can enter their credit card details. Check the template variables for other options. </div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger '''Booking tab:''' *Trigger Event Execution = Check-inOne time only*Trigger Time Flag Text = The text you want to display*Flag Colour -2 (choose the number of days flag colourBooking changes are applied before check-the mail is sent so that the flag template variable can be reflected in you want to sent the code or link) Email.*Trigger Window = 2*'''Booking Source = AllInfo tab:''' *Booking Status Info Code = All but not cancelled*Group bookings = Trigger all on masterNEWCARDREQ*Booking Info Code Text = LOCKSTATE_PIN or NUKI_PIN or CHEKIN_URLNew credit card requested
Message tab:
*Send Email = Booking API/Email Smart
*EMail Subject = Your access code (your text)
*Email Text = Your text which includes the template variable [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:LOCKSTATE_PIN] or [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:NUKI_PIN]
<div class="headline-collapse" >
====Send Email a Request for payment to all current guest your guests XX days before check-in====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Trigger tab:''' Time:*Trigger Event = Check-in*Trigger Time = Immediate-42*Trigger Window = 14(the max number of days your guests can stay)42 day  Booking Souce: *Booking Source = AllALL (or select the booking source/Channel) '''Message tab:'''  *Send Email = Booking Status = All but not cancelledAPI and Email Smart: If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. Messages to the Email address entered in the field "Internal" are sent via Email. *Group bookings Plain text box (Using Message API)Subject - enter the subject for your GuestsPlain Text Message :- enter the Message text you wish to send to your guests include the payment link [BOOKID] You can find extra options to add to the payment link if you want to refine the details Trigger all on master *Any Booking Info Code = CHECKINHTML Message (Send Email) Edit Email Subject - enter the subject for your GuestsEdit Email Text :- enter the Email text you wish to send to your guests include template variable [PAYLINK] this creates a payment link (HTML A tag) for the payment request for the amount in the booking deposit field if non zero, otherwise the outstanding balance. Check the template variables for other options.  *Exclude '''Booking Info Code = CHECKOUT tab:'''
Message tab: *Execution = One time only*Send Email Flag Text = Guest The text you want to display*EMail Subject = Enter Flag Colour - choose the appropriate details flag colour*Booking changes are applied before the mail is sent so that the flag template variable can be reflected in the Email Text = Your text which includes the details for your current guests.
It is assumed you use the Checkin/Checkout feature in the Dashboard, if not you can either manually add Checkin to your bookings (Booking info tab) or create an auto action to add the Booking Info Codes to the bookings.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >  ====Send Email with a PDF attachmentRequest for payment to your guests XX days after booking====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
You can send Invoice or Booking Template attachments allow your guests to your Guestsmake X number of payments for their booking.
Setup your Invoice or Booking TemplateYou can not trigger the auto action multiple times, go unless you manage this manually, therefore you need to SETTINGS -> GUEST MANAGEMENT -> INVOICING or SETTINGS -> GUEST MANAGEMENT -> BOOKING TEMPLATEScreate multiple auto actions, so if you allow 3 payments for their booking, then you will need 3 auto actions.
Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = Checkout*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 1*Booking Source = All (or select the appropriate channel/Direct)*Booking Status = All but not cancelled*Group bookings = Trigger all on master*Any You will need to manually add a Booking Info Code = CHECKOUTto each booking that you have agreed to allow X payments.
Message tab: *Send Email = Guest API/Smart Email (or '''Create Auto Action one of the other options)*Attachment = Select an option from the drop down list. *EMail Subject = Enter the appropriate details *Email Text = Your text which includes the details for your current guests. '''
It is assumed you use the Checkin/Checkout feature in the Dashboard, if not you can either manually add Checkout to your bookings (Booking info '''Trigger tab) or create an auto action to add the Booking Info Codes to the bookings.:'''
If you send Emails with pdf attachment *Trigger Event = Booking (invoice, booking templatebut not after check-in) to Alias-Email addresses created by channels the channel might block the attachment so it is not delivered to the guest. Ask your channel about their policy regarding this.*Trigger Time = +7 days*Trigger Window = 1 day
Other files *Booking Source = ALL (or select the booking source/Channel)*Invoice Balance = Not Zero*Any Booking Info Code = MULTIPLE (for example) this can not be attached. We recommend you use a link to a file used if you upload only allow some guests to your web sitemake multiple payments.</div></div>
'''Message tab:'''
<div class*Send Message =Booking API/Smart EmailIf the "Mail & Actions"mw-collapsible mw-collapsedtab contains a "><div class=real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "headline-collapseMail & Actions" > ====Send tab of the Email after . Messages to the cleaner has cleaned Email address entered in the room====</div><div class=field "mw-collapsible-contentInternal">are sent via Email.
To send an automated Email to *Plain text box (Using Message API)Subject - enter the subject for your GuestsPlain Text Message :- enter the guest then they can check Message text you/the cleaner have wish to add a unitstatus send to your guests include the room when it is ready. In this example we used the unit status cleanpayment link
Trigger tabhttps:*Trigger Event = Checkin*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 1*Booking Source = All *Booking Status = All but not cancelled*Group bookings = Trigger all on master*Template Variable // [UNITSTATUS1BOOKID] Contains = clean
Message tab: *Send Email = Guest API/Smart Email (or one of You can find extra options to add to the other options)*EMail Subject = Enter payment link if you want to refine the appropriate details *Email Text = Your text
*HTML Message (Send Email)
Edit Email Subject - enter the subject for your Guests
Edit Email Text :- enter the Email text you wish to send to your guests include template variable
[PAYLINK] this creates a payment link (HTML A tag) for the payment request for the amount in the booking deposit field if non zero, otherwise the outstanding balance. Check the template variables for other options.
Other files can not be attached. We recommend you use a link to a file you upload to your web site.
==='''Booking Info Codes===<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Add CHECKIN Booking info code to bookings ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">tab:'''
If *Execution = One time only*Flag Text = The text you need want to use display*Flag Colour - choose the flag colourBooking info code CHECKIN/CHECKOUT for reporting/other auto actions, you can set changes are applied before the Booking info code rather than use mail is sent so that the Current guest module flag template variable can be reflected in the dashboardEmail.
Trigger tab:'''Create additional Auto Actions for each period you want to trigger''' *Trigger Event = Check'''Create Auto Action 2 (and 3, 4, 5 -inhow many you need) '''*Trigger Time = Immediate+14 days (days you want to collect the payments)*Trigger Window = 1 day*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All but not cancelled*Group bookings = Trigger all on masterThe use the settings in the previous auto action to trigger the next auto action for your booking.
Booking Info tab:
*Booking Info Code = CHECKIN
*Booking Info Text = Auto Checkin
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >  ====Add CHECKOUT Booking info code Send a Request to bookings 'Capture' a Security deposit from your guests XX days before check-in - with Stripe====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
If you need You want to use capture a Security Deposit for bookings on the day before check-in from your guest. Capture of the Booking info code CHECKIN/CHECKOUT payment is only held by Stripe for reporting/other auto actions7 days, if the guest is staying longer you can set will need to send the Booking info code rather than use request again. You will need to create multiple emails to capture the Current guest module in payment multiple times for the dashboardsame booking.
Trigger tab:
*Trigger Event = Check-out
*Trigger Time = Immediate
*Trigger Window = 1 day
*Booking Source = All
*Booking Status = All but not cancelled
*Group bookings = Trigger all on master
Booking Info '''Trigger tab: ''' *Booking Info Code Trigger Event = Check-in*Trigger Time = -1 days*Trigger Window = CHECKOUT1 day *Booking Info Text Source = Auto Checkout<ALL (or select the booking source/div>Channel)</div>*Status = All not cancelled
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Group check-'''Message tab''': For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">This requires the master booking to be checked-Plain text box, for emails enter the text in via the check-in functionHTML box.
Trigger tab:*Send Message = Booking API/Smart Email
If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. *Trigger Event = After BookingEmail Subject - enter the subject for your Guests *Trigger Time Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API Message Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guests include URL. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]], change the pay= 100 to the value you require. immediately*Trigger Window[BOOKID]&g=st&capture=0&pay= 365100.  *HTML box - Email will be sent Email Text :- It is possible to use the same details (URL) as in the Plain text box above. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] '''Booking Source = Allinfo tab: (Optional)''' *Booking Status Info Code = All but not cancelledSECDEPOSIT (for example)*Group bookings" Booking Info Text = Trigger all on master*Info Code = CHECKINSecurity deposit request sent.
Booking info tab :
*Info Code = CHECKIN
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >  ====Identify Repeat Guest Send an email to the guest email address when a payment FAILS at Stripe====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
This requires you to use the Guest database.
Trigger tab:
*Trigger Event = After Booking
*Trigger Time = immediatelyImmediate
*Trigger Window = 365
*Booking Source = All
*Booking Status = All but not cancelled
*Group bookingsBooking Info Code = STRIPEFAIL, CARDFAILSTRIPE '''Message tab:''' Update details as appropriate*Send Message = Booking API and Email Smart: If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address.If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. Messages to the Email address entered in the field "Internal" are sent via Email. *Plain text box (Using Message API) Subject - enter the subject for your GuestsPlain Text Message :- enter the Message text you wish to send to your guests including the payment link [BOOKID] You can find extra options to add to the payment link if you want to refine the details Trigger all on master *Template Variable = HTML Message (Send Email) Email Subject - enter the subject for your GuestsEmail Text :- enter the Email text you wish to send to your guests include template variable [GUESTSID1PAYLINK] greater than 0this creates a payment link (HTML A tag) for the payment request for the amount in the booking deposit field if non zero, otherwise the outstanding balance. Check the template variables for other options.  '''Booking tab:'''*Execution = One time only*Flag Text = The text you want to display*Flag Colour - choose the flag colourBooking changes are applied before the mail is sent so that the flag template variable can be reflected in the Email.
