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VRBO Setup

97 bytes added, 16:59, 19 March 2024
*Follow the steps.
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > VRBO > ACCOUNT and click 'Generate VRBO Software id' button. This will automatically generate your "Vrbo Software User ID" which you can always see in in Beds24 under {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > VRBO > ACCOUNT / > MAPPING.
Vrbo defines the currency you can use for your Vrbo account. Make sure this currency is set in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > VRBO > ACCOUNT and is used in all properties in this Beds24 account. If you use a different currency in Beds24 you can set a multiplier in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > VRBO > MAPPING. Click on HELP <span style="color:#007bff;“ >{{#far:question-circle}} </span> in the top right of this page for detailed instructions.


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