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5,431 bytes added, 17:43, 29 May 2022
Created page with "Category:Channel Manager Category:Troubleshooting <div class="heading">Marriott Homes & Villas - Coming soon! Contact us if you are interested in using this connectio..."
[[Category:Channel Manager]]
<div class="heading">Marriott Homes & Villas - Coming soon! Contact us if you are interested in using this connection. </div>

This page is about the menu {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > MARRIOTT HOMES & VILLAS and explains how to connect with Marriott Homes and Villas.

<div style="display:none">

= Capabilities =
Beds24 can
*Create listings on Marriott Homes & Villas
*Update content to Marriott Homes & Villas
*Export availability

For details [ click here].

= Limitations =
Your properties need to meet Marriotts critieria

-> find out what the customer needs to do (Annette)

= Before you connect =

Marriott supports one price per day (Per Day Pricing). In {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > MARRIOTT HOMES & VILLAS > SPECIFIC CONTENT you can set for how many persons the price we send applies and also set an extra person price.

If you have multiple prices activated for Marriott with different minimum stays the system will send the price with the lowest minimum stay. Of the ones with the lowest minimum stay the one with the highest occupancy will be used.

If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices your daily price needs to be set for the max occupancy and the "Extra Person" price needs to be added with a negative value so the price for the full occupancy can send.


'''Extras and Taxes'''

"Upsell Items" can not be exported.

'''Properties, rooms and room types'''

A property in Marriott is a room in Beds24. The name sent is:
*For properties with one unit: property name from {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > DESCRIPTION and pictures from the property will send.
*For properties with more than one unit type: the names from {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS > DESCRIPTION and the room pictures will send.

---> This is more like Google for Vacation Rentals

If you sell rooms/renatls individually at another channel or your own web site and want to sell them here as a "roomtype" with a quantity of more than one you can [[Combine_individual_rooms_into_a_roomtype|set up virtual rooms]].

= Setup =
To use the connection you will need to sign up with Marriott Homes & Villas.

If you already Marriott Homes & Villas you will need to contact Marriott and ask them to create a new HMCID for Beds24 for your. After you have created your new listings from Beds24 Marriott will be able to attach your historic bookings to your new listings.

== Create listings on Marriott Homes & Villas==

'''Step 1 - Enter your Marriott HMCID''

Get your user ID from Marriott
*Click on "Enter Marriott User ID"
*Enter your HMCIDit in the field "User ID" and press

'''Step : Enter channel specific content'''

Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > MARRIOTT > SPECIFIC CONTENT where you can adjust specific settings and add content information.

'''Step - Check if your content meets Marriotts requirements'''

Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > MARRIOTT > VIEW CONTENT to revise which data will send to Marriott. Any settings which do not meet Marriotts requirements are highlighted on red. Click on the links to go to the settings where you can fix the problems.

<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> If you see a red button "Fix Content Errors" your listing does not meet Marriotts requirements. Click on the button to get to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > MARRIOTT> VIEW CONTENT.

'''Step - Check which prices will send'''
Click on the "Actual Data" link to check which prices and availability will send. If you see no prices or no availability in the list check your have prices which are activated for Marriott.

'''Step - Add a multiplier to your prices (optional)'''

If you want to add a multiplier to your prices add a * followed by the multiplier number.

The multiplier applies to all prices and fees which are sent.

For example a hotel id setting *1.23' will multiply all prices by 1.23 sent (i.e. raised by 23%). Lower prices can be sent with a multiplier less than 1, i.e. *0.85 will send a price 85% of the normal price (i.e. lowered by 15%)

To convert the price of bookings imported add a * after the multiplier, for example *1.23* will divide the price of the booking by 1.23.

You can also use currency conversion template variable. All currencies supported by the booking page currency selector can be used.

For example *[CONVERT:IDR-EUR] will convert Indonesian Rupees to Euros.

'''Step : Check the currency setting is correct'''

'''Step : Export to Marriott'''

When your content meets Marriotts requirements you can click "Export'''.

'''Step 5: Check that the connection is working properly'''

#Click on "View actual data and check the prices you see there are as you expect
#Allow a bit of time for Marriott do process the data you have sent then click on "Update". If Marriott returns an error message scroll down to the "Troubleshooting" section to see why Marriott sends the error and how to fix it. If you receive an error which is not listed below send us a support ticket.

== Update existing listings on Marriott==

= Troubleshooting =

= Disconnect =
Set "Enable" = Disable. Beds24 will then stop data exchange.

To entirely terminate the connection ???????

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