Booking info tab :
*Info Code = REPEAT
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >  ====Identify bookings with Custom Question ticked/unticked Send an Email in the guests language to an internal Email address ====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
If you have This uses a custom question with a 'Tick box' for smart template variable. In this examplewe check whether the guest booked in French. If yes, they want then we send a late checkinFrench text. If no, we send an English text.
Setup the custom question in Properties -> Booking Questions -> Custom Questions -> Custom question 1, set with TYPE = Tick Box. '''Trigger tab:'''
Time:*Trigger Event = Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger tabWindow = 1 Booking Source:*Booking Source = All (for example)
Booking Conditions:*Trigger Event Booking Status = After All Not Cancelled BookingFields:*Trigger Time = immediatelyBooking Field Contains - select "Language" in the next field enter: the short code for the language this Auto Action is for. '''Message tab:'''Enter the message in the appropriate language under your default language. *Trigger Window Send Message = 365Internal Only *Booking Source Internal Email Address = Allenter the email address this message should be sent to. *Booking Status = All but not cancelledEmail Subject - enter the subject for your Guests *Group bookings" = Trigger all on masterHTML box - Email will be sent *Email Text :- Template Variable = variables can be used in the message. [[GUESTCUSTOMQ1Template_Variables| See here]] equals ticked (or) not ticked
Booking info tab :
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class==Add invoice items to a booking ==="headline-collapse" >
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Add Send SMS in a fee to all bookings from certain language (if it is the language of the booking) or a channeldefault language====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
This uses a smart template variable. In this example the auto action will trigger on Booking and for 1 day, we check whether the guest booked in French. If yes, then we send a French text. If no, we send an English text. '''Trigger tab:'''  Set the rules to when this Auto Action should trigger. Time:*Trigger Event = After Booking
*Trigger Time = Immediate
*Trigger Window = 1 Booking Source:*Booking Source = Expedia All (for example) Booking Conditions:*Booking Status = All Not Cancelled
Invoice tab:
*Type = Amount
*Description = Cleaning fee (for example)
*Amount = 50 (for example - the amount of your cleaning fee)
*per = Room
*Period = one time
*VAT = 19% (for example - enter the VAT amount if applicable)
The fee will be added the next time the auto actions run. '''SMS tab:'''*Phone Number = [GUESTMOBILE]*SMS Message = [IF=:[GUESTLANGUAGE]:fr:French_text|English_text]
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class==Payments/Pending Payments==="headline-collapse" >
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Add a pending paymentSend Remotelock/Lockstate, Nuki PIN or Chekin Link 2 days before Check-in (Self Checkin) - ''Select from the predefined template'' ====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking or Before Check-in*Trigger Time = set the time you want to collect the payment*Booking Source =All (for example, you can also set different rules for different channels)'''
Booking Info tabTime: Optional-Add a booking info tab for information and reporting*Trigger Event = Check-in*Flag Text Trigger Time = PendingPayment -2 (for examplethe number of days before check-in you want to sent the code or link)*Flag Colour Trigger Window = select the colour as this will be visible in the Calendar/Bookings list2
Booking tabSouce : Optional- *Flag Text Booking Source = Pending payment added (for example)All*Flag Colour Booking Status = select the colour as this will be visible in the Calendar/Bookings listConfirmed Booking Conditions:- *Group bookings = Trigger all on master
Invoice tabInfo Codes :-*Payment Type Info Code = LOCKSTATE_PIN or NUKI_PIN or CHEKIN_URL (select on what the payment is calculated (Percent of Balance due)*Description = appropriate Booking Info Code for the text you will see in the "Charges and Payments" tab*Status = if service you use the status function add the status you want to apply to the pending payment (optional)*Amount = enter the amount or percentage you want to collect*Payment Rule = use auto or manual - if you have set up payment rules in SETTINGS->GUEST MANAGEMENT->PAYMENT COLLECTION they will be available here *Payment Due = Set when the payment is due
'''Messaging tab:''' For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box.
Create a Payment Rule to collect a payments when bookings are not cancelled. *Send Message = Booking API/Smart Email
Go If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to Settings > Payments > Payment Rulesthe guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible.
Payment Rule :If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email.
Name = Enter *Subject - enter the subject for your title Guests - Not Cancelled Your access code (for exampleyour text)Action = Auto
Payment Trigger :*Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API
*Booking Status = All not cancelled*Any Booking Info Code = optional*All Booking Info Codes = optional*Exclude Booking Info Code = optional (can exclude Virtual Credit cards, find Message Text :- enter the Booking info code in text you wish to send to your guests include URL. Include these template variables - [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:LOCKSTATE_PIN] or [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:NUKI_PIN] or [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:CHEKIN_PIN] see the booking)list of ALL template variables that can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
Payment Action :*HTML box - Email will be sent
*Capture = Yes Email Text :- immediately charged It is possible to use the same details (Capture=YesURL)*Add info code on success = add a Booking Info item to as in the booking on success*Add info code on failure = add a Booking Info item to Plain Text box above. Include these template variables - [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:LOCKSTATE_PIN] or [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:NUKI_PIN] or [BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:CHEKIN_PIN] see the booking on failurelist of ALL template variables that can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
<div class="headline-collapse" >
====Collect outstanding booking balance 3 Send Pin code to guest, 2 days prior to arrivalbefore Check-in ( Credit card details were collected at time of bookingSelf Checkin)====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
''''Create This auto action can be used if you have set a Payment Rule (Optional)''''fixed PIN code in the Room Setup or using digits from the Booking id.
Standard payment rules To setup the PIN code for each Room/Unit then go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP > UNIT NAMES, then in the system are Auto & Manualunit names, you can create add additional rules for the collection of outstanding payments, you can control the collection of payments if the booking status is changed, for example the booking is cancelled before the final payment is due to be collectedinformation including a pin code.
Go to {{#fasExample:cog}} (SETTINGS) PAYMENTS > PAYMENT RULES
Create a Payment Rule to collect payments if bookings are not cancelledYou have 2 units (100 and 101).Access Pin Code for 100 = 12345, for 101 - 34567
Click '''Create New Payment Rule''' In "Unit name" enter:(Use (?) in the room setup for more details/options)
Payment Rule:*Name = Enter your title - Not Cancelled (for example) 100|12345*Action = Auto101|34567
Payment '''Trigger tab:*Booking Status = All not cancelled*Any Booking Info Code (optional)*All Booking Info Codes (optional)*Exclude Booking Info Code = optional (can exclude Virtual Credit cards, find the Booking info code in the booking)'''
Payment Action Time:-*Funding Source Trigger Event = Guest card only*Payment value adjustment = Limit to group booking balanceCheck-in*Capture Trigger Time = Yes - immediately charged 2 (Capture=Yes)*Add info code on success = add a Booking Info item the number of days before check-in you want to sent the booking on successcode or link) *Add info code on failure Trigger Window = add a Booking Info item to the booking on failure2
Prevent Auto Payment Booking Souce :- *Prevent payment if booking status = Cancelled*Prevent payment after check-out (days) Booking Source = 7 (default)All*Prevent payment action Booking Status = Set ManualAll but not cancelled
Booking Conditions:-
*Group bookings = Trigger all on master
'''Create Auto Actions Messaging tab:'''For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box.
Collect the outstanding balance for bookings created via your booking page. *Send Message = Booking API/Smart Email
Go If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT > AUTO ACTIONS and click '''Create New Action''' to create themthe guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible.
'''Collect outstanding balance for direct bookings'''If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email.
Trigger tab:*Time**Trigger Event = Checkin**Trigger Time = Subject -3 days (set enter the time you want to collect the payment)**Time Window = 3 days (set this to the same number subject for your Guests - Your access code (positiveyour text) as Trigger time.
