== '''Step 2'3'' - Rooms and Offers ==
*To set rooms up go to '{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS . A click on '''EDIT''' will open a field where you can set the name and quantity of "Rooms" of that type available.
If you copy a room all settings will be automatically applied to the copy. If you want to link prices between different rooms remove the prices before you copy the rooms.
== '''Step 34''' - Set your Prices ==
Without prices the system can not show availability.
*The booking rules for your rates and daily prices will determine which daily price or rate will be used.
== '''Step 45''' - Enter existing Bookings==
To avoid double bookings it is advisable to enter the bookings you already have. You have different options:
*If you are comfortable working with '''.csv''' you can upload bookings into Beds24 using our API (https://api.beds24.com). Bookings must have a checkin between 1 year in the past and 5 years in the future. You will see the instructions when you click on putBookingCSV (https://api.beds24.com/csv/putbookingscsv.php). To use the API you need to allow API access in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT > ACCOUNT ACCESS
== '''Step 56''' - Connect Payment Processor (optional)==
Connect a payment processor to automatically connect payments in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) >PAYMENTS > PAYMENT COLLECTION. [[Stripe|Stripe]] is our preferred partner who offers the best functionality.
== '''Step 67''' - Set up the Channel Manager (optional)==
Set up the [[:Category:Channel_Manager| channel manager]] to synchronise your sales channels.
== '''Step 78''' - Use your own E-mail address (optional)==
Set the system [[Outgoing_Email|use your own Email address for sending]] in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT >OUTGOING EMAIL.
Using your own E-mail address is mandatory if you want to use Auto Actions to automate work flows.
== '''Step 89''' - Check and Customise your Booking Page==
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE.
You have the option to fully customise the look and the content of your booking page. For an overview of your options please go to [[Customise Booking Page]].
== '''Step 910''' - Install a Booking Widget ==
Booking widgets connect your website to your booking page. There is a choice including booking buttons, booking boxes, booking strips, calendars. Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > BOOKING ENGINE > BOOKING WIDGETS. Choose the widget you want to use. If required you can customise the appearance. If you need help please click on the HELP button on the top rights of the widgets page.
Copy your widget to your website. To install the booking widgets on your web site you will need the ability to edit the HTML of your page. This may involve knowing the passwords for your web server and the ability to transfer your files. Your web hosting service should be able to provide information and assist you with this.
== '''Step 1011''' - Do some test bookings to check everything is working. ==
This is how you can check everything is working: