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Do the initial Setup

1,028 bytes added, 14:05, 13 May 2024
*Go to ACCOUNT and complete your details
 *Go to ACCOUNT > PREFERENCES and check the settings in for your account Control Panel.
Most of the settings can be left with the default value, for more information on each setting, use (?) for the context help.
If you want to send Emails from Beds24, then you need to setup your outgoing email.
*Go to ACCOUNT > OUTGOING EMAIL and for instructions please use the context help (? icons) and click on HELP (? icon right) of this page.
By default Email notifications about new bookings and system notifications are sent to the Administrator Email address from SETTINGS -> ACCOUNT ACCESS.
If you have multiple properties you can set SETTINGS -> ACCOUNT -> HOST NOTIFICATIONS > Booking notification emails sent to"=Administrator and Cc: Property' to send a copy of the confirmation to the property. The Email address used is the one entered in SETTINGS-> PROPERTIES-> DESCRIPTION
System notifications are error messages, answers to support tickets and other messages which are not directly related to a booking.
We recommend you use different Email addresses to send and receive because some Email programmes (i.E. gmail) hide incoming Email if they are from the same Email address.
*If you want to use a language other than English on your booking page, go to ' {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > INTERNATIONALIZATION and tick the ones you want to use. If you enable more than one language you will see tabs for each language in your descriptions, information on your booking page and notifications. Descriptions have to be entered in each language tab.


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