*Booking Source**Booking Source = Direct. You can have different auto actions/rules for direct bookings Plain text box -v- channel bookings, then select ‘Direct’ this will include manually created bookings and booking page bookings. send to channels using Message API
*Booking Conditions**Group Booking Trigger = Trigger only Master**Status = All not cancelled**Invoice Balance= Not Zero (Message Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guests include URL. Include these template variables - [UNITNAME] and [UNITNAME:1] or [BOOKIDLAST5] - Last 5 digits of booking number. See the list of ALL template variables that can be used to refine the auto action being triggered)[[Template_Variables| see here]]
Booking tab: Optional*Flag Text = Pending payment added (for example)*Flag Colour = select the colour as this HTML box - Email will be visible in the Calendar/Bookings listsent
Booking Info tabEmail Text : Optional, for information and reporting*Booking Info Code = BALANCE (for example enter the value - It is possible to use one word onlythe same details (URL)*Booking Info Text = Enter the description/text to show as in for the Booking Info CodePlain Text box above. Include these template variables - [UNITNAME] and [UNITNAME:1] or [BOOKIDLAST5] - Last 5 digits of booking number. see the list of ALL template variables that can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
Invoice tab:</div></div>
<div class="warningmw-collapsible mw-collapsed">{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} ONLY use Payment Type =‘ Percent of Group balance due’ if you selected Trigger tab > Booking Conditions > Group Booking Trigger = Trigger Only Master.</div class="headline-collapse" >
*Add a Pending Payment ====Send Email to the guests with check-in details 2 days before Check-in, bookingpaid/no outstanding balance ====</div>**Payment Type <div class= Percent "mw-collapsible-content"> This auto action will be sent only when the Invoice Balance of Group Balance due (select on what the payment booking is calculated) zero. This can be used to ensure that the checkin details are only sent when the guest has completed the payments.  '''Trigger tab:''' Time:-**Description Trigger Event = the text you will see Check-in the "Charges and Payments" tab**Status Trigger Time = if you use -2 (the status function add the status number of days before check-in you want to apply to sent the pending payment (optionalcode or link)*Trigger Window = 2 Booking Source:- *Amount Booking Source = 100 (this will be 100% of the outstanding group balance) All**Payment Rule Booking Status = Not Cancelled All but not cancelled Booking Conditions:- See Step 4 above (if you have set up payment rules in SETTINGS->PAYMENTS ->PAYMENT RULES they will be available here) **Payment Due Group bookings = Trigger dateall on master*Invoice Balance = Zero '''Messaging tab:''' For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box. *Payment time Send Message = set Booking API/Smart Email If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the time message is sent to collect paymentthe guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. **Invoicee = If you use no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "invoiceeMail & Actions" function tab of the Email. *Subject - enter the subject for your Guests - Your access code (your text) *Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API Message Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guests. This can include any information that is important for the checkin of the guest, for example the Key code for the door, who to contact if there are any issues, template variables can select which invoicee be used, see the pending payment list of ALL template variables that can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] *HTML box - Email will be assigned sent Email Text :- Enter the text you wish to send toyour guests this can include URLs.Include any information that is important for the checkin of the guest, for example the Key code for the door, who to contact if there are any issues, template variables can be used, see the list of ALL template variables that can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
<div class="headline-collapse" >
===='Capture' a Send Email to guests with check-in details 2 days before Check-in, Security Deposit when Credit card is collected Authorised at time of booking. Stripe ====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
This auto action will be sent only when the a payment has been 'authorised' at Stripe. This can be used to ensure that the checkin details are only sent when the guest has completed the Security Deposit Authorisation.  '''Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking *Trigger Time = immediate*Booking Source =All (for example, you can also set different rules for different channels)'''
Invoice tabTime:-*Payment Type Trigger Event = Fixed amountCheck-in*Description Trigger Time = Security Deposit -2 (the text you will see number of days before check-in the "Charges and Payments" tab)*Status = if you use the status function add the status you want to apply to the pending payment (optional)*Amount = 100 (balance is full price so 100% of sent the balancecode or link)*Payment Rule Trigger Window = Security Deposit (Create a Payment Rule, see below) *Payment Due = check in2
Booking Source:-
*Booking Source = All
*Booking Status = All but not cancelled
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fasBooking Conditions:exclamation-triangle}} *Group bookings = </span> Automatic collection is only available for customer who use [[Stripe]].Trigger all on master*Invoice Balance = Zero
Create a Payment Rule to 'Capture' a payment only. Captured payments will only be valid for 7 days, then it will expire, if the booking is for a longer period, then you can create a second Capture, you will need to create another auto action for this.Info codes :-*Any Booking Info Code = STRIPEAUTHORIZE
Go to Settings > Payments > Payment Rules'''Messaging tab:''' For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box.
Payment Rule : *Name Send Message = Enter your title - Security Deposit (for example)*Action = AutoBooking API/Smart Email
Payment Trigger :If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. *Booking Status = select If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the drop down list"Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. *Any Booking Info Code = optionalSubject - enter the subject for your Guests - Your access code (your text) *All Booking Info Codes = optionalPlain text box - will send to channels using Message API Message Text :- enter the text you wish to send to your guests. This can include any information that is important for the checkin of the guest, for example the Key code for the door, who to contact if there are any issues, template variables can be used, see the list of ALL template variables that can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] *Exclude Booking Info Code = optional (HTML box - Email will be sent Email Text :- Enter the text you wish to send to your guests this can exclude Virtual Credit cardsinclude URLs. Include any information that is important for the checkin of the guest, find for example the Booking info Key code in for the booking)door, who to contact if there are any issues, template variables can be used, see the list of ALL template variables that can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
Payment Action :
*Capture = Yes/No - immediately charged (Capture=Yes), if you want to make sure that the amount is available for later capture (Capture=No)
*Add info code on success = add a Booking Info item to the booking on success
*Add info code on failure = add a Booking Info item to the booking on failure
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >  ====Apply an info code and and/or icon when a payment was madeSend Email to all current guest (Check-in) ====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Trigger tab:''' Time:*Trigger Event = After BookingCheck-in
*Trigger Time = Immediate
*Trigger Window = 36514(the max number of days your guests can stay) Booking Source:
*Booking Source = All
Booking Conditions:
*Group bookings = Trigger all on master
*Booking Status = All but not cancelled
*Invoice Balance = Any Payment made
Booking Info tabCodes:*Execution Any Booking Info Code = One time onlyCHECKIN*Exclude Booking Info Code = Enter CHECKOUT  '''Messaging tab:''' For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the preset code Plain text box, for emails enter the icon or info code which you have created text in SETTINGSthe HTML box. *Send Message = Booking API/Smart Email If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. *Subject - enter the subject for your Guests *Plain text box ->ACCOUNTwill send to channels using Message API Message Text :->PREFERENCESenter the text you wish to send to your guests include URL.Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] *HTML box - Email will be sent</div></div>Email Text :- It is possible to use the same details (URL) as in the Plain Text box above. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >
====Assign invoice numbers====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Trigger tab:
*Trigger Event = Check-out
*Trigger Time = Immediate
*Any Booking Info Code = CHECKOUT (optional only if you use the check-out function, if not leave blank)
Invoice <span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> It is assumed you use the Checkin/Checkout feature in the Dashboard, if not you can either manually add Checkin to your bookings (Booking info tab:*Assign Invoice Number = yes) or create an auto action to add the Booking Info Codes to the bookings.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >  ====Using Pending Payments as a Payment ReminderSend invoice after check-out - PDF attachment - ''Select from the predefined template'' ====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Trigger tab:
*Trigger Event = After Booking or Before Check-in
*Trigger Time = set the time you want to add the pending payment to the booking
*Booking Source =All (for example, you can also set different rules for different channels)
You can send Invoice as an attachment to your Guests.  Setup your Invoice go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT -> INVOICING '''Trigger tab:''' Time:*Trigger Event = Checkout*Trigger Time = Immediate +8hrs*Trigger Window = 1 day Booking Source:*Booking Info tabSource = All (or select the appropriate channel/Direct) Booking Conditions:*Optional, add a booking info tab for information and reportingGroup bookings = Trigger all on master*Booking Status = Confirmed
Booking tabInfo Codes: Optional*Flag Text = PaymentDue1 (for example), set multiple if multiple payments are required. *Flag Colour Any Booking Info Code = select the colour as this will be visible in the Calendar/Bookings listCHECKOUT
Invoice '''Messaging tab:*Payment Type = select on what the payment is calculated (Percent of Balance due)*Description = the text you will see in the "Charges and Payments" tab*Status = if you use the status function add the status you want to apply to the pending payment (optional)*Amount = enter the amount or percentage you want to collect*Payment Rule = Manual - if you have set up payment rules in SETTINGS->GUEST MANAGEMENT->PAYMENT COLLECTION they will be available here *Payment Due = Set when the payment is due'''
The Pending Payment Report is available in Bookings > Pending Payments. This report can be used to see outstanding pending payments, this can be used to see all outstanding payments, when payment gateways *Send Email = Guest email - (or one of the other than Stripe are used, the Pending Payments report can be used to see outstanding payments and a checklist for bank transfers. options)
</div></div>*Attachment = Invoice Template 1
===Booking Flags/Colours===*Subject - enter the subject for your Guests
<div class="mw*Plain text box -collapsible mwwill send to channels using Message API Message Text :-collapsed">enter the text you wish to send to your guests. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] <div class="headline*HTML box -collapse" > Email will be sent ====Apply a flag when a booking Email Text :- It is cancelled====possible to use the same details (URL) as in the Plain Text box above. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]</div><div span class="mw-collapsible" style="color: #f3e504; font-contentsize: 150%;">Trigger {{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> It is assumed you use the Checkin/Checkout feature in the Dashboard, if not you can either manually add Checkout to your bookings (Booking info tab*Trigger Event = After ) or create an auto action to add the BookingInfo Codes to the bookings.*Trigger Time = 1 Hour*Trigger Window = 365 days*Booking Status = CancelledIf you send Emails with pdf attachment (invoice, booking template) to Alias-Email addresses created by channels the channel might block the attachment so it is not delivered to the guest. Ask your channel about their policy regarding this.
Booking tab:*Execution = One time only*Booking Status = No Change*Flag text = (enter the text Other files can not be attached. We recommend you require)*Flag Colour = Set as requireduse a link to a file you upload to your web site.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >  ====Apply a flag for a bookings from a channel which have breakfast includedSend Email with Booking Registration Form - PDF attachment====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Trigger tab:
*Trigger Event = After Booking
*Trigger Time = Immediate
*Booking Source = (for example)
*Booking Field Contains - select "API Message" in the next field enter: meal_plan=Breakfast (or Extra Breakfast - use the text the channel uses)
You can send Booking tab:Template attachments to your Guests. *Execution = One time only*Flag Text = The text you want Setup your Booking Template, go to display{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT -> BOOKING TEMPLATES*Flag Colour - choose the flag colour'''Trigger tab:'''
Time:*Trigger Event = Booking changes are applied before the mail is sent so that the flag template variable can be reflected in the Email.</div>*Trigger Time = Immediate</div>*Trigger Window = 1 day
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > Booking Source:*Booking Source ====Apply a flag when deposit was made prior to Check-in====<All (or select the appropriate channel/div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab:Direct)
*Trigger Event = Check-inBooking Conditions:*Trigger Time Group bookings = -365 (for example : must be a negative value and the same as the value in Trigger window)*Trigger Window = 365*Booking Source = Allall on master
*Booking Status = All but not cancelled
*Invoice Balance = Any Payment made
Message '''Messaging tab: '''
*Send Message = Guest API/Smart Email : select appropriate option*Enter : Subject and Email content(or one of the other options)
Booking If the "Mail & Actions" tab: (optional)contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible.
