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49 bytes added, 08:43, 23 January 2024
no edit summary
*Set the " Rate Type" to '''Per Occupancy Pricing'''.
*If you use daily prices a price for each date and occupancy will be sent. Multiple occupancy prices can send on each rate plan. Extra person price in the daily price will send.
*If you use Fixed Prices 1 person, 2 person and room price will send. Room price will send for specified occupancy. Multiple rates fixed prices with different occupancies can send on same rate plan. Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" and discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of the Fixed Prices can not be sent.
2. '''Per Day Pricing (Standard)''' - If your " Rate Type" is Per Day Pricing you will need a price for the maximum room occupancy.
'''Rate is not active''' or '''RATE_NOT_ACTIVE''' or '''RATE_NOT_ACTIVE_FOR_ROOM''' or '''RATE_DOES_NOT_EXIST'''
You do not have an active rate id with this number.
*Please double check your rates fixed prices and daily prices and select a valid rate id from the list in 'get codes'. You can only send prices for active rate codes.
*Go to Prices > Channel Mapping enter the Rate id in the Search box and click on the Rate and make sure the correct rate id is selected from the 'get codes' list.
*Open your rates fixed prices (Channel Tab) and make sure the correct rate id is selected from the 'get codes' list.
*Open your daily prices (Enable list) and make sure the correct rate id is selected from the 'get codes' list.
'''Rate does not exist''' or '''RATE_DOES_NOT_EXIST'''
You do not have an active rate id with this number.
*Please double-check your rates fixed prices and daily prices and select a valid rate id from the list in 'get codes'. You can only send prices for active rate codes. *Open your rates fixed prices (Channel Tab) and make sure the correct rate id is selected from the 'get codes' list.
*Open your daily prices (Enable list) and make sure the correct rate id is selected from the 'get codes' list.
*Go to Prices > Channel Mapping enter the Rate id in the Search box and click on the Rate and make sure the correct rate id is selected from the 'get codes' list.
Your codes are not correctly mapped. Check you have entered the right mapping codes.
You have added a number which is not a valid rate id into the field in the "Channels" tab of a rate/daily price.
*Open your rates fixed prices (Channel Tab) and make sure the correct rate id is selected from the 'get codes' list.
*Open your daily prices (Enable list) and make sure the correct rate id is selected from the 'get codes' list.
*Go to Prices > Channel Mapping enter the Rate id in the Search box and click on the Rate and make sure the correct rate id is selected from the 'get codes' list.
Your codes are not correctly mapped. Check you have entered the right mapping codes.
You have added a number which is not a valid rate id into the field in the "Channels" tab of a rate/daily price.
*Open your rates fixed prices (Channel Tab) and make sure the correct rate id is selected from the 'get codes' list.
*Open your daily prices (Enable list) and make sure the correct rate id is selected from the 'get codes' list.
*Go to Prices > Channel Mapping enter the Rate id in the Search box and click on the Rate and make sure the correct rate id is selected from the 'get codes' list.


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