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1,348 bytes added, 15:10, 12 January 2022
'''You need to setup STRIPE Payment Gateway to use the details below.'''
'''Step 1 - Setup Booking Rules'''
*Normal Bookings - 30 days or more before check-in - Payment collection = 30%Booking Type = Confirmed with Deposit Payment 1- via payment gateway. *Near term Bookings
*Near term Bookings - 0-30 days with Payment Collection = 100%
Days in Advance = 30
Payment Booking Type = Confirmed with Deposit Payment 2- via payment gateway
'''Step 2 - Setup Payment Collection'''
*Deposit Payment 1 Percentage = 30%
*Deposit Payment 2 Percentage - 100%
'''Step 3 - Create Payment Rule ''' {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PAYMENTS -> PAYMENT RULE
Create a Payment Rule to collect payments if bookings are not cancelled.
'''Step 4 - Create New Payment Rule :'''
*Name = Enter your title - Not Cancelled (for example)
'''Step 5 - Create Auto Actions'''
(Suggest 2 auto actions created, 1- add pending payment and 2 - send email to guest on successful collection of payment)
'''Add Pending payment to the booking to collect payment 30 days before arrival '''
'''Auto Action #1- collect balance 30 days before check-in'''
(This auto action will add a pending payment to your bookings with the payment date 30 days before check-in)
'''Trigger tab:''' Time :
*Trigger Event = Booking
*Trigger Time = immediate
Booking Source:
*Booking Source =All (for example, you can also set different rules for different channels)
Booking Conditions:
*Invoice Balance = Not Zero
'''Invoice tab:'''
*Payment Type = Percent of balance due
*Description = the text you will see in the "Charges and Payments" tab (Payment Balance)
*Payment Due = check in -30
'''Auto Action #2 - Send email to guest to confirm receipt of payment'''
'''Trigger tab:''' Time:
*Trigger Event = Booking
*Trigger Time = Immediate
*Trigger Window = 365 day
Booking Conditions:
*Booking Status = All not cancelled
*Invoice Balance = Any Payment made OR Invoice Balance = Zero (payment in full)
'''Message tab''': For channels using the Message API, then enter the text in the Plain text box, for emails enter the text in the HTML box.  *Send Message = Booking API/Smart Email If the "Mail & Actions" tab contains a "real" Email address the message is sent to the guests Email address. If only a masked Email address is available the message sends via the channels API messaging systems if possible. If no connection to a messaging system is available the message will send to the Email address from the "Mail & Actions" tab of the Email. 
*Email Subject - enter the subject for your Guests
 *Email Text Plain text box - will send to channels using Message API Message text :- enter Enter the Email text you wish to send to your guests include template variableURL. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] You can use Invoice Template variables showing the booking charges/payments.[INVOICETABLE] will show all of the Charges/Payments. *HTML box - Email will be sent Email Text :- It is possible to use the same details (URL) as in the Plain Text box above. Template variables can be used [[Template_Variables| see here]] 
You can use Invoice Template variables showing the booking charges/payments.
[INVOICETABLE] will show all of the Charges/Payments.
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> If you are using deposit collection make sure you set {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PAYMENTS->PAYMENT COLLECTION "Non Payment Booking Status" = Request.


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