If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. *Execution Attachment = One time onlySelect Booking Template from the drop down list.  *Subject - enter the subject for your Guests *Flag Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API Message Text = The :- enter the text you want wish to send to displayyour guests include URL. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] *Flag Colour HTML box - Email will be sent Email Text :- choose It is possible to use the same details (URL) as in the flag colourPlain Text box above. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]]
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> It is assumed you use the Checkin/Checkout feature in the Dashboard, if not you can either manually add Checkout to your bookings (Booking info tab : (optional)or create an auto action to add the Booking Info Codes to the bookings.
*Booking Info Code : DEPOSITPAID If you send Emails with pdf attachment (for exampleinvoice, booking template)*Booking Info Text : additional text if requiredto Alias-Email addresses created by channels the channel might block the attachment so it is not delivered to the guest. Ask your channel about their policy regarding this.
Setting details with the Booking tab and Booking info tab allows Other files can not be attached. We recommend you use a link to trigger additional (follow on) Auto Actions and Reportsa file you upload to your web site.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >  ====Apply a flag when booking is fully paidSend Email after the cleaner has cleaned the room====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
 To send an automated Email to the guest then they can check you/the cleaner have to add a unit status to the room when it is ready. In this example we used the unit status clean '''Trigger tab:''' Time:*Trigger Event = After BookingCheckin
*Trigger Time = Immediate
*Trigger Window = 365*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All not cancelled*Invoice Balance = ZERO1
Booking tabSource:*Execution Booking Source = One time only*Flag Text = The text you want to display*Flag Colour - choose the flag colour</div></div>All
<div classBooking Conditions*Group bookings ="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"> Trigger all on master<div class*Booking Status ="headline-collapse" >All but not cancelled
Booking Fields:*Template Variable =[UNITSTATUS1] Contains ===Apply a flag/colour for a booking coming from a certain channel====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">clean
Trigger '''Messaging tab:'''*Trigger Event Send Email = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Booking Source = Guest API/Smart Email (for exampleor one of the other options)
Booking If the "Mail & Actions" tab:*Execution = One time contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only*Flag Text = The text you want to display*Flag Colour - choose a masked Email address is available the message sends via the flag colourchannels API messaging systems if possible.
Booking changes are applied before If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. *Subject - enter the subject for your Guests *Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API Message Text :- enter the mail text you wish to send to your guests. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] *HTML box - Email will be sent Email Text :- It is sent so that possible to use the same details as in the flag Plain Text box above. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] *Attachment :- if you want to send a Booking/Invoice template variable you can select from the drop down list.  Other files can not be reflected in the emailattached. We recommend you use a link to a file you upload to your web site.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >  ====Apply a flag when a payment was madeSend Email to your guest - Upselling additional nights - nights available after checkout ====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Also see Example : " Apply a flag when deposit was made prior to Check-in AND/OR Apply a flag when booking is fully paid".
Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 365*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All not cancelled*Invoice Balance = Any Payment madeTo send an automated Email to the guest confirming that it is possible to extend their stay.
Booking tabThis example uses fixed values that you have entered into {{#fas:*Execution = One time only*Flag Text = The text you want cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP > ROOM TEMPLATES and standard Template Variables set in the Property/Rooms, useful way to display*Flag Colour - choose utilise the flag colour</div></div>template variables and different values rather than duplicating auto actions.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">'''Trigger Tab :''' <div class="headline-collapse" > ====Apply a flag when a payment FAILS at Stripe====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> Trigger tabTime:*Trigger Event = After BookingCheckin (depending on when you want to notify the guest)*Trigger Time = Immediate-2 days (depending on when you want to notify the guest, in this example 2 days before arrival)*Trigger Window = 3652 Booking Source:*Booking Source = All Booking Conditions:*Group bookings = Trigger all on master
*Booking Status = All but not cancelled
*Booking Info Code = STRIPEFAIL
Booking tabFields:*Execution Template Variables = One time only[IFBETWEEN:[TURNOVERDAYS]:0:3:yes|no|no] equal yes*Flag Text = Stripe Payment Failed*Flag Colour - choose This template variable tests if there is 3 days between the guest booking and the flag colournext booking. </div></div>'''Message tab:'''
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Apply a flag to BookingFor channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML bookings and auto report the Credit Card when a payment FAILS at Stripe====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Go to Settings > Channel Manager > Preferences and set Auto report failed cards *Send Message = YesBooking API/Smart Email Trigger If the "Mail & Actions" tab:contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. *Email Subject - enter the subject for your Guests *Trigger Event Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API, enter the text you wish to send to your guests. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] [IF<= After :[TURNOVERDAYS]:3:Your apartment ([ROOMNAME]), which you booked for [NUMNIGHT] nights from [FIRSTNIGHTSHORT] to [LEAVINGDAYSHORT] is currently available for up to [TURNOVERDAYS] extra night(s)|]. We are very happy to offer you to extend your stay a [PROPERTYNAME] at the exceptional rate of [ROOMTEMPLATE3][PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK] per extra night. If you would like to extend your stay then please send an email to our Reservations team [PROPERTYEMAIL] confirming the number of nights you would like to stay and provide your BookingReservation Number [BOOKID] and Offer ‘EXTRANIGHTS’ for the special Price.   *Trigger Time HTML box - Email will be sent, enter the text you wish to send to your guests. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] [IF<= Immediate:[TURNOVERDAYS]:3:Your apartment ([ROOMNAME]), which you booked for [NUMNIGHT] nights from [FIRSTNIGHTSHORT] to [LEAVINGDAYSHORT] is currently available for up to [TURNOVERDAYS] extra night(s)|]. We are very happy to offer you to extend your stay a [PROPERTYNAME] at the exceptional rate of [ROOMTEMPLATE3][PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK] per extra night. If you would like to extend your stay then please send an email to our Reservations team [PROPERTYEMAIL] confirming the number of nights you would like to stay and provide your Booking Reservation Number [BOOKID] and Offer ‘EXTRANIGHTS’ for the special Price. *Trigger Window = 365*'''Booking Source = AllInfo Tab : Optional '''*Booking Status info code = All but not cancelledEXTRANIGHTS *Booking Info Code Description = BOOKINGCOMCARDUpsell email sent [CURRENTDATE] :[ROOMTEMPLATE3][PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK] per extra night
Booking tab:
*Execution = One time only
*Flag Text = Failed CC reported to
*Flag Colour - choose the flag colour
===Status changes===
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >  ==== Change the status of all "Request" bookings Send Email to "Cancelled" after three days your guest - Upselling additional nights - nights available before checkin ====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Trigger tab
*Trigger Event = After Booking
*Trigger Time = 3 days
*Booking Status = Request
Booking tab:*Execution = One time only*Booking Status = Cancelled</div></div>To send an automated Email to the guest confirming that it is possible to extend their stay.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"This example uses fixed values that you have entered into {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ><div class="headline-collapse" PROPERTIES >ROOMS > SETUP > ROOM TEMPLATES and standard Template Variables set in the Property/Rooms, useful way to utilise the template variables and different values rather than duplicating auto actions.
==== Change the status of all bookings which have been imported from Ical to "Request" ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">'''Trigger tabTab :*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Booking Source = Ical Import (1, 2, 3)-'''
Booking tabTime:*Execution Trigger Event = One time onlyCheckin (depending on when you want to notify the guest)*Booking Status Trigger Time = Request-2 days (depending on when you want to notify the guest, in this example 2 days before arrival)*Trigger Window = 2
Booking changes are applied before the mail is sent.Source:</div></div>*Booking Source = All
Booking Conditions:
*Group bookings = Trigger all on master
*Booking Status = All but not cancelled
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">Booking Fields:<div class*Template Variables ="headline-collapse" >[IFBETWEEN:[VACANTDAYS]:0:3:yes|no|no] equal yes
This template variable tests if there is upto 3 days from previous checkout to check in of current booking.  '''Messaging tab :- '''*Send Message ==== Change Room Unit Status when guest checks out ====Guest API/Smart Email</div><div class=If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "mw-collapsible-contentreal">Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible.Trigger If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tabof the Email. *Trigger Event Subject = Check-outEnter the appropriate details  *Trigger Time Plain Text Box = ImmediateYour text, using the template variables to modify the specific text in the booking. *Trigger Window [IF<= 1 day:[VACANTDAYS]:3:Your apartment ([ROOMNAME]), which you booked for [NUMNIGHT] nights from [FIRSTNIGHTSHORT] to [LEAVINGDAYSHORT] is currently available for up to [VACANTDAYS] extra night(s)|]. We are very happy to offer you to extend your stay a [PROPERTYNAME] at the exceptional rate of [ROOMTEMPLATE3][PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK] per extra night. If you would like to extend your stay then please send an email to our Reservations team [PROPERTYEMAIL] confirming the number of nights you would like to stay and provide your Booking Reservation Number [BOOKID] and Offer ‘EXTRANIGHTS’ for the special Price.  *Booking Status HTML Box  [IF<= All but not cancelled:[VACANTDAYS]:3:Your apartment ([ROOMNAME]), which you booked for [NUMNIGHT] nights from [FIRSTNIGHTSHORT] to [LEAVINGDAYSHORT] is currently available for up to [VACANTDAYS] extra night(s)|].*Any We are very happy to offer you to extend your stay a [PROPERTYNAME] at the exceptional rate of [ROOMTEMPLATE3][PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK] per extra night. If you would like to extend your stay then please send an email to our Reservations team [PROPERTYEMAIL] confirming the number of nights you would like to stay and provide your Booking Info Code = CHECKOUTReservation Number [BOOKID] and Offer ‘EXTRANIGHTS’ for the special Price.
