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'''Daily Prices (recommended)'''
Daily Prices are prices for one date. Daily prices are easy to manage and are the best choice for most customers. Multiple prices per date can be defined for example for different minimum stays or different offers. Please find more information on the help page for [ daily prices].
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Fixed Prices have a start and end date so they apply to a range of dates. Fixed Prices contain many rules about the conditions that must apply to make them available.
Use Fixed Prices instead of Daily p=ricesprices:
*If your prices are fixed ahead and you do not want to adjust them and you have none or few seasons
*If you want to allow guest to enquire when no price can be found but the room is not fully booked
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> If you use Fixed Prices you do not need to set up Daily Prices for every day. If required you can use a Daily Price to adjust the prices for an individual date or date range.
*You can use Daily Prices to override the a Fixed Price for a few individual dates. If you you often adjust prices use Daily Prices only.*You can add a Gap Filler to fill gaps when using daily prices with minimum stays is required
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> Rules in Fixed Prices have no effect on daily prices.


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