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Airbnb Mapping

2 bytes added, 12:43, 31 October 2023
If you have "Early Bird" or "Last Minute" prices which are activated for Airbnb these will automatically send. Airbnb will not mark these as promotions though.
In {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > SPECIFIC CONTENT you can set:*A discount for 2 or more days, weekly or monthly. Use either the discounts for the number of days or month/week , but not both because the discount per days day will override the discount per week/month. *A discount for "Non Refundable" bookings. If you select a sync type "Limited," you can set a non-refundable discount in your Airbnb extranet. *Early Bird and Last Minute Discounts which Airbnb will mark as promotions.
You can also create"Pricing Rules" directly in Airbnb , but we recommend you set all prices in Beds24 to avoid confusion.
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Early bird or Last Minute offer are only marked as promotions if the price drops at least 10% from what Airbnb define defines as the last 30 days median price. If you use both early bird and last minute and want to remove one , you will need to remove both because Airbnb will only remove them together. After you have clicked "Update" to send the change , you can reactivate the one you want to keep.
Please refer to Airbnb for more information on [ how Airbnb calculates discounts3421#:~:text=There%20may%20be%20a%20few,other%20discounts%20or%20promotions].
==Fees and taxes==


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