'''Booking tabInfo Tab :- Optional'''*Execution Booking info code = One time onlyEXTRANIGHTS, *Change Room Unit Status Booking Info Description = Select the optionUpsell email sent [CURRENTDATE] :[ROOMTEMPLATE3][PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK] per extra night
It is assumed you use the Checkin/Checkout feature in the Dashboard, if not you can either manually add Checkin to your bookings (Booking info tab) or create an auto action to add the Booking Info Codes to the bookings.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >  ====Use API/Webhook Send Email to write to the field 'Message'your guest - Offering Early Checkin ====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
You can use a webhook To send an automated Email to the guest confirming that it is possible to have an Early Checkin as room is available the day of before arrival. This example uses fixed values that you have entered into {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP > ROOM TEMPLATES and standard Template Variables set in conjunction with the API JSON function '''setBooking''' Property/Rooms, useful way to utilise the template variables and different values rather than duplicating auto actions.  Trigger Tab :- *Trigger Event = Checkin (depending on when you want to write notify the guest)*Trigger Time = -2 days (depending on when you want to any field notify the guest, in this example 2 days before arrival)*Trigger Window = 2*Booking Source = All *Booking Status = All but not cancelled*Group bookings = Trigger all on master*Template Variables = [IF>:[VACANTDAYS]:1:yes|no] equal yes This template variable tests if there is 1 day between the guest booking and the next booking. First you have to configure access  Message tab :- *Send Email = Guest API/Smart Email (or one of the other options)*EMail Subject = Enter the appropriate details *Email Text = Your text, using the template variables to modify the specific text in the booking. Enter the text in both Plain text Box (Messaging API:) and HTML Box (Emails)
You need two keys to use our API JSON functions - one for the API itself and one for the property. The keys have to consist of 16 characters of your choosing.<br> '''API key:'''*SETTINGS -> ACCOUNT -> ACCOUNT->ACCESS "API Key 1"*API Key = my_very_secret_api_key*API Key Access = allow any IP*IP Whitelist = Dear, [leave emptyGUESTNAME]*Allow Writes = Yes*Property Access = Owned by this account only*'''Property key:'''*Settings > Properties > Access > propKey = secret_key_for_prop_XXXXXX,
Set We are very happy to offer you 'Early Check-in' at [PROPERTYNAME] at the triggers you need, for example:exceptional rate of [ROOMTEMPLATE3][PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK].
If you would like checkin early for your stay then please send an email to our Reservations team [PROPERTYEMAIL] confirming the number of nights you would like to stay and provide your Booking Field Contains: Message = XXXReservation Number [BOOKID] and Offer ‘EARLYARRIVAL’ for the special Price.Best regards,
Booking Info Tab :- Optional* URL Booking info code = <nowiki></nowiki>EARLYARRIVAL, * Custom Header Booking Info Description = Upsell email sent [CURRENTDATE] :[ROOMTEMPLATE3][leave emptyPROPERTYCURRENCYBACK]Early Checkin
Body Data::{::"authentication":::{:::"apiKey": "my_very_secret_api_key",:::"propKey": "secret_key_for_prop_XXXXXX"::},::"bookId": "[BOOKID]",::"message": "[MESSAGE] - Append this message":}</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >  ====Use API/Webhook Send Email to write the value of the 'commission' field to a new invoice itemyour guest - Offering Late Checkout ====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
You can create a new invoice item that contains the price of the channel's commission as a negative value to subtract it from the room price. You use the API JSON function '''setBooking''' for this. First you need to configure access to the API:
You need two keys To send an automated Email to use our API JSON functions - one for the API itself and one for guest confirming that it is possible to have a Late Checkout as room is available the property. The keys have to consist day of 16 characters of your choosingdeparture.<br>'''API key:'''*SETTINGS -> ACCOUNT -> ACCOUNT->ACCESS "API Key 1"*API Key = my_very_secret_api_key*API Key Access = allow any IP*IP Whitelist = [leave empty]*Allow Writes = Yes*Property Access = Owned by this account only*'''Property key:'''*Settings > Properties > Access > propKey = secret_key_for_prop_XXXXXX
Set This example uses fixed values that you have entered into {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP > ROOM TEMPLATES and standard Template Variables set in the triggers you needProperty/Rooms, for example:useful way to utilise the template variables and different values rather than duplicating auto actions.
Trigger Tab :- *Trigger Event = Checkout*Trigger Time = -1 days (depending on when you want to notify the guest, in this example 2 days before arrival)*Trigger Window = 1*Booking Source = All *Booking.comStatus = All but not cancelled*Group bookings = Trigger all on master*Template Variables = [IF>:[TURNOVERDAYS]:1:yes|no] equal yes
Set This template variable tests if there is 1 day between the webhook like this:guest booking and the next booking.
Message tab :- *URL Send Email = <nowiki>https:Guest API//apiSmart Email (or one of the other options)*EMail Subject = Enter the appropriate details *Email Text = Your text, using the template variables to modify the specific text in the booking. Enter the text in both Plain text Box (Messaging API) and HTML Box (Emails) Dear, [GUESTNAME], We are very happy to offer you 'Late Check-out' at [PROPERTYNAME] at the exceptional rate of [ROOMTEMPLATE3][PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK]. If you would like a late checkout, then please send an email to our Reservations team [PROPERTYEMAIL] confirming you would like the Late Checkout, provide your Booking Reservation Number [BOOKID] and Offer ‘LATECHECKOUT’ for the special Price.beds24 Best regards, [PROPERTYCONTACTFIRSTNAME] [PROPERTYCONTACTLASTNAME][PROPERTYNAME] [PROPERTYADDRESS],[PROPERTYCITY],[PROPERTYPOSTCODE],[PROPERTYSTATE],[PROPERTYCOUNTRY].com Email :-[PROPERTYEMAIL]Website :- [PROPERTYWEB] Booking Info Tab :- Optional*Booking info code = LATCHECKOUT, *Booking Info Description = Upsell email sent [CURRENTDATE] :[ROOMTEMPLATE3][PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK] Late Checkout </jsondiv></setBookingdiv> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Send Email to your guest - Offering Late Checkout Only on a Sunday when there is no new arrival ====</nowikidiv>*Custom Header <div class= [leave empty]"mw-collapsible-content"> To send an automated Email to the guest confirming that it is possible to have a Late checkout on Sundays as the room is available on the day of departure. This auto action will create a new booking for the date of departure, closing the calendar to any other bookings.  The URL link in the message tab, will send the guest to your guest booking page with set conditions, the leaving date of the existing booking, the room id of the existing booking and the Offer you have created for the LateCheckout.  This example uses fixed values that you have entered into {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP > ROOM TEMPLATES and standard Template Variables set in the Property/Rooms, useful way to utilise the template variables and different values rather than duplicating auto actions.
