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Do the initial Setup

18 bytes removed, 15:02, 13 May 2024
=== Views and Settings ===
*To setup the look of your Control Panel go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT > PREFERENCES and check the settings for your account Control Panel.
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}}</span> Most of the settings can be left with the default value, for more information on each setting, use (?) for the context help.
If you want to send Emails from Beds24, then you need to setup your outgoing email.
*Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT > OUTGOING EMAIL and for instructions please use the context help (? icons) and click on HELP (? icon right) of this page.
=== Host Notifications ===
Access including API and security settings can be managed from this menu.
*Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT > ACCOUNT ACCESS >**Change Password**Administrator Email address**Additional Login**2Factor Authentication**API Keys
=== Privacy ===
Privacy rules for data management should be managed from this menu. We provide settings that allow you to control how your guest's data is stored in Beds24.
*Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) >ACCOUNT > PRIVACY click (?) for more information.
=== Billing ===
=== Booking Page Languages ===
*If you want to use a language other than English on your booking page, go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > INTERNATIONALIZATION and tick the ones you want to use. If you enable more than one language you will see tabs for each language in your descriptions, information on your booking page and notifications. Descriptions have to be entered in each language tab.
== '''Step 2''' - Create properties and rooms==


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