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Category:Daily Prices

60 bytes added, 14:57, 22 March 2024
no edit summary
==Limitations ==
You can set up to 16 Daily Prices per room prices. First you set up Daily Price Rules. The actual prices are then entered in PRICES > DAILY PRICES or in the CALENDAR where you can quickly adjust them, if required on a daily basis.
This [ setup wizard] guides you though the setup.
<embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo>
Daily prices for past dates are not stored. If you need daily prices for reference you can download them to a .csv file via our API.
== Rules for Daily Prices ==
This [ setup wizard] guides you through the setup.
<embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo>
Click on "Edit".
The name you enter will be displayed in the CALENDAR. You can set the "Price For" the "Minimum Stay".
=== "Extra Person" and "Extra Child" prices(optional) ===
A zero value disables the extra person function.
b) A negative value will be deducted for each guest less than the "Price For" setting for the Daily Price. TheDaily Pricewill The Daily Price will not be available for more than the Daily Price "Price For" value.
i.e. One person booking a Daily Price set for two people will receive one extra person discount. Three people cannot book this Daily Price.
If you need aDaily a Daily Price for Extra Personprice, but do not want to charge for Children, then set the Extra Child price to 0.01. Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) -> PROPERTIES -> BOOKING RULES -> PRICING -> PRICE ROUNDING select -0.10 from the list. This will remove the extra children price from the calculation
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> <span style="font-weight: bold;" >Tip</span> Extra Person Price can be sent to the channels that accept Extra Person Prices.


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