'''Step 1: ''' Create a new offer in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > OFFERS  *Name = Latecheckout*Enable = Only if Available*Booking Type = Confirmed with Deposit 2 - via payment gateway '''Step 2:''' Create a Rate or Daily Price, PRICES  *Guests = Max Occupancy*Max Stay = 1*Offer = select the offer number as created in the above step.  If you are using Rates, select 'Rate allowed' = Sunday, untick all the other days. Channel Tab, untick all channels, leave only '' for your booking page.  If using Daily Prices, then go to Calendar, and set the price and date range, then only Sunday, untick all the other days. Enable list, untick all channels, leave only '' for your booking page.  '''Step 3: ''' Create the custom question for the booking id Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > BOOKING QUESTIONS > CUSTOM QUESTIONS and create a question*Question = Booking Id*Single Line field*Optional '''Step 4: ''' Create the Auto Action Trigger Tab :- *Trigger Event = Checkout*Trigger Time = -1 days (depending on when you want to notify the guest, in this example 2 days before arrival)*Trigger Window = 1*Booking Source = All *Booking Status = All but not cancelled*Between Booking and Check in = 2 and 999 (to stop the auto action triggering on the new booking)  *Group bookings = Trigger all on master *Template Variables = [IF=:[LEAVINGDAY:{%a}]:Sun:|[IF>=^[TURNOVERDAYS]^1^yes~no]] equal yes This template variable tests if the departure day is a Sunday and there is at least 1 day between the existing guest booking and the next booking.  Message tab :- *Send Email = Guest API/Smart Email (or one of the other options)*EMail Subject = Enter the appropriate details *Body Data Email Text = Your text, using the template variables to modify the specific text in the booking. Enter the text in both Plain text Box (Messaging API) and HTML Box (Emails) Dear, [GUESTNAME], We are very happy to offer you 'Late Check-out' at [PROPERTYNAME] at the exceptional rate of [ROOMTEMPLATE3][PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK]. If you would like a late checkout, please use this link to make the booking and payment.[PROPERTYID]&checkin_hide=[LEAVINGDAYYYYY-MM-DD]&br5-[ROOMID]=Book <span class="" style="color:#f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> The details in the URL, will direct the guest to make a new booking in the existing room with the check-in date = leaving date and for Offer 7 &br-7 (offer created in Step 1 above) Enter your Booking Reservation Number [BOOKID] into the Booking id box on the booking page. Best regards, [PROPERTYCONTACTFIRSTNAME] [PROPERTYCONTACTLASTNAME] Email :-[PROPERTYEMAIL] Website :- [PROPERTYWEB] Booking Info Tab :- Optional*Booking info code = LATCHECKOUT, *Booking Info Description = Upsell email sent [CURRENTDATE]: Late Checkout </div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse"authentication> ====Send Email to your guest - On a Wednesday (Cleaner is due/Rubbish Collection is due) ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> To send an automated Email to the guest reminding them that there is an event on a specific day of the week, for instance, the cleaner is due on Wednesday mornings, or the bin collection is due on Thursday mornings.  You will need to check for the day of the week. If the booking is for more than 1 week, you will need multiple auto actions as an email will only be sent once, it is not possible to trigger multiple times.  '''Step 1:''' Create the Auto Action Trigger Tab :- *Trigger Event = Checkin*Trigger Time = Immediate *Trigger Window = 8 days*Booking Source = All *Booking Status = All but not cancelled *Template Variables = [IF=:[CURRENTDATE:{%u}]:3:yes|no] equal yes  %u ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday) This template variable tests if the current day is a Wednesday.  Message tab :- *Send Email = Guest API/Smart Email (or one of the other options)*EMail Subject = Enter the appropriate details *Email Text = Your text, using the template variables to modify the specific text in the booking. Enter the text in both Plain text Box (Messaging API) and HTML Box (Emails) Dear, [GUESTNAME], Hope you are enjoying your holiday at [PROPERTYNAME]. We would like to remind you that the cleaner is due to visit you on Thursday morning between 10am and 12am.  Best regards, [PROPERTYCONTACTFIRSTNAME] [PROPERTYCONTACTLASTNAME] Email :-[PROPERTYEMAIL] Website :- [PROPERTYWEB] Booking Info Tab :- Optional*Booking Info code = CLEANWED1*Booking Info text = Reminder that cleaning is due on the first Thursday of their stay.  This can be used to trigger the next auto action if the duration of their holiday is more than 1 week. Include the Booking Info code in the Trigger tab of the next auto action.  </div></div> ===Send an email to the Owner/Internal email address ===<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Send an email to the Owner/Internal email address when a payment FAILS at Stripe====</div><div class="apiKeymw-collapsible-content"> Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 365*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All but not cancelled*Booking Info Code = STRIPEFAIL, CARDFAILSTRIPE Messaging tab:*Send Message = Internal*Internal Email Address = enter the email address to receive the notification*Subject = Failed Stripe Payment*HTML Box = Enter the text to be sent, you can use template variables in this message, for example  [BOOKID] - booking reference number[GUESTNAMES] - name of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking[FIRSTNIGHT][LASTNIGHT] Booking tab: (optional)*Execution = One time only*Flag Text = Stripe Payment Failed*Flag Colour - choose the flag colour</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Send an email to the Owner/Internal email address when a guest completes a Payment Authorisation at Stripe====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 365*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All but not cancelled*Booking Info Code = STRIPEAUTHORIZE Messaging tab:*Send Message = Internal*Internal Email Address = enter the email address to receive the notification*Subject = Stripe Payment Authorisation*HTML Box = Enter the text to be sent, you can use template variables in this message, for example  [BOOKID] - booking reference number[GUESTNAMES] - name of all guests in the booking on the "summary"tab of the booking[FIRSTNIGHT][LASTNIGHT] Booking tab: (optional)*Execution = One time only*Flag Text = Stripe Authorised*Flag Colour - choose the flag colour</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Send an email to the Owner/Internal email address for a new booking====</div><div class="my_very_secret_api_keymw-collapsible-content"> Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 1 day*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All but not cancelled Messaging tab:*Send Message = Internal*Internal Email Address = enter the email address to receive the notification*Subject = New Booking*HTML Box = Enter the text to be sent, you can use template variables in this message, for example  [BOOKID] - booking reference number[GUESTNAMES] - name of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking[FIRSTNIGHT][LASTNIGHT] </div></div> ===Booking Info Codes===<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Add CHECKIN Booking info code to bookings ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> If you need to use the Booking info code CHECKIN/CHECKOUT for reporting/other auto actions,you can set the Booking info code rather than use the Current guest module in the dashboard.  Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = Check-in*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 1 day*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All but not cancelled*Group bookings = Trigger all on master Booking Info tab:*Booking Info Code = CHECKIN*Booking Info Text = Auto Checkin</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Add CHECKOUT Booking info code to bookings ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> If you need to use the Booking info code CHECKIN/CHECKOUT for reporting/other auto actions, you can set the Booking info code rather than use the Current guest module in the dashboard.  Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = Check-out*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 1 day*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All but not cancelled*Group bookings = Trigger all on master Booking Info tab:*Booking Info Code = CHECKOUT*Booking Info Text = Auto Checkout</div></div> <div class="propKeymw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Group check-in - ''Select from predefined templates'' ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">This requires the master booking to be checked-in via the check-in function.  '''Trigger tab: ''' *Trigger Event = Checkin*Trigger Time = immediate*Time Window = 1 day Booking conditions:*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All but not cancelled *Group bookings"secret_key_for_prop_XXXXXX= Trigger all on master if group*Info Code = CHECKIN '''Booking info tab : ''' *Booking Info Code = CHECKIN*Booking Info Text = Group checked in</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Identify Repeat Guest ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">This requires you to use the Guest database.  Trigger tab: *Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = immediately*Trigger Window = 365*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All but not cancelled*Group bookings"= Trigger all on master*Template Variable = [GUESTSID1] greater than 0 Booking info tab :*Info Code = REPEAT</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Identify bookings with Custom Question ticked/unticked ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">If you have a custom question with a 'Tick box' for example, they want a late checkin.  Setup the custom question in {{#fas:cog}}(SETTINGS) PROPERTIES -> BOOKING QUESTIONS -> CUSTOM QUESTIONS -> Custom question 1,set with TYPE = Tick Box.  Trigger tab*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = immediately*Trigger Window = 365*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All but not cancelled*Group bookings" = Trigger all on master*Template Variable = [GUESTCUSTOMQ1] equals ticked (or) not ticked  Booking info tab :*Info Code = LATECHECKIN</div></div>   ===Add invoice items to a booking === <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Add a fee to all bookings from a channel====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"bookId>Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Booking Source = Expedia (for example) Invoice tab:*Add Invoice Item = Add new*Type = Amount*Description = Cleaning fee (for example) - Template variables can be used. *Amount = 50 (for example - the amount of your cleaning fee)*per = Room*Period = one time*VAT = 19% (for example - enter the VAT amount if applicable) The fee will be added the next time the auto actions run. </div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Add a fee (Penalty) to all bookings with an Outstanding Balance==== </div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">You want to add a 2.2% fee to all bookings if there is an outstanding balance 2 days prior to checkin.  Trigger tab: Time :*Trigger Event = Checkin *Trigger Time = -2 days*Trigger Window = 2 days  Booking Conditions: *Status = All not Cancelled *Invoice Balance = Not Zero Invoice tab:*Type = Amount*Description = Payment Fee||[INVOICEBALANCE:2.2%]*Amount = 0 (leave as 0 so the value is set from the calculation in Description field)*Per = Room*Period = one time*VAT = 19% (for example - enter the VAT amount if applicable) The fee will be added the next time the auto actions run. </div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Add a negative value to Direct bookings for Stripe Charges==== </div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">You want to add the Stripe fee to all Direct bookings to show total value of booking, i.e. if you want to show the booking value. In this example the Stripe charge will be added as a negative figure.  Trigger tab: Time :*Trigger Event = Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 1 day  Booking Conditions:*Status = All not Cancelled  Booking Source:*Booking Source = Direct Invoice tab:*Type = Amount*Description = Stripe Fee||[BOOKIDINVOICECHARGESNUM:-3%]*Amount = 0 (leave as 0 so the value is set from the calculation in the Description field)*Per = Room*Period = one time*VAT = 19% (for example - enter the VAT amount if applicable) The fee/charge will be added the next time the auto actions run. </div></div> ===Modify description/values of an existing invoice item in a booking === <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Update the Description field of a charge/invoice item==== </div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> In some cases Channel bookings have different descriptions for the same charge item - i.e. Cleaning, update the description field in the invoice item so they all match,using the format (findthisinvoicedescription^replacewiththisdescription) Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Booking Source = Expedia (for example) Invoice tab:*Add Invoice Item = Update Only*Type = Change Description *Description = Cleaning^Cleaning Service Fee*Invoicee = Ignore (otherwise you can add a specific Invoicee to limit the search)  </div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse"> ====Update all values of a charge/invoiceitem==== </div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> You need to change the charges in bookings due to an update in your prices. Tourist Tax (for example), update the description field and value using the format (findthisinvoicedescription^replacewiththisdescription) Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Time Window = 365*Check In From = Select the first date of the Summer Season*Check In To = Select the last date of the Summer Season *Booking Source = Expedia (for example) Invoice tab:*Add Invoice Item = Update Only*Type = Change All *Description = Tourist Tax^Tourist Tax - Summer season 2022 (for example) *Amount = 0.75*Per = Per Person*Period = One time*Invoicee = Ignore (otherwise you can add a specific Invoicee to limit the search)  </div></div> ===Payments/Pending Payments=== <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Add a pending payment====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab:[*Trigger Event = After Booking or Before Check-in*Trigger Time = set the time you want to collect the payment*Booking Source =All (for example, you can also set different rules for different channels)*Group Booking Trigger = Trigger only Master (this will trigger on individual bookings and Master booking if a group) Booking Info tab:OptionalAdd a booking info tab for information and reporting*Flag Text = PendingPayment (for example)*Flag Colour = select the colour as this will be visible in the Calendar/Bookings list Booking tab:Optional*Booking Info Code = PENDPAY*Booking Info Text = Pending payment added Invoice tab:*Payment Type = select on what the payment is calculated (Percent of Balance due OR Group balance if you receive Group bookings)*Description = the text you will see in the "Charges and Payments" tab*Status = if you use the status function add the status you want to apply to the pending payment (optional)*Amount = enter the amount or percentage you want to collect*Payment Rule = use auto or manual - if you have set up payment rules in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT->PAYMENT COLLECTION they will be available here *Payment Due = Set when the payment is due  Create a Payment Rule to collect a payments when bookings are not cancelled.  Go to Settings > Payments > Payment Rules Payment Rule : Name = Enter your title - Not Cancelled (for example)Action = Auto Payment Trigger *Booking Status = All not cancelled*Any Booking Info Code = optional*All Booking Info Codes = optional*Exclude Booking Info Code = optional (can exclude Virtual Credit cards, find the Booking info code in the booking) Payment Action *Capture = Yes - immediately charged (Capture=Yes)*Add info code on success = add a Booking Info item to the booking on success*Add info code on failure = add a Booking Info item to the booking on failure </div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Add a pending payment - Set the Security Deposit value based on the price of the booking, using a calculation ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking or Before Check-in*Trigger Time = set the time you want to collect the payment*Booking Source =All (for example, you can also set different rules for different channels) Booking tab:Optional*Flag Text = PendingPayment (for example)*Flag Colour = select the colour as this will be visible in the Calendar/Bookings list Booking Info tab: OptionalAdd a booking info tab for information and reporting*Booking Info Code = PENDPAY*Booking Info Text = Pending payment added Invoice tab:*Payment Type = fixed value*Description = Security Deposit||[IF<=:[INVOICEFIRSTITEMNUM]:800:200|[INVOICEFIRSTITEMNUM][/.0]4] (Security Deposit is the description, then 2 | symbol, then the calculation for the 'Amount' to be set.) This calculation, tests if the first invoice item value (usually the Accommodation value) is greater than or = 800 if so set the Security Deposit Amount = 1 quarter of the first invoice item value, otherwise set = 200. <span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;">{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> <span style="font-weight: bold;" >Tip</span> A price value for the invoice item can be specified after a second pipe (|) symbol, this can be used to calculate a price using template variables. If the price value in the descriptionfield is zero or absent, the numeric value from the amount field will be used. *Status = if you use the status function add the status you want to apply to the pending payment (optional)*Amount = 0*Payment Rule = use auto or manual - if you have set up payment rules in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) Payments > Payment Rules they will be available here *Payment Due = Set when the payment is due  Create a Payment Rule to collect a payments when bookings are not cancelled.  Go to Settings > Payments > Payment Rules Payment Rule : Name = Enter your title - Not Cancelled (for example)Action = Auto Payment Trigger : *Booking Status = All not cancelled*Any Booking Info Code = optional*All Booking Info Codes = optional*Exclude Booking Info Code = optional (can exclude Virtual Credit cards, find the Booking info code in the booking) Payment Action : *Capture = Yes - immediately charged (Capture=Yes)*Add info code on success = add a Booking Info item to the booking on success*Add info code on failure = add a Booking Info item to the booking on failure </div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse"> ====Collect outstanding booking balance 3 days prior to arrival( Credit card details were collected at time of booking)====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> ''''Create a Payment Rule (Optional)'''' Standard payment rules in the system are Auto & Manual, you can create additional rules for the collection of outstanding payments, you can control the collection of payments if the booking status is changed, for example the booking is cancelled before the final payment is due to be collected.  Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PAYMENTS > PAYMENT RULES Create a Payment Rule to collect payments if bookings are not cancelled. Click '''Create New Payment Rule''' : Payment Rule:*Name = Enter your title - Not Cancelled (for example) *Action = Auto Payment Trigger :*Booking Status = All not cancelled*Any Booking Info Code (optional)*All Booking Info Codes (optional)*Exclude Booking Info Code = optional (can exclude Virtual Credit cards, find the Booking info code in the booking) Payment Action :*Funding Source = Guest card only*Payment value adjustment = Limit to group booking balance*Capture = Yes - immediately charged (Capture=Yes)*Add info code on success = add a Booking Info item to the booking on success*Add info code on failure = add a Booking Info item to the booking on failure Prevent Auto Payment :*Prevent payment if booking status = Cancelled*Prevent payment after check-out (days) = 7 (default)*Prevent payment action = Set Manual  '''Create Auto Actions ''' Collect the outstanding balance for bookings created via your booking page.  Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT > AUTO ACTIONS and click '''Create New Action''' to create them. '''Collect outstanding balance for direct bookings''' Trigger tab: "*Time**Trigger Event = Checkin**Trigger Time = -3 days (set the time you want to collect the payment)**Time Window = 3 days (set this to the same number (positive) as Trigger time. *Booking Source**BookingSource = Commission"You can have different auto actions/rules for direct bookings -v- channel bookings,then select ‘Direct’ this will include manually created bookings and booking page bookings.  *Booking Conditions**Group Booking Trigger = Trigger only Master**Status = All not cancelled**Invoice Balance= Not Zero (can be used to refine the auto action being triggered) Booking tab:Optional*Flag Text = Pending payment added (for example)*Flag Colour = select the colour as this will be visible in the Calendar/Bookings list Booking Info tab:Optional, for information and reporting*Booking Info Code = BALANCE (for example enter the value - use one word only)*Booking Info Text = Enter the description/text to show in for the Booking Info Code.  Invoice tab<div class="warning">{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} ONLY use Payment Type =‘ Percent of Group balance due’ if you selected Trigger tab > Booking Conditions > Group Booking Trigger = Trigger Only Master.</div>  *Add a Pending Payment to the booking**Payment Type = Percent of Group Balance due (select on what the payment is calculated) **Description = the text you will see in the "Charges and Payments" tab**Status = if you use the statusfunction add the status you want to apply to the pending payment (optional)**Amount = 100 (this will be 100% of the outstanding group balance) **Payment Rule = Not Cancelled - See Step 4 above (if you have set up payment rules in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PAYMENTS ->PAYMENT RULES they will be available here) **Payment Due = Trigger date**Payment time = set the time to collect payment**Invoicee = If you use the "invoicee" function you can select which invoicee the pending payment will be assigned to. </div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ===='Capture' a Security Deposit when Credit card is collected at time of booking. ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> Trigger tab: *Trigger Event = After Booking *Trigger Time = immediate*Booking Source =All (for example, you can also set different rules for different channels) Info Codes:Any Booking Info Code = CARDTOSTRIPE Invoice tab:*Payment Type = Fixed amount*Description = Security Deposit (the text you will see in the "Charges and Payments"tab)*Status = if you use the status function add the status you want to apply to the pending payment (optional)*Amount = 100 (balance is full price so 100% of the balance)*Payment Rule = Security Deposit (Create a Payment Rule, see below) *Payment Due = check in  <span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> Automatic collection is only available for customer who use [[Stripe]]. Create a Payment Rule to 'Capture' a payment only. Captured payments will only be valid for 7 days, then it will expire, if the booking is for a longer period,then you can create a second Capture, you will need to create another auto action for this. Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PAYMENTS > PAYMENT RULES Payment Rule :*Name = Enter your title - Security Deposit (for example)*Action = Auto Payment Trigger :*Booking Status = select from the drop down list*Any Booking Info Code = optional*All Booking Info Codes = optional*Exclude Booking Info Code = optional (can exclude Virtual Credit cards, find the Booking info code in the booking) Payment Action :*Capture = Yes/No - immediately charged (Capture=Yes), if you want to make sure that the amount is available for later capture (Capture=No) *Add info code on success = add a Booking Info item to the booking on success*Add info code on failure = add a Booking Info item to the booking on failure</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Apply an info code and and/or icon when a payment was made====</div><div class="qtymw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 365*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All but not cancelled*Invoice Balance = Any Payment made Booking Info tab:*Booking Info Code : Enter the preset code for the icon or info code which you have created in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT->PREFERENCES.