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Auto Actions

3,685 bytes added, 14:31, 7 April 2022
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To send an automated Email to the guest confirming that it is possible to have an Early Checkin a Late Checkout as room is available the day of before arrivaldeparture.
This example uses fixed values that you have entered into {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP > ROOM TEMPLATES and standard Template Variables set in the Property/Rooms, useful way to utilise the template variables and different values rather than duplicating auto actions.
*Booking info code = LATCHECKOUT,
*Booking Info Description = Upsell email sent [CURRENTDATE] :[ROOMTEMPLATE3][PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK] Late Checkout
====Send Email to your guest - Offering Late Checkout Only on a Sunday when there is no new arrival ====
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To send an automated Email to the guest confirming that it is possible to have an Late checkout as room is available on the day of departure.
This auto action will create a new booking for the date of departure, closing the calendar to any other bookings.
The URL link in the message tab, will send the guest to your guest booking page with set conditions, the leaving date of the existing booking, the room id of the existing booking and the Offer you have created for the LateCheckout.
This example uses fixed values that you have entered into {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP > ROOM TEMPLATES and standard Template Variables set in the Property/Rooms, useful way to utilise the template variables and different values rather than duplicating auto actions.
'''Step 1: ''' Create a new offer in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > OFFERS
*Name = Latecheckout
*Enable = Only if Available
*Booking Type = Confirmed with Deposit 2 - via payment gateway
'''Step 2:''' Create a Rate or Daily Price, PRICES
Guests = Max Occupancy
Max Stay = 1
Offer = select the offer number as created in the above step.
If you are using Rates, select 'Rate allowed' = Sunday, untick all the other days.
Channel Tab, untick all channels, leave only '' for your booking page.
If using Daily Prices, then go to Calendar, and set the price and date range, then only Sunday, untick all the other days.
Enable list, untick all channels, leave only '' for your booking page.
'''Step 3: ''' Create the Auto Action
Trigger Tab :-
*Trigger Event = Checkout
*Trigger Time = -1 days (depending on when you want to notify the guest, in this example 2 days before arrival)
*Trigger Window = 1
*Booking Source = All
*Booking Status = All but not cancelled
*Between Booking and Check in = 2 and 999 (to stop the auto action triggering on the new booking)
*Group bookings = Trigger all on master
*Template Variables = [IF=:[LEAVINGDAY:{%a}]:Sun:|[IF>=^[TURNOVERDAYS]^1^yes~no]] equal yes
This template variable tests if the departure day is a Sunday and there is at least 1 day between the existing guest booking and the next booking.
Message tab :-
*Send Email = Guest API/Smart Email (or one of the other options)
*EMail Subject = Enter the appropriate details
*Email Text = Your text, using the template variables to modify the specific text in the booking. Enter the text in both Plain text Box (Messaging API) and HTML Box (Emails)
We are very happy to offer you 'Late Check-out' at [PROPERTYNAME] at the exceptional rate of [ROOMTEMPLATE3][PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK].
If you would like a late checkout, please use this link to make the booking and payment.[LEAVINGDAYYYYY-MM-DD]&br7-[ROOMID]
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> The details in the URL, will direct the guest to make a new booking in the existing room with the check-in date = leaving date and for Offer 7 &br-7 (offer created in Step 1 above)
Enter your Booking Reservation Number [BOOKID] into the Booking id box on the booking page.
Best regards,
Website :- [PROPERTYWEB]
Booking Info Tab :- Optional
*Booking info code = LATCHECKOUT,
*Booking Info Description = Upsell email sent [CURRENTDATE]: Late Checkout


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