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Hostel and Retreat Setup

404 bytes added, 5 April
If you plan to sell your dorm Beds on a booking channel, then please check the specific requirements for pricing and dependencies to ensure you meet their requirements.
==Channels/OTA pricing requirements==
|Per Occupancy Pricing
|Price for = 1 person, no "Extra Person Price" (leave default 0.00)|Enter Bed /person Price in the calendar
|Per Day Pricing
|Price for = up to 1 person, no "Extra Person Price" (leave default 0.00)|Enter Bed /person Price in the calendar
'''Property Type Group''' = boutique_hotels_and_more
Guests Included = 1
{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > MAPPING > Sync Type = Limited
|Per Occupancy Pricing
|Price for = 1 person, no "Extra Person Price" (leave default 0.00)|Enter Bed /person Price in the calendar |{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > SPECIFIC CONTENT > '''LISTING DETAILS >'''
'''Property Type Group''' = boutique_hotels_and_more
'''Listing Type''' = Shared room
'''Bathroom Shared''' = Choose one of the options with shared bathroom (CAN NOT BE PRIVATE)
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:coglightbulb}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB > SPECIFIC CONTENT > PRICING </span>Guests Included If you use Pricing Model = 1Per Occupancy Pricing, Extra Person Price = Bed pricethen Airbnb does not limit the number of guests based on the inventory sent from Beds24. 
|Per Day Pricing
|Price = 1 person, no "Extra Person Price" (leave default 0.00)|Enter Bed /person Price in the calendar
|Per Day Pricing
|Price = Max Occupancy
|Enter Bed /person Price in the calendar |Send Support ticket, requesting the Pricing Model at is changed to Standard.
|Price = Max Occupancy
|Enter Bed /person Price in the calendar
|'''Private Room''' - Daily Price = Price For = Max Occupancy (The price paid by the guest is the bed price multiplied by the number of beds in the private room)
'''Number of Beds ''' - select the number of beds in the room if they are different from the Max number of guests.
If the room has a double bed, this will be 1 bed, not 2 to match the number of guests.
|Price = Max Occupancy
|Enter Bed /person Price in the calendar
|'''Private Room''' - Daily Price = Price For = Max Occupancy (The price paid by the guest is the bed price multiplied by the number of beds in the private room)
'''Number of Beds ''' - select the number of beds in the room if they are different from the Max number of guests.
If the room has a double bed, this will be 1 bed, not 2 to match the number of guests.


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