*Booking Info Text : Enter the text you wish to show Process Template Variables : When created </div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse"> ====Automatically apply invoice number at check-out - ''Select from predefined templates'' ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">'''Trigger tab:''' *Trigger Event = Check-out*Trigger Time = Immediate*Time window = 1day Booking Conditions:*Status = Confirmed Info Codes:*Any Booking Info Code = CHECKOUT (optional only if you use the check-out function) '''Invoice tab:''' *Assign Invoice Number = yes</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Using Pending Payments as a Payment Reminder====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking or Before Check-in*Trigger Time = set the time you want to add the pending payment to the booking*Booking Source =All (for example,you can also set different rules for different channels) Booking Info tab:*Optional, add a booking info tab for information and reporting Booking tab:Optional*Flag Text = PaymentDue1 (for example), set multiple if multiple payments are required. *Flag Colour = select the colour as this will be visible in the Calendar/Bookings list Invoice tab:*Payment Type = select on what the payment is calculated (Percent of Balance due)*Description = the text you will see in the "Charges and Payments" tab*Status = if you use the status function add the status you want to apply to the pending payment (optional)*Amount = enter the amount or percentage you want to collect*Payment Rule = Manual - if you have set up payment rules in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT->PAYMENT COLLECTION they will be available here *Payment Due = Set when the payment is due The Pending Payment Report is available in Bookings > Pending Payments. This report can be used to see outstanding pending payments, this can be used to see all outstanding payments, when payment gateways other than Stripe are used, the Pending Payments report can be used to see outstanding payments and a checklist for bank transfers.  </div></div> ===Booking Flags/Colours=== <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Apply a flag when a booking is cancelled====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab*Trigger Event = Booking*Trigger Time = 1 Hour*Trigger Window = 365 days*Booking Status = Cancelled Booking tab:*Execution = One time only*Booking Status = No Change*Flag text = (enter the text you require)*Flag Colour = 999999 default cancel colour - (Set as required) </div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"price><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Apply a flag for a bookings from a channel which have breakfast included====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Booking Source = (for example)*Booking Field Contains - select "API Message"in the next field enter: meal_plan=Breakfast (or Extra Breakfast - use the text the channel uses) Booking tab: *Execution = One time only*Flag Text = The text you want to display*Flag Colour - choose the flag colour Booking changes are applied before the mail is sent so that the flag template variable can be reflected in the Email.</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Apply a flag for a bookings which has BREAKFAST as a charge item====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Booking Source = (for example)*Template Variable = [COMMISSIONNUMIF>:[INVOICEITEMBYDESC:Breakfast]:0:yes|no](Text for Breakfast has to match EXACTLY what is in the booking item Uppercase/Lowercase/Proper)*Select 'equal' from the selection box*yes (needs to be exactly the same text/upper/lowercase, as in the equation)  Booking tab:*Execution = One time only*Flag Text = Breakfast*Flag Colour - choose the flag colour Booking Info tab:*Booking Info Code = BREAKFAST*Booking Info Description = Breakfast included</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Apply a flag when deposit was made prior to Check-in====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab: *Trigger Event = Check-in*Trigger Time = -365 (for example : must be a negative value and the same as the value in Trigger window)*Trigger Window = 365*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All but not cancelled*Invoice Balance = Any Payment made Message tab:  *Send Email : select appropriate option*Enter : Subject and Email content Booking tab: (optional) *Execution = One time only*Flag Text = The text you want to display*Flag Colour - choose the flag colour Booking info tab : (optional) *Booking Info Code : DEPOSITPAID (for example)*Booking Info Text : additional text if required.  Setting details with the Booking tab and Booking info tab allows you to trigger additional (follow on) Auto Actions and Reports.</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Apply a flag when booking is fully paid====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 365*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All not cancelled*Invoice Balance = ZERO Booking tab:*Execution = One time only*Flag Text = The text you want to display*Flag Colour - choose the flag colour</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Apply a flag/colour for a booking coming from a certain channel - ''Select from the predefined template'' ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content",> '''Trigger tab:''' *Trigger Event = Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Booking Source = (for example) '''Booking tab:''' *Execution = One time only*Flag Text = The text you want to display*Flag Colour - choose the flag colour Booking changes are applied before the mail is sent so that the flag template variable can be reflected in the email.</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Apply a flag when NO payment is made - ''Select from the predefined template''====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> '''Trigger tab:''' *Trigger Event = Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 1 day Booking Source:*Booking Source = All Booking Conditions:*Booking Status = All not cancelled*Invoice Balance = No payment made '''Booking tab:''' *Execution = One time only*Flag Text = Not Paid*Flag Colour = fee0dd</div></div> <div class="vatRatemw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Apply a flag when a payment was made====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"><span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Also see Example : " Apply a flag when deposit was made prior to Check-in AND/OR Apply a flag when booking is fully paid"7.00 Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 365*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All not cancelled*Invoice Balance = Any Payment made Booking tab:*Execution = One time only*Flag Text = The text you want to display*Flag Colour - choose the flag colour</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Apply a flag when a payment FAILS at Stripe - ''Select from predefined template'' ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> '''Trigger tab:''' *Trigger Event = Booking (but not after check-in)*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 999 Booking Source:*Booking Source = All*Booking Status = All but not cancelled*Booking Info Code = STRIPEFAIL,CARDFAILSTRIPE '''Booking tab:''' *Execution = One time only*Flag Text = Stripe Payment Failed*Flag Colour - fee0dd</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Apply a flag to bookings and auto report the Credit Card when a payment FAILS at Stripe====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> Go to Settings > Channel Manager > Preferences and set Auto report failed cards = Yes '''Trigger tab:''' *Trigger Event = Booking (but not after checkout)*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 999 Booking Source:*Booking Source = Booking Conditions:*Booking Status = All not cancelled*Booking Info Code = BOOKINGCOMCARD '''Booking tab:''' *Execution = One time only*Flag Text = Failed CC reported to *Flag Colour - choose the flag colour</div></div> ===Status changes===<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="typeheadline-collapse"> ==== Change the status of all "Request" bookings to "Cancelled" after three days ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab*Trigger Event = Booking*Trigger Time = 3 days*Booking Status = Request Booking tab: *Execution = One time only*Booking Status = Cancelled</div></div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse"0> ==== Change the status of all bookings which have been imported from Ical to "Request" ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab:*Trigger Event = After Booking*Trigger Time = Immediate*Booking Source = Ical Import (1, 2, 3) Booking tab:*Execution = One time only*Booking Status = Request Booking changes are applied before the mail is sent.</div></div>  <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ==== Change Room Unit Status when guest checks out ====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Trigger tab*Trigger Event = Check-out*Trigger Time = Immediate*Trigger Window = 1 day*Booking Status = All but not cancelled*Any Booking Info Code = CHECKOUT Booking tab:*Execution = One time only*Change Room Unit Status = Select the option It is assumed you use the Checkin/Checkout feature in the Dashboard, if not you can either manually add Checkin to your bookings (Booking info tab) or create an auto action to add the Booking Info Codes to the bookings.</div></div> ===API/Webhook===<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class="headline-collapse" > ====Use API/Webhook to write to the field 'Message'====</div><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> You can use a webhook in conjunction with the API JSON function '''setBooking''' to write to any field in the booking. First you have to configure access to the API:  You need two keys to use our API JSON functions - one for the API itself and one for the property. The keys have to consist of 16 characters of your choosing.<br> '''API key:'''*{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT -> ACCOUNT->ACCESS "API Key 1"*API Key = my_very_secret_api_key*API Key Access = allow any IP*IP Whitelist = [leave empty]*Allow Writes = Yes*Property Access = Owned by this account only*'''Property key:'''*{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ACCESS > propKey = secret_key_for_prop_XXXXXX Set the triggers you need,for example: Booking Field Contains:Message = XXX Set the webhook like this* URL = <nowiki></nowiki>* Custom Header = [leave empty] Body Data::{::"invoiceeIdauthentication":::{:::"apiKey": "my_very_secret_api_key",:::"propKey": "secret_key_for_prop_XXXXXX"::},::"bookId": "[BOOKID]",::"message": "[MESSAGE]- Append this message"
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >
====Use API/Webhook to write the value of the 'commission' field to a new invoice item====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
You can create a new invoice item that contains the price of the channel's commission as a negative value to subtract it from the room price. You use the API JSON function '''setBooking''' for this. First you need to configure access to the API:
You need two keys to use our API JSON functions - one for the API itself and one for the property. The keys have to consist of 16 characters of your choosing.<br>
'''API key:'''
*API Key = my_very_secret_api_key
*API Key Access = allow any IP
*IP Whitelist = [leave empty]
*Allow Writes = Yes
*Property Access = Owned by this account only
*'''Property key:'''
*{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ACCESS> propKey = secret_key_for_prop_XXXXXX
Set the triggers you need, for example:
Booking Source =
Set the webhook like this:
*URL = <nowiki></nowiki>
*Custom Header = [leave empty]
*Body Data =
:::"apiKey": "my_very_secret_api_key",
:::"propKey": "secret_key_for_prop_XXXXXX"
::"bookId": "[BOOKID]",
::::"description": " Commission",
::::"status": "",
::::"qty": "1",
::::"price": "-[COMMISSIONNUM]",
::::"vatRate": "7.00",
::::"type": "0",
::::"invoiceeId": ""
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >
====Use Auto Action/Webhook to write to send data to Integromat====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
You can use this option to send data to your Integromat account.
Set the rules in the Trigger tab, when you need to send the data to Integromat.
Go to Webhook tab:
URL = followed by your integromat account key.
Body Data = you can use the template variables allows in the list for Integromat [[ Data fields]]
For example :-
===Testing for Modified bookings===
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="headline-collapse" >
====Use Template Variables to test for Modified bookings====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
You can test if the booking has been modified, adding a booking info code to the booking will then allow you to trigger other auto actions, run reports etc.
Trigger tab
*Trigger Event = Booking (but not after Check-in) OR Booking
*Trigger Time = 1 day (this will ensure that NEW bookings do not trigger this auto action)
*Time Window = 365 days
*Booking Status = All not cancelled
*Template Variables [IF>^[MODIFYDATE:{%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}]^[CURRENTDATE:-1day{%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}]^yes~no] equal yes
Booking tab: (Optional)
*Flag text = (enter the text you require)
*Flag Colour = Set as required
Booking Info tab : (optional)
*Booking Info Code = MODIFIED
*Booking Info Text = Booking modification


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