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36 bytes added, 23:14, 8 January 2024
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You can create a special booking page which can be used to sell your property at different prices. This can be used for example if you have agents selling your property.
By creating different rates prices with and without the agent channel activated you can show different prices depending on the URL which opens the booking page and you will see in the "referrer" field in the booking on which agent page the booking was made. In the "Charges and Payments" tab of the booking you will see name of the agent price which was booked.
== Create an agent page==
Go to PRICES-> DAILY PRICE SETUP click on "Edit" and activate the daily price for Beds24 - agents. If you have created multiple agent codes enter the code or codes of the agents you want to apply the price to in the field "Agent Codes".
*Using RatesFixed Prices:Go to PRICES -> RATES FIXED PRICES and open an existing rate Fixed Price you want to use or add a new rate. Fixed Price Enter the prices and conditions which apply to the agent in the tab "Summary". Change to the tab "Channels" untick "Beds24" and tick Beds24.- agents" to apply this rate Fixed Price only to the agent. If you have created multiple agent codes enter the code or codes of the agents you want to apply the price to in the field "Agent Codes".
= Login for agents =

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