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Expedia Mapping

71 bytes added, 10:57, 9 January 2024
no edit summary
*If your price model is "Per Day Pricing" you will need a price for the maximum room occupancy. Example: If maximum number of guests is 4 you need a ROOM price for four guests. Prices for 1, 2 or 3 guests are not sent.
*If your price model is "Per Occupancy Pricing" rates can send a price for Single (1 guest), Double (2 guests) and a room price (for the number of guests you have defined in the rate). If you have more than 3 occupancy levels you can set up additional rates fixed prices or daily prices in Beds24 for each occupancy level and map them in the channel settings of the rate or the daily price.
**If you use daily prices you can set the rate code under "Enable" in the Daily Price settings (PRICES >DAILY PRICE RULES)
**If you use rates fixed prices go to the "Channels" tab of the ratefixed price.
The end selling price on Expedia may be different to the price sent, please check if your Expedia account is set for "Sell Rate" or "Net Rate" type and adjust the prices accordingly.
A common cause of this error is not having a valid price for the room in Beds24 on the affected dates.
Any date without a price will be closed in Beds24 and we will send an inventory of zero to Expedia.
*Make sure you have valid rates prices for the mentioned dates and no bookings from other sources
*Beds24: change your inventory to send the allotment you have guaranteed Expedia (e.g. by removing bookings from other sources)
*Expedia: Ask Expedia to remove the guaranteed allotment
*Go to Prices > Channel Mapping enter the Rate id in the Search box and click on the Rate and make sure the correct rate id is selected from the 'get codes' list.
*Scroll to Rate id and click 'get codes' ensure you select a valid code from the list.
*Open your rates fixed prices (Channel Tab) and make sure the correct Expedia rate id is selected from the 'get codes' list.
*Open your daily prices (Enable list) and make sure the correct Expedia rate id is selected from the 'get codes' list.
'''Non-existent rate plan and rate level pair provided'''
You can only update IDs which you see when you click on "Get Codes". Check all codes entered in SETTINGS-CHANNEL MANAGER-EXPEIDA, the "Channels" tab of your rates fixed prices(if rates fixed prices are used) and your daily prices.
'''Inactive rate plan for restriction or rate updated'''
You are sending a wrong rate plan id. Check your rate plan ids in SETTINGS->CHANNEL MANAGER->EXPEDIA and in the "Channels" tab of your ratesfixed prices/daily prices. Please use the function 'get codes' and only use the rate ids from the drop-down list.
'''MinLOS value (x) exceeds Extranet auto-approval threshold (y) for length of stay.'''
Expedia is not accepting the minimum stay you are sending because you have a maximum stay in your Expedia extranet which is lower than the minimum stay you are sending. You have 2 options fix this:
1. Log into your Expedia extranet and raise or remove the maximum stay.
2. Set the "Maximum Stay" in the rates fixed prices you are sending to Expedia to 28 or lower.
'''Access denied'''
'''Inventory date 201x-xx-xx; Room Type ID xxxxxx; Rate Plan ID xxxxxx ; Inactive Rate Plan'''
You are trying to update an inactive rate plan. You can only map rate plans which are available when you click on "Get Codes". Please remove this ID from SETTINGS->CHANNEL MANAGER->EXPEDIA and/or the "Channels" tab in your rates fixed prices and daily prices.
'''Rate Plan ID XXXXXXX Occupancy X; Occupancy exceeds maximum allowed value'''
'''The restrictions of restrictionId are derived and cannot be updated ''' OR '''The rates of rateId are derived and cannot be updated'''
Your rates fixed prices have restrictions that are linked in Expedia therefore Expedia does not allow us to update them. Contact Expedia support and ask them to remove all linkages for restrictions.
'''7028 (India only)'''
=== What to do when I receive an overbooking?===
*Check if you are receiving error messages by email or in the potential issues menu. Error messages need to be addressed immediately because they can mean the channel manger manager is able to make updates.
*Entering the same Expedia room code in multiple rooms in Beds24 can cause overbookings. Check your set up for